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Outcast: The Alpha King’s Beloved

Chapter 135
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Skylar’s POV:

The expression on Jerome’s face was very strange, as if he was in some kind of trance.

An unknown dread filled my stomach.

Sure enough, my intuition was right.

Something was deeply wrong.

When I saw Linda appear with that child, my heart skipped a beat.

I already suspected that she might be Jerome’s ex-girlfriend.

It turned out that I was right.

But if that was the case, then who was the child with her? As if to answer my unasked question, the

little boy named Andy called Jerome his dad.

I heard it with my own ears.

I stood rooted to the spot, feeling like I was struck by a thunderbolt.

I had never imagined that Jerome’s ex-girlfriend, who was supposed to be dead, would reappear in his


Moreover, she was stunningly beautiful, and even had a child with him.

“Linda, who’s this child? Whose child is he?”

Jerome grabbed Linda’s arms and shook them excitedly.

He looked more shocked by the news than I did.

“Jerome, what do you think? He’s your child! When I left you, I was already pregnant.Andy is three

years old now.You can calculate the time and see.It’s true.He’s your son,”

Linda explained firmly, looking into Jerome’s eyes.

“If you don’t believe me, you can take a paternity test.Jerome, we were together for so long.Don’t you

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trust me?”

“Linda, it’s not that I don’t trust you, but…” Jerome trailed off and sighed helplessly.

“I’m sorry.I already have a mate, and I’m going to marry her soon.”

“Jerome, are you saying you don’t love me anymore? Are you going to abandon me and our child?”

Linda cried.

“I’m sorry.I never thought that such a thing would happen.”

“Jennifer, you’re here! Jerome’s ex-girlfriend, Linda, has come back.That boy is Andy, their child.A few

years ago, after finding out that she had a rare disease, she left Jerome after sending him a message

because she didn’t want to drag him down.It turns out that she was pregnant when she left.She

received treatment for her disease while carrying the baby.But she has returned only now.She has

been wandering around for the past few years and may not be in good health.The doctor is checking

her condition right now.We’re both worried about her…”

Skylar choked out through sobs, explaining the whole situation to me.

I could see the fear and frustration in her eyes.

“Skylar, don’t worry.Trust Jerome.He won’t let you down.”

I gave her a warm hug and patted her on the back to comfort her.

“She passed out because of malnourishment.She is too weak and fragile to bear any kind of mental

stress.As long as you take good care of her, she will gradually recover,” the doctor explained, putting

down the stethoscope.

After connecting her arm to an IV drip, he gave us a few more instructions and then left the room.

“Jerome, what are you going to do next?”

I asked my brother, frowning.

“Jennifer, I don’t know what to do.I had a clear plan, but now…my mind is in a mess.”

Jerome let out an irritable groan and covered his head with his hands.

His voice was full of guilt.

“I feel really sorry for Linda and Andy, but also for Skylar.I’m a bad man.”

“It’s not your fault.Linda disappeared years ago after telling you that she had an incurable disease.It

was logical for you to think that she was dead.Besides, I heard that you looked for her for a long time,

but couldn’t find her.”

I shook my head with a sigh.

“Perhaps this is the arrangement of fate.It’s always so dramatic.”

As soon as I finished speaking, Linda stirred and let out a cough.

“Hello, Linda.I’m Jerome’s younger sister, Jennifer.This is my mate, Anthony.”

Holding Anthony’s hand, I walked up to Linda and gave her a tight smile.

“I just heard about what happened to you.I truly feel sorry for what you have suffered in the past few

years.But I have a few questions to ask you that you must answer truthfully.Firstly, what’s the name of

the disease you suffered from? How was it cured? And secondly, how can you prove that Andy is my

brother’s child?”

My tone was sharp, and I didn’t bother to mince my words.

I knew that it was impolite to be so direct, especially with someone who was in poor health.

However, my brother was no longer an ordinary werewolf.

He would be the Alpha of the Rainbow Pack soon, so I had to be cautious.

The timing of the appearance of Linda and Andy was just too coincidental.

This matter was related to the heir of the Alpha.

No mistake could be made.

“Hello, Jennifer.I had triple-negative breast cancer, which is the rarest and most dangerous type of

breast cancer.I was sure that I would die, which is why I left Jerome back then.It was only later that I

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found out that I was already carrying his child.The baby in my belly gave me a newfound will to live.I

wandered around the kingdom looking for the best doctors.It was a doctor in the Red Sun Pack who

finally managed to cure me,”

Linda said, wiping her tears as she relayed her past to me.

“I swear on my life that Andy is Jerome’s child.I wouldn’t lie or joke about such a serious matter.Jerome

is the only one that I have ever loved in my life.Please trust me.”

“Linda, it is not a matter of trust.This is something that concerns the whole pack.I will try my best to

verify whether it’s true or not.Of course, a paternity test will be necessary,” I told her with a gentle smile.

“Do you agree to let Andy take a paternity test?”

“Of course.Jerome is going to be the Alpha.It makes sense to have a paternity test,”

Linda agreed without any qualms.

Her expression was calm and her words were smooth, so she didn’t seem to be lying.

Her reaction even made me wonder if I was being paranoid for no reason.

However, Linda appearing just before my brother ascended to the position of the Alpha was just too

strange to ignore.

I couldn’t help but suspect that she had come for his power.

“Linda, we can have the paternity test at the hospital.When will you be free?”


Linda replied without skipping a beat.

Her calm attitude unnerved me.

Could Andy really be Jerome’s child? If that was the case, Jerome would be stuck in a dilemma.

What choice would he make next?