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Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 321 Raising An Undead Metal Slime King!
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As I heard Lucifer, I had to nod and agree with him, he was right. I was also feeling some sort of miasmic, draconic presence coming from the bottom of the dungeon. Floor 2 and 3 are completely empty though, so we can jump all the way down.

“You’re right, I can also feel something weird… Let’s go then.” I said. I quickly put everybody in my shadows as I rushed down. While moving, I noticed that Pyro had evolved after all the shared EXP he got from the slimes.

The other spiders and the skeleton knights also evolved and became sturdier and stronger. But Pyro seems to have evolved into a rare race of Undead Spider, he was now named [Infernal Hellfire Spider] and he had even stronger fire-attribute magic to go with him. Alongside that, his exoskeleton turned dark red, with many orange flame-like marks adorning his body. He looked amazing!

To think that Pyro used to be a roasted spider that ended becoming so amazing at fire magic… I guess the way Undead die mean a lot in the powers they can develop in the future. As we are beings chained by our traumas and resentments, such powers, emotions, and how we died shape our own souls and can even harbor the elements of such traumas. Those that died frozen could be able to wield ice magic, those that die burned could wield fire, and so on… as for me? I don’t know, but it seems that I harbored so much trauma from the life I don’t remember that my entire soul ended turning into pure obscurity, yikes.

I fear that whenever I finally remember the life I cannot recall, I might go through a lot of mental suffering… Thankfully, I have many with me to help me out, so I think I will be able to bear with it over time. I just have to harm myself with bravery and resolve and move forward through the road I am making. My desires as a ghost are telling me to avenge those that caused this to me and my family, but my human side also wants to settle down with my friends and partners and simply live peacefully. I suppose I will have to feed both desires at the same time. This world is dangerous though, so I doubt I will have that much of a peaceful life… But I will at least try!

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[You’re quite optimistic today.]

.ᴄOᴍ Huh? Did the System just spoke to me?

[Who else?]

Ah, you’re always so robotic I never thought you could just make a comment out of nowhere.

[I decided to speak because it is related to what you’re seeking. Apparently, the power maintaining your memories chained is slowly dissolving as you grow stronger. However, even after evolving I doubt you will be able to acquire them]

S-So what would I need?

[A catalyzer. Somebody from the time you were alive as Maria, the Dark Witch, who was very important to you. After this is done, I would recommend prioritizing finding your lost brother, it might be the key to unlock such memories once and for all]

I see… Thanks for that. I never thought you could just come out and talk to me like this, it is very nice. I can always have somebody to speak with me so I never feel alone.

[You’re always surrounded by people that loves you, Maria. You will never be alone anymore]

As he said those words, I looked at Emeraldine and Partner discussing over equipment and at Lucifer looking into the distance rather worriedly, he suddenly looked back at me and nodded…. I guess the System is right, I am not alone. Hell, they’re such a clingy bunch that I might never be able to get them out of my side… Well, not like I want to.

[Now snap out of your daze. There are monsters 20 meters away from you. Check your Mental Map, I’ve marked them red. It seems there are several C+ Rank monsters. This dungeon difficulty has risen considerably compared to back then. These monsters are also powerful versions of the ones you once fought back then… Prepare for battle!]

Alright friend!

“Guys, there are monsters incoming, battle position!” I said, as everybody quickly got into a battle position around me. I quickly took out my Soul Grimoire and decided to bring out some new slimy friends to help us out. I had recently unlocked the Slime-type Undead in my Creation Ability, so I quickly flipped the pages and there they were, a bunch of Undead Slimes. Wow, they’re practically the same I killed but even better? They don’t need Cores and lack such an obvious weakness… I can also just merge all of them for a Giant Rainbow Metal Undead Slime King? Alright, let’s do that then!


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I spent a lot of Mana, some System Points, and half of all the materials I got from the Slime drops, quickly summoning a magic circle right in front of me. Everybody got a bit scared, but I reassured them that it was a new friend!

“Come fort, Giant Rainbow Metal Undead Slime King! Your name shall be… Just like liquid metal, Mercury!”


An enormous mass of liquid metal and rainbowy slime began to emerge, mixing together constantly as a creature even stronger than the Giant Metal Slime King from before emerged! It costed a lot of my resources, so you better be a good addition to the team!

“GUUUUUUU!” The giant slime gave out an adorable yet intimidating and loud cry.

“A-A Slime?!” Asked Emeraldine. “You can even create Undead Slimes?!”

“Woow, so big!” Said Partner.

“T-This is… the Giant Metal Slime? …No! This is even stronger?! It is rainbow-colored as well! Ugh, it is way too dazzling, my eyes burn…” Sighed Lucifer.

Just as I summoned Mercury, the army of lizards came running to our way. They were giant dragon-like lizards of all sizes and colors… it seems that these were evolutions of the Psychedelic Lizards we once fought, and other creatures similar to them such as Petrifying Lizards… But why did they had dragon-like bodies?
