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Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 563 Soul Scape Skills
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After deciding on trying to find Spirit Treasures if I ever come closer to one, I suddenly saw the System's notification, two new Skills were suddenly acquired.


[You learned the [Lesser Soul Scape: Lv1] Unique Skill!]

[You learned the [Soul Scape Master: Lv1] Title Skill!]


[Lesser Soul Scape: Lv1]

The Soul Scape are internal pocket dimensions inside of Souls that serve the purpose of growing Spirit Treasures and serving as a home for Spirits and Familiars. The more Spirit Treasures grow naturally, the stronger the user becomes and the higher the availability of materials for the development of strength, material creation, or even the evolution of familiars become.

Only beings with strength that has already reached a power similar to Demi Spirits can develop such a power. However, due to your privileges as a chosen one by the Goddess of Death Hel and by eating the Fragments of the Evil God, you've unlocked this power ahead of the required strength.

Enhances all Spirits and Familiars Stats by +10%, alongside expanding the internal space by +20% and increasing the chances for a Spirit Treasure to evolve or emerge by +5% with each Skill Level. This Skill can Level up by cultivating the Soul and developing it.


So if I get this straight… My Soul Scape enhances the stats of my Familiars and Spirits too? Meaning that my Undead all grow stronger thanks to this?! Wow, well, that's not something I expected. I don't get any bonus myself though? That's kind of unfair!

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…However, I guess the Spirit Treasures passive bonuses are good enough for now, to be honest. Maybe I shouldn't be so picky over free stuff. It is not as if this power was supposed to even emerge at my current level or rank, I got it all because I ate the small fragment of a God.


[Soul Scape Master: Lv1]

A Special Title only given to those who have unlocked the Soul Scape within their Mana Crystals. Grants them the ability to see through its interior as if they were the gods of this small land, alongside allowing Spirits and Familiars to enter and rest inside, recovering their energies easily. Increases Mana Recovery Speed by +50% with an additional +10% with each Skill Level. Additionally, enhances all Spirit Treasures Effects by +20% with each Skill Level.


And lastly there's this one, I guess this is the one that grants me this god-like view over the Soul Scape. The place's still very small and arid, so I would rather not put anybody there aside from Undead. It might be a handier place to put them inside than my owns shadows, so they can do things in there maybe.

Although it is not really a problem for me to have them at hand, by using the Summon Skill, I can summon Undead that belong to me whenever I am, so I could even just leave them in the city and summon them whenever I require them.

Anyways, the bonuses are nice though, increasing the speed of my automatic Mana recovery is all what matters! The faster it recovers, the faster I can spam magic to my heart's content! Also each level enhances the spirit treasures effects and even adds chances for new ones to pop up

All in all, this was all an amazing investment. I could had gotten so much money out of those thousands of Mana Crystals, but I guess I'll just be missing them for now. Selling the materials of these monsters, such as their bodies, should be enough though… Although making them into powerful high rank Undead could also be a nice idea.

"Uagh, it is so hard to decide!"


Suddenly, Nyx looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Ah right, okay… Want some breakfast?" I asked.

"Breawfas!" Nyx got excited about food.

She suddenly pointed at a nearby Termite Carcass, as a flow of Phantasmal Essence flew from her hands and reached the corpse. The termite started to slowly begin to move, its eyes flaring with blue-colored will-o-wisps, and then, it stood up.

"Clank clank!"

The termite clicked its mandibles as it ran towards us and then lowered its head, Nyx hopped over it.

"Eh?! You've already figured out Necromancy so quickly…" I sighed. "I guess you're really my daughter!"

Nyx not only inherited powers from Lucifer, but also from me. The very reason why she evolved into her current race and all the skills she has is also because of the power I granted to her egg before hatching.

In fact, she leveled up a lot too… let's check her status.


[Name]: [Nyx Luna]

[Status]: [Hungry]

[Race]: [Three-Eyed Dark Ghost Dragon Princess Vritra]

[Level]: [0/40] -> [26/40]

[Rank]: [B-]

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[HP: [55000/55000] -> [133000/133000]

[MP: [110000/110000] -> [188000/188000]

[Attack: [33000] -> [111000]

[Defense: [45000] -> [d0]

[Magic: [67000] -> [145000]

[Agility: [44000] -> [122000]

[Characteristic Skills]: [Dark Element: Lv--] [Death Element: Lv--] [Poison Element: Lv--] [Illusion Element: Lv--] [Fiend Language: Lv3] [Shadow Transportation: Lv3] [Abyssal Dragon Body: Lv10] [Supernatural Senses: Lv4] [Poisonous Scales: Lv3] [Ancient Dragon Heart: Lv--] [Morph: Lv--] [Shapeshift: Lv2] [Super Self-Regeneration: Lv3] [Hardened Dragon Scales: Lv3] [Ancient Death Dragon Domain: Lv3] [Little Gluttony: Lv3] [True Dragon Form: Lv2]

[Resistance Skills]: [Status Effect Immunity: Lv--] [Magic Damage Resistance: Lv3] [All Element Resistance: Lv3] [Poison/Toxin/Venom Absorption: Lv-] [Erosion Resistance: Lv3] [Holy Light Resistance: Lv2]

[Physical Skills]: [Phantasmal Grasp: Lv4] [Phantasmal Limbs: Lv3] [Abyssal Chaos Breath: Lv3] [Phantasmal Death Claws: Lv3] [Venomous Dragon Scale Powder: Lv3] [Third Draconic Eye of Death Perception: Lv2]

[Magical Skills]: [Greater Curse: Lv3] [Life Absorption: Lv4] [Phantasmal Flame: Lv5] [Dark Star: Lv4] [Mana Mastery: Lv3] [Ancient Dragon's Aura: Lv3] [Dark Shadow Spear: Lv4] [Blood Feast: Lv3] [Soul Devourer: Lv2] [Spear of Death: Lv3] [Summon Phantom Dragon Familiar: Lv2] [Fake Life: Lv1] [Shadow Sneak: Lv1]

[Support Skills]: [Shadow Storage: Lv2] [Undead Healing: Lv2] [Summon: Lv2] [Spirit Summon: Lv2] [Materialization: Lv2] [Phantasmal Stomach: Lv2]

[Title Skills]: [Daughter of the Apostle of Death: Lv2] [Little Dragon Princess Of Death and Darkness: Lv2] [Chaos Bringer: Lv2] [Lesser Calamity: Lv2] [Gluttonous Eater: Lv2] [Tail Biter: Lv3] [Dragon Slayer: Lv1] [Plague Slayer: Lv1] [Little Devil: Lv1]

[Divine Protections]: [Hel's Divine Protection]


Oh, my girl has really gotten stronger!
