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Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 604 Wang Yuanjun
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"Thank you."

"You are welcome."

"Uhm, can my wife eat as soon as possible?" Wang Tingxiao asked.

"Yes. But the baby should eat in about an hour's time too," Dr Zihao told him.

"Okay. And about the transfusion. Is it okay for me to donate for my wife?"

"You can if you guys are a match."

"We are," Wang Tingxiao confirmed.

"Alright then," Dr Zihao shrugged. He then proceeded to direct them to the place where Wang Tingxiao could get his blood taken for transfusion.

"Alright, doc. Thank you very much," Wang Tingxiao shook hands with the doctor and so did Li Fengjin.

"It's my pleasure. And congratulations," Dr Zihao smiled.

"Thank you."

Dr Zihao escorted them out and promised to check up on Lisa every once in a while.

~Outside the office~

Now that they were both outside, they said nothing.

Or more like Li Fengjin was waiting for Wang Tingxiao to say something. The latter seemed to be lost in thoughts. Troubled thoughts.

"Look, bro–"

"How will I tell her?" Wang Tingxiao asked. His eyes staring blankly ahead. "How will I tell Lisa? She is going to be so sad. Broken even."

"You will just have to let it out to her. But first, you should let her know that you will always be there for her. To support, love and care for her. Try as much as possible to act as normal as you can till you want to tell her. And don't let it be too long before you do so," Li Fengjin advised.

"I don't think I can act normal, Fengjin. This is so messed up," Wang Tingxiao raked his hands through his hair.

"I know I'm not in the right to say this but... You can do this. Things will only be messed up if you think and want it to. Also, you have me and the boys. The whole family, bro. We've got your back."


"Don't over think."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Sigh. Thank you for always been there for me, bro. I mean it," Wang Tingxiao let out a small smile.

"That's why we are a family. You have always been there for me too. I owe more than you owe me."

"That's not true. You brought me out of the depths of hell I was going through. So–"

"Alright. We both owe each other then. Come here, man," Li Fengjin opened his arms for a hug and Wang Tingxiao obliged.

"I'm in charge of all the hospital costs. Bills and whatever," Li Fengjin said.

"No," Wang Tingxiao pulled away. "No, bro. No. I will pay the bills. It's my responsibility."

"You know that whatever you say does not change my decision, right?" Li Fengjin flashed a knowing smirk before walking away.


"No buts. Besides I still haven't given you and Lisa your wedding gift."

"Two cars and a cool apartment is not a wedding gift?" Wang Tingxiao quickly caught up to Li Fengjin.

"Those are just random things. You deserve a vacation which I'm finding it hard to give you because work without the best assistant and my buddy is not just the same," Li Fengjin awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"Are you... Are you acknowledging the fact that you can't work without me?" Wang Tingxiao teased him.

"Tch. Don't get too cocky. I said work will not be the same not I won't be able to work. My wife will be the only reason I won't work."

"Ouch. That hurt my assistant ego," Wang Tingxiao dramatically cried with his right hand on his chest.

Li Fengjin rolled his eyes at him. "Being with your pregnant wife has made you a drama queen."

Wang Tingxiao laughed. Li Fengjin also smiled. At least his(Wang Tingxiao) mood has been lifted up a bit.

"Alright then. You go and donate the blood, while I get Lisa's meds," Li Fengjin suggested.

"Thanks, bro. Let's meet at that elevator when we are done so that we can head to Lisa and the baby's ward together. They will already be wondering what is taking is so long."


With that they parted ways for the mean time. Later on, they met at the elevator and went to the ward where Lisa is- as directed.

~In Lisa's ward~

Lisa held unto the baby like a kid who got her favourite new toy. She had eyes only for him. That and the fact that she wanted Wang Tingxiao to carry the baby before anyone else.


"What is taking them so long?" Lisa asked no one in particular.

"I wonder. Let me give Jin a call. At least they are together," Bai Renxiang said as she took out her phone for her purse.

