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Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 631 I’ll Be A Demon To Protect
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"You should have stayed in that little white room you were confined to," Li Fengjin whispered. "You were stubborn and there are consequences."


Li Fengjin punched him. Zhixin's body fell on the floor. They were both panting heavily. Both of them were stained with their blood, they were a complete mess.

"Jin, that's enough. Please stop," Bai Renxiang called out to him.

But Li Fengjin was far too gone. Lost in his own rage. He stalked Zhixin's tired frame that was crawling toward the remote of the bomb that fell aside as they fought.

Li Fengjin shook his head. He kicked Zhixin to the side, causing his back to hit the wall. He spat out more blood. He felt his insides burn with every struggling breath he took.

Zhixin was bruised both externally and internally. It is expected from all the hits he had received. And neither of them was light or pampering.

They came with great force.

"You know you should listen to your wife, little brother," Zhixin said those words hoping to stop Li Fengjin from finishing him off.

"Don't show her how beastly you can be, little brother."

Li Fengjin knelt astride him and grabbed his neck, slowly choking him.

"I will be a demon to protect what's mine. You very well know that," Li Fengjin said.

Zhixin trembled at the sight of Li Fengjin's bloodshot eyes. He placed his hands on too Li Fengjin's and struggled to get it off of his neck.

He was losing air and he could feel his life slowly slipping away. Then he saw Li Fengjin's unaffected face.

"I am a great barrier you will never be able to surpass, Zhixin. Because I am better, smarter and have more potential than you will ever dream to have," Li Fengjin pierced Zhixin's ego with his words.

He pressed a gun to Zhixin's head. "And I am going to be the death of you."

'When did he get a gun?' Zhixin thought.

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"I have waited so long to send you to hell. I waited for the right excuse to do so. Now, I have it. Send my regards to all others I have sent there before you."

As the last word rolled out of Li Fengjin's tongue he pulled the trigger.


Silence ensued after that. It was as if time had stopped for a few seconds for that moment to be relieved.

Li Fengjin remained still until he heard the desperate cry for help from Bai Renxiang.

"Jin, the timer went off," she barked.

His head whipped toward her and just as she said, the timer for the bomb to blow had started counted. He looked back at Zhixin.

It was then he noticed that Zhixin had the remote and he must have pressed the red button. Li Fengjin immediately stood and dashed to Bai Renxiang.

He fell on his knees beside her. The timer was set to a minute and thirty seconds- he assumed. However, ten seconds were already out.

"F*ck. That bloody bastard," he cursed.

"Jin, please. I don't want to die," Bai Renxiang cried while vigorously shaking her head.

Li Fengjin cupped her face and made her look at him.

"You are not going to die, my love. Not on my watch. Not while I am still alive and here," he assured her.

He took out a pocket knife from his boot and started working on the bomb.

"Please. I don't want to die. Not with the baby... Not with our baby still in me, please," Bai Renxiang cried.

Li Fengjin was shocked. His movement paused as his hands froze. He looked at her. What did she just say?

"Renxiang are you... are you pregnant?" He asked.

"Yes. So please, save our child," she pleaded.

Li Fengjin gulped and his determination to get her out of that damned bomb increased. His hands resumed working.

The timer was down to ten seconds and it was counting down. T

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three...

Before it got to the last two numbers, it stopped. The beeping sound was no more. Li Fengjin sighed.

Without wasting much time, he removed the bomb from her body and cut the rope loose. Bai Renxiang pounced into his embrace.

She hugged him so tight with her eyes close as if her life depended on him. Li Fengjin held her just as right as she held him.

She was shaking and her tears never stopped falling.

"It's alright now. I'm here. I'm here," he whispered assuring words to her.

Just then the door burst open.

"Boss, are you okay?" Shang shouted as he and some other men barged in.

They saw Zhixin's lifeless body and then their boss hugging their ladyboss. And by their side was a detonated bomb.

"Get rid of him and burn that document," Li Fengjin ordered as he gathered Bai Renxiang in his arms.

"Yes, boss," they bowed as he walked past them out of the warehouse.

There was a car prepared for them already. Li Fengjin got in and ordered the driver to take them


Never once did he let go of her. His anger was partly in check allowing relief to wash over him for the now.

When they got home, Jiang Meilin and the rest were all outside. Even Xia Xinyi and Jinhai were there.

They were all relieved to see Bai Renxiang was in one piece just like Li Xiaojin was. Li Fengjin neither soared any of them a glance not a word.

He went straight to their room and laid Bai Renxiang down. Ye Chaoxiang came in regardless. He was with some medical things.

He checked Bai Renxiang and told Li Fengjin that she is alright and she needed rest.

"However, when she is well-rested, immediately go to the hospital to check if the foetus is okay," Ye Chaoxiang told.

"Alright," Li Fengjin nodded.

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Ye Chaoxiang smiled at Bai Renxiang before he took his leave. Now it was just the two of them.

"Why did you go alone?" Li Fengjin asked.


"Why did you go to Zhixin alone? What were you thinking that you could achieve alone?" He asked again this time staring her in the eyes.

Just thinking of the danger she threw herself into without thinking brought back his anger.

Bai Renxiang frowned. "What do you mean by that? I went there to save our son. I was thinking of his safety and I could manage alone in the meantime."

"That meantime got you tied to a chair with a f*cking bomb to you. It was stupid of you to act on your own," Li Fengjin's voice was getting higher.

"Are you trying to say that saving our son was stupid? How dare you?" Bai Renxiang yelled too. She was still shaking due to fear and now he was making her boil in anger.

"I did not say that. I said going alone was stupid. You should have had things planned out first," Li Fengjin corrected.

"There was no time for planning," she retorted. "And maybe if you were there, maybe if you had not gone ghost on us I would have been less anxious."

"I did not ghost on you guys. I went to deal with Zhixin."

"Well, it sucks for you, because he came here. And I do not have to wait for you or anyone to go and save my child."


"And what is wrong with you? I just got out of a life-threatening situation. Even if Chaoxiang said I'm okay, you did not bother to let me get settled mentally. Instead, you are here scolding me," Bai Renxiang glared at him.

"Look I–"

"Save it. I don't want to hear it. I expected better from you after this whole thing. You owe me an explanation for leaving. You owe me an apology. Yet I am the one being scolded?"

Li Fengjin fell silent.

"Do you know how much I cried every night for the past month? How many times did I hope you would call or even come home to me? To us. And every time Xiaojin will ask of his father, I will have to lie to him because I could not bear to see the hope die I'm his eyes.

And then you called again to lecture me about protection when you were not doing the same. And now that you are back, you are getting mad at me. I am the one that is supposed to be mad not you, you idiot," his voice cracked as she choked a sob.

"I hate it and I hate you."

"What?" Li Fengjin could not believe his ears.

"You heard me. Now, get out. I don't even want to see your annoying face in here. Get out now. Go away," she threw pillows at him.

"What's wrong with you? I'm not leaving till we talk," Li Fengjin frowned.

"Well, I have nothing more to say to you. You are giving me a headache and you stink. Leave me alone," Bai Renxiang said before getting under the covers of the bed.