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Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 587 A Sign Of Mole
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He was throwing a big tantrum until a moment ago, but now he looked no different than a lost kid. Li Caiyi's heart softened a bit.

"Even though he is not here, I'm sure he is thinking about you. He cares for you a lot."

"How did you know that?"

"I just know about it. He is the type of person who can't turn his back on a child like you." Li Caiyi smiled as she thought fondly of Dai Zhiqiang.

"He is a kind and strong person. After defeating the bad guys out there, he will surely come back to play with you again."

Ye Zhong listened thoughtfully, and his gloomy face slightly brightened after that. "That's right. Big Brother Zhi is the strongest man I have ever seen. He won't lose to the bad guys!"

Li Caiyi nodded. "That's why stop worrying and don't vent your anger on innocent people. It's very unbecoming of a hero. No good kid will behave like you."

Ye Zhong scoffed. "Grandpa always says that only the strongest deserve to be called a hero. I don't need to be kind; I just have to be strong."

Listening to him, Li Caiyi felt like she could understand how this kid's personality could be so warped. The fact that Ye Huizhong treasured and cajoled him so much must be another prominent factor.

Li Caiyi sighed. Adults really should watch what they say. They shouldn't arbitrarily say some words in front of kids because they would absorb everything, regardless of good and evil.

Ye Zhong pouted. "But that maid started it first. I asked her to bring my favorite snacks, but the smell was different than what I usually eat. I don't like it!"

"Oh? How so?" Li Caiyi glanced at the scattered mess on the floor in interest.

"Hmm, I can't really explain. But it smelled like herbal medicine Grandpa often forced me to eat. It's so sickening!"

Li Caiyi crouched down and gathered what was left of the cake from the floor using the spoon. After sniffing it for a bit, it was indeed, as the kid said. There was some weird smell mixed with the sweet scent of chocolate cake.

"Are you going to eat that?" Ye Zhong asked in disgust.

"Did you eat this cake?"

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"Huh? No, I didn't. It smelled weird, so I didn't take a bite."

Li Caiyi didn't want to assume things, but she had a bad feeling about this. "Say, do you think you can do me a favor?"


"What did you just say?"

Ye Huizhong's piercing glare felt like it could slash her to pieces. Li Caiyi staggered a step from the sheer pressure of his roar. He looked like a ferocious bear rather than a human like this.

"I'm not sure, but I assume you can't be too complacent if it concerns the Young Master's safety."

Ye Huizhong's veins bulged out as he held his forehead in disbelief. "Just who is it? Who dares to target my grandson right inside my turf."

Li Caiyi wasn't sure what to say. She wondered if that maid had something to do with this, but she shouldn't judge too soon. If she falsely accused her, her life would be jeopardized forever, as Ye Huizhong wouldn't show mercy to his opponents.

"I will get to the bottom of this. Miss Li Caiyi, I appreciate you for reporting this to me."

"Uhm, pardon me for asking, but what will happen to the Young Master?"

Ye Huizhong sighed as he seemed to age a few more years. "The best course of action is to lock him somewhere safe, but I don't know if it's the best thing to do."

She wanted to argue that locking him up would be detrimental to the kid's mental health, but as an outsider, she felt she had no right to say anything here.

"As he said, there is a mole inside my Ye Wang… I have to find that despicable being fast…."

Ye Huizhong was busy muttering some things under his breath. He didn't even notice that Li Caiyi bade her goodbye and silently left the room. Considering his precious grandson almost got hurt, it was natural for him to be anxious.

Even a person as domineering and ruthless as him could make such a vulnerable expression when it concerned his family. And then there was Li Jirong, who seemed approachable from the outside, but wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice his brother, wife, and children to achieve his goal.

The difference was like heaven and earth.

When Li Caiyi stepped outside, she found Ye Zhong leaning on the wall near the office's door. She smiled before approaching him.

"Thanks for helping me to explain things. Your Grandpa probably won't believe me if I'm the only one who says it."

He played with the dirt using his shoes and kept his gaze lowered. "Did Grandpa say I have to stay in the room again?"

"Again?" Li Caiyi unknowingly exclaimed.

Ye Zhong sighed, seeing her reaction. "So it's true. Well, it's not my first time anyway, so I don't care."

But he clearly looked dejected by Ye Huizhong's decision.

"Did this happen often?"

"I guess so? Many people kept trying to feed me stuff, so I learned to check the food before putting it in my mouth. It's the first time it happened inside Ye Wang, though."

"What? You must be scared."

"No, I'm not scared. A hero can't be scared by just this. I have to be strong."

Li Caiyi looked at the child beside her thoughtfully. His train of thought was straightforward. For a child like him, that might be his blessing. Still, she felt terrible for him, having to endure such things at his tender age.

"Are you going to leave now?"  Ye Zhong asked.

"No. I wanted to visit someone in the building we were previously in.

"Hmm. Before I get locked in my room, I can accompany you for a bit. I know the way."

Li Caiyi smiled. She actually knew the way but thought that a little lie wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Yes, I don't know where to go, so I'm in a bind. Please show me the way."

"Not only ugly, but you are also slow-witted. Be grateful I'm here."

If Ye Zhong learned to filter his words, he probably would be much more adorable.

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Li Caiyi walked beside him as she tried to match her step with his short leg.


Li Caiyi wasn't surprised when she saw Dai Shenqiang inside Dai Bolin's room. It seemed he spent a night in his father's room again, looking at his bed hair.

"Caiyi? When did you come here?" He asked in fluster.

"I just arrived here, actually. I heard Uncle has already regained consciousness, so I'm here to visit."

Dai Shenqiang smiled brightly. "Yeah. My father woke up for a few minutes last night but quickly returned to sleep again. The doctor said that his condition was stable, though."

"I'm so glad to hear that. Good for you, Shenqiang."

"Hey, aren't you going to let us in? Until when are you going to let us stand outside?"

Ye Zhong voiced his dissatisfaction as he glared at Dai Shenqiang. He was confused to see the little kid and glanced at Li Caiyi for an explanation.

"He is Young Master Ye Zhong, and he is the grandchild of Ye Huizhong."

"You are staying at my place, but you don't even know me?" Ye Zhong crossed his arms, seemingly offended by the fact.

"Is that so? I'm sorry I spent too much time in my father's room, so I don't know much about this place. Oh, please come in first, you two."

Ye Zhong and Li Caiyi walked in together. The kid stared at the sleeping old man before sitting on the sofa. Meanwhile, Dai Shenqiang scooted closer to Li Caiyi and whispered something to her. "Hey, what's the deal with this kid?"

"It's a long story, but he greatly admires your brother. So, I think he must be curious about you and Uncle."

"What are you two whispering to each other there?"

"Err, nothing."

"What is that?" Ye Zhong pointed at the sketchbook on top of the table.

"Oh, that? That's my drawing. Do you want to see it?" Dai Shenqiang took it before giving it to Ye Zhong, which the latter received hesitantly.

His eyes glimmered once he flipped the page and looked at the drawing. "Wow! What is this? This is so cool!"