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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83

After settling the bill, Patrick turned around and glanced at Gabriel coldly. “You should say this to


With that, Patrick turned around and followed Robert out.

Gabriel was so angry that his face darkened. “Patrick, if you’re a man, don’t drag Violet into this

because of what happened between us. She’s not a smooth-talking woman like Gloria! She’ll get hurt!”

Patrick stopped when he heard this.

He turned to look at Gabriel and said, “The person who will hurt her is you, Gabriel. Discipline your

cousin. Don’t let her bite other people everywhere like a mad dog!”

Yvonne’s eyes instantly widened as she stared at Patrick in disbelief.

Gabriel’s face darkened. “Patrick, I will discipline her even if you don’t say it. You should also pay

attention to your actions. I’m warning you not to cross the line. Violet is different from Gloria! Even if

she’s an employee of your company, she won’t become your girlfriend!”

Hearing this, Robert sneered. He was right. She wasn’t his girlfriend. She had already become his wife.

Gabriel stared at Robert gloomily. Robert looked over fearlessly.

When Patrick heard Gabriel put the names Violet and Gloria together, he subconsciously frowned.

“Gabriel, you’re not qualified to teach me what to do and how to do it!”

Patrick left without looking back.

Gabriel was so angry that the flames in his heart surged. He shouted angrily, “Patrick, this time, I won’t

let you be as smug as you were six years ago!”

Patrick didn’t stop walking, but Robert turned around and sneered. “Beast, don’t always try to mess

with Patrick. It’s so annoying! No matter what, he’s much better than you in every way!”

12:23 Wed, Jan 17 G

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Chapter 831

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Gabriel was so angry that his face turned ashen. Robert had already left with Patrick. He couldn’t

possibly chase after Robert and fight with him.

He turned around, glanced at Yvonne, and said, “Idiot!” before leaving.

Violet was smart. She could tell that Patrick wanted to distance himself from her on this business trip.

She went straight to her room after she returned to Hersey Court, trying to avoid Patrick seeing her in

the room.

However, not long after she returned to her room, she heard a knock on the door.

She opened the door and saw Patrick standing at the door expressionlessly

was about to continue knocking.

as if

A trace of surprise flashed across Violet’s face.

She thought that Patrick was here to denounce her again. After all, he had just returned to

Summerwood City when he saw she was involved with Gabriel.

She immediately said, “Mr. Hersey, I can explain about what happened in Moonlight Pavilion!”

A strange look flashed across Patrick’s eyes. He thought of how carefree she was when playing

billiards, so he did not interrupt her. “Okay!” Patrick only said softly.

Violet quickly explained, “I played billiards with him today only to clear a grudge. I hit Yvonne

previously, and he came to stand up for her. I chose a more peaceful way to deal with it! Mr. Hersey, I

didn’t forget your instructions before and kept a distance from him!”

Patrick raised his eyebrows and looked at her. He said, “I forgot to tell you. I saw the video of you

playing billiards. I didn’t think you…from your reaction at that time, kept a distance from him!”

Violet frowned. “If I didn’t play with him back then, he wouldn’t have let me leave. I ended the game in

one go and was already trying hard to leave.

12:23 Wed, Jan 17 G.

Chapter 83

Can’t you tell it, Mr. Hersey?”

Patrick looked emotionless and his gaze was heavy, but he did not say


Violet could not help but speak again, Could it be that you want me to fight him for real?”

Patrick did not expect her to say that.

He looked surprised. “You can fight?”

Violet subconsciously shook her head. “No!”

As soon as she finished speaking, Patrick’s phone rang.

Patrick took it out slowly and found a message and a video from Robert.


Robert said, [Patrick, I know why Violet would play billiards with Gabriel. She hit Yvonne before, so

Gabriel came to settle the score with her!]

When Patrick saw this message, he glanced at Violet and clicked on the video.

A familiar voice came from the video.

“You want to hit me?”

“Let go of me. Who do you think you are? How dare you treat me like


Hearing the familiar voice, Violet’s face turned red.

She never expected the video of her beating up Yvonne would be recorded and circulated to Patrick.

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This was simply exposing herself in front of her!

Patrick looked up at Violet playfully. “You can’t fight?”

Violet’s exquisite little face flushed red. “I… She was the one who attacked first. I was forced to do so!”

12:23 Wed, Jan 17 G.

Chapter 83


Patrick curled his lips. He seemed to be in a good mood. “This can’t be an excuse for you to lie!”

Violet simply stopped talking. The more she spoke, the more wrong she


Patrick did not continue to make things difficult for her. Instead, he took out a card and handed it to her.

“This is for you!”

Violet frowned. “Mr. Hersey, what does this mean?”

Patrick did not want to explain further and stuffed the card into her pocket. “Take it if I give it to you!”

Violet took out the card and stuffed it into Patrick’s suit pocket. “Sorry, Mr. Hersey, I can’t take it!”

Patrick’s expression was a little dark. “You don’t want to take it. So, do you want Skyler to treat you

when you win the award?”

Violet was stunned. She immediately understood what Patrick meant by giving her the card.

Violet explained, “Mr. Hersey, this is a gathering of the design department. It has nothing to do with me

winning the award. If I need to treat everyone, I will take the initiative to invite everyone. I have money,

and it’s enough for me to spend. I appreciate your kindness, Mr. Hersey. Moreover, I’m afraid I’ll think

much about it if I take your money!”

Patrick frowned. “What do you mean?”

Violet looked up at Patrick, and a hint of playfulness flashed across her eyes. “Men usually only spend

money on their mothers and women they love. So, Mr. Hersey, what kind do you think I am?”