Just then, the door to the ward opened and in came Wang Tingxiao and Li Fengjin. Everyone let out a sigh.


"Where have you been?"

Wang Tingxiao walked over to Lisa's side. He pecked her in the head. "I'm sorry. After seeing the doctor, I went to donate blood for your transfusion since you lost a lot."

"And I went to buy our new mum her meds," Li Fengjin waved the little bag containing drugs bought as prescribed by the doctor.

"Oh. I thought... I thought you did not want to see the baby. So I was worried and–"

"Why would I not? I have been dying to see our baby. I just need to do all I did."

"Okay. Do you want to hold him?" Lisa asked.

Wang Tingxiao looked at the little buddy calm cradle un his mother's arms.

"Can I? He seems to be asleep and attached to you. I don't want to disturb him or anything," he said.

"You won't disturb him. You are his dad so you both need to get attached even if it's for a few minutes," Lisa shook her head.

"Yeah, Tingxiao. Carry the little guy. Lisa has been saving the first spot for you," Ye Chaoxiang said.

"Really? Alright then. How do I–"

"Just hold out your arm like I'm doing. Make sure not let loose immediately I put him on your arms, okay?" Lisa happily instructed him.

"Okay," Wang Tingxiao nodded and did all she said.

When she put the wrapped baby on his arms, Wang Tingxiao felt an inexplicable amount of joy wash over him. This feeling, though new, he actually loves it.

"Hey there, little buddy. Welcome to the world. I'm your daddy. It is nice to meet you," Wang Tingxiao whispered to the baby.

The baby cooed and moved a bit.

"I think he says hello but he is too sleepy to talk more," Lisa said with a chuckle.

"Oh, I see."


"He looks just like you when you sleep."

"He has your lips and my nose. And I love that he looks like me. This way I can say that those nine months of carrying him paid off for sure," Lisa joked and they all laughed.

A knock came at the door. A nurse and a doctor came in with some things in hand. One of which is the blood Wang Tingxiao donated.

They did all necessary to get the infusion moving and blood flowing into Lisa's vein. After doing so, they left.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Oh, I just remembered. Do you have a name for him yet?" Wang Tingxiao asked.

"Mm-hmm. I told you that I will come up with one at the spur of the moment," Losa said with pride.

"I knew you would. It was just fun teasing you. So what is it?" Wang Tingxiao let out a small laugh at which Lisa pouted and slightly glared at him.

"Yuanjun. His name will be Wang Yuanjun. Our fountain of joy," Lisa said.

"Wang Yuanjun. I love it." Wang Tingxiao  gazed upon the baby.

His baby.

"Alright  can we please hold the little one now?" Ye Yumi asked.

She has been dying to hold a baby. Everyone has.

"Yes. But careful. We do not want him waking up," Lisa nodded.

They carried little Yuanjun and smiles filled there faces. Comments here and there, including laughter and giggles.

"He is so small," Li Fengjin said as he carried the baby.

"Yeah. It's wonderful." Yang Wenkai added.

As they kept at it, little Yuanjun steered awake nd there it was, the shrill cry of the baby.

"Oh my! The avoided happened," Bai Renxiang smiled as she rocked the baby in her arms, hushing him gently.

But little Yuanjun kept crying and snuggling closer to her chest.

"I see. I think he's hungry," Bai Renxiang concluded.

"Oh!" They chorused.

"Yeah. So Lisa, here comes your first motherly duty. Breast feeding him."

"Alright. But I will have to..." She voice trailed off as her eyes met with the others.

As if on cue, Yang Chen coughed. "I'm gonna look for something to eat."

Ye Chaoxiang: "Yeah, me too."

Li Fengjin: "I'm hungry."

Yang Wenkai: (just looked away I'm silence)

The four men's behaviour as they left the room amused the ladies. They laughed.

"Tingxiao, you too," Lisa said.

"But I'm the dad and husband. I–"


"Sigh. Fine."