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Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 73 Numbered Days
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There church service has ended, a crowd of people were walking out of the church. Friends and families are sharing greetings and bidding one another goodbye.

Bai Renxiang and her little family also came out of the church and walked away to the space Shin had parked the car when they arrived at the church compound.

In the car, Shin and Shane were at the front while Bai Renxiang, her mother and son sat at the back. Bai Renxiang noticed that since the time Bai Xiaojin returned from the restroom, he had been clingy. He had asked her to carry him and that lasted even when they were in the car.

It is not as if she does not like him being attached to her, clingy and all that. It was that he seemed off.

"My love, are you alright?" She looked down on her child who is on her lap. She patted his head that was currently resting on her chest.

Bai Xiaojin nodded his head but he did not look at her or utter any words.

"Are you sure? You can tell mummy anything that is disturbing, okay? Mummy will always listen and will not scold you, hmm?" She coaxed but Bai Xiaojin remained silent and only answered her with a nod.

"Do you not think we should stop by dad's place to pay him a visit?" Jiang Meilin raised her question.

"Yes, I think so. We could not do that last Sunday because of the heavy traffic. We should make up for it today," Bai Renxiang agreed.

"I miss grandpa so much and I think Xiaojin misses him too," she said.

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"Alright then. Shin let us make a stop by a bakery store to get dad something before heading to see him," Jiang Meilin said and closed her eyes.

It took them thirty minutes to get to Old man Jiang's mansion. The old man had been discharged from the hospital two weeks before today. Although he is a little bit stable, he still looked pale and sickly. One will be able to tell that this old man's days were numbered.

"Old master, young madam, young miss and young master are in the house. Should have tell them to come here or would you like to go down to see them?" The butler asked.

"Oh, my real family is here to see me?" He asked in excitement.

"Quick, go to the kitchen and tell them to prepare cookies for my great-grandson. And some tea for the rest. Help me to go down the stairs first."

Soon enough, the butler and old man Jiang arrived at the garden where Bai Renxiang and the rest sat.

"Grandpa," Bai Renxiang was the first to see him since she sat opposite the entrance to the garden. She ran to hug him.

"Oh, grandpa. I missed you so so much. I am sorry I could not come to visit last week. We were stuck in traffic and by the time is was all cleared, it was way too late to come visit," she rambled.

"Can you forgive us?"

Old man Jiang laughed at his granddaughter's act.

"How can I not forgive you? Your grandpa is not that heartless. But I really missed you especially my little great-grandson," he patted Bai Renxiang's head.

"Speaking of my great-grandson, where is my little champion?" He asked as he looked past Bai Renxiang, in search of his great-grandson.

"GG, how are you?" Bai Xiaojin said as he rushed to meet the old man.

"Oh my boy. Your GG as strong as a bull." He carried Bai Xiaojin in his arms and went further into the garden to take a seat.

"Mei, how are you? I hope you are not stressing yourself over that grocery store of yours."

"No, dad. There is no such thing as stress. I have Shin and Shane to help me out," Jiang Meilin assured him.

"Hmm. Very well then," old man Jiang nodded. He turned towards his great-grandson sitting on his lap.

"So, my little champion, how is school going? Do you like it studying?"

"Of course, I like studying. I have learnt a lot. School is just... normal," Bai Xiaojin said.

"That is great then. Make sure to study according to your capacity. If you are tired you can tell your GG or your mummy or your grandma, okay?"

"Okay," Bai Xiaojin nodded cutely.

They spent their lunch and dinner with the old man before returning home. Bai Xiaojin had to rest well for school the next and Bai Renxiang also has to rest well for work.

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Monday is here. The day everybody wants to go by quickly. Most people hate this day because it reminds them of the beginning of a work and five days of school.

Bai Renxiang woke up very early. She quickly prepared breakfast before proceeding to wake her mother and Bai Xiaojin.

"Good morning mummy," Bai Xiaojin greeted as he woke up.

"Good morning, my love, she pecked him on his cheek. As usual, she helped him brush his teeth, take a bath and wore him his uniform. She also made sure he had all the books he would use for school today.

"Good morning grandma."

"Good morning dear. How was your night?" Jiang Meilin answered and took her sat on the dinning table.

"My night was super good," he replied.

"Mummy, grandma please pray for me. Exams at school will start today and I have studied hard. I want to have good grades," he pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Alright. I know my grandson will come out top three in class," Jiang said with a proud smile on her face.

"Do your best, okay. Most importantly, do not be scared. It is just an exam. I believe in God and your intelligence," Bai Renxiang said lovingly.

After eating, Shane drove them to Bai Xiaojin's school. Bai Renxiang walked her son to his classroom's door.

She squatted to his level and fixed his neat uniform.

"Goodluck on your exam. I love you," she said.

"Thank you mummy. I love you too."