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My Wife Is An All-Around Expert by Elton Joe

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97

Patrick saw that Ab bie, who had asked Violet to customize the jewelry, had also been drugged!

This made Patrick believe Nelson’s words that the problem with the wine was caused by the Fuller

family’s enemy.

After all, the Fuller family wanted Abel to marry Ab bie. If A bbie had also been drugged, it was very

likely that this matter was targeted at the Fuller family.

Patrick was staring at the name list when he heard Violet say, “Mr. Hersey, this is the printed design

draft. I will draw the original draft as soon as possible!

Patrick turned to Violet. “What do you think about what happened last night?”

At that, Violet was slightly stunned. Her expression was a little unnatural, but she quickly said, “I

planned to tell you about this in the first place. I suspect that Ab bie did it because last night, I only

drank the wine she handed me! Moreover, she and Eleanor are best friends. I even splashed wine on

Eleanor last night. It makes sense if Ab bie did this because she wanted to avenge Eleanor!”

At that moment, Violet remembered what Megan had said, advising her to keep her distance from A

bbie. Violet was increasingly suspicious of Ab bie, especially with her offering drinks and expressing

apologies and gratitude. Ab bie’s motives seemed far from pure

However, when Patrick heard Violet’s words, he said, “Abb ie was also drugged.”

Violet was stunned for a second as if she did not understand what Patrick meant. “What did you say?”

Patrick’s eyes flashed as he repeated, “Ab bie’s situation last night was the same as yours. There was

something wrong with the wine she drank. Moreover, it wasn’t just you and her. Several people who left

early last night had something wrong with the wine. I have a preliminary suspicion

Chapter 97

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that the person was targeting the Fuller family, and you were so close to Abel last night!”

Violet was completely dumbfounded. She was originally very suspicious of Abbic, but now, she heard

that Ab bie had also been drugged.

When Violet heard Patrick’s words, she became confused. “I see…”

If something had happened to Violet alone, she could say that it was Abb ie who did it. But now,

something had happened to Ab bie herself!

Most importantly, there were others who had been drugged. This made the entire matter filled with


Seeing that Violet was in a daze, Patrick said, “If the person doesn’t have a grudge against the Fuller

family, there’s no need to cause such a huge. commotion at Mrs. Fuller’s birthday banquet. The person

behind all this has caused quite a stir and has drugged many people. Those who can’t uncover the

mastermind will surely harbor resentment against the Fuller family in the future!”

Violet’s expression darkened. She looked up at Patrick. “Could it be to divert attention?”

Patrick’s pupils constricted. “What did you say?”

Violet took a deep breath. “I’m saying that someone wants to take revenge on one of us, but they don’t

want everyone to find out. Therefore, the person tampered with a portion of the wine. If many people

are drugged, everyone will naturally think that the person is targeting the Fuller family.

“By doing so, not only can the person divert everyone’s investigation direction, but everyone won’t

suspect him or her! Moreover, the

mastermind can better hide himself or herself! It’s even possible that the mastermind himself or herself

has been drugged too. This way, he or she can better confuse everyone’s vision!”

Patrick’s face darkened significantly. “Are you suggesting that the culprit might be trying to divert

attention away from themselves?”

Violet pursed her lips. “I just made a guess!”

Chapter 97

Patrick was silent for a few seconds before saying, “So, you’re still suspecting Ab bie, right?”

Violet did not confirm or deny it. She said, “I can’t rule out any possibility!”

Patrick looked at Violet and felt that the longer he knew her, the less he understood her.

Patrick said, “No matter which possibility it is, we have to produce. evidence. Nelson said that the

waiter who tampered with the wine disappeared last night. We have to wait until he finds him!”

Violet nodded and did not say anything else.

Patrick took the printed design draft from her hand. “I’m going out for a while. Hurry up and draw the

original draft!”

After Patrick left, Violet went upstairs to draw the design draft.

At the same time, at the Fuller residence.

The Fuller family had long known about what happened last night and had been in a terrible fix the

entire morning. They called each family affected by the drug to apologize.

Abel walked out of the study with a tired look on his face. He never thought that something like this

would happen at his mother’s birthday


It was a normal birthday banquet, but it ended up like this!

Abel had only taken two steps when he saw the guest room door open.

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Abb ie walked out of the room with a pale face. When she saw Abel, her eyes turned red!

There were obvious hi ckeys on Abb ie’s neck and her lips were broken. It was obvious how intense the

battle last night was.

Abel glanced at Ab bie, then looked away and walked out as if he didn’t know her.

Chapter 17

Tears welled up in Ab bie’s eyes. She clenched her fists tightly. This time, not to mention Abel, the

entire Fuller family would not want her to marry Abel.

A bbie never expected things to turn out this way.

Actually. Violet’s guess was right.

Abb ie was the one who caused so many people to be drugged last night.

Ab bie’s goal was to prevent anyone from finding out that this matter had something to do with her!

As for the waiter who tampered with the drinks, he had used a fake name to begin with. Before the

banquet ended, A bbie had already arranged for him to be on a plane and leave the country.

Under such circumstances, it would be extremely difficult to find out.


Moreover, Ab bie had also been drugged, so no one would suspect her.

However, the fact that Ab bie had been drugged was part of her plan.

Abb ie felt uncomfortable and quickly told Abel’s mother about this.