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Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 711  The Prayers Of The People
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Chapter 711  The Prayers Of The People


The power of a Dragon's Aura was much more developed once they became Divine Dragons, it became their true source of Divine Power and also the embodiment of their very souls. Although Valkoinen seemed small, his Soul possessed great Divine Power and the power of almost a God! Once he unleashed it, his wounds started regenerating much faster than before, and the fatigue he felt was suddenly recovered.


Alongside that, a gigantic three-headed ice dragon which was the Divine Dragon Aura he possessed emerged, roaring furiously, and opening its three gigantic jaws, pointing the attacks at the children.

"You've forced my hand, now don't blame me if this entire mountain is completely destroyed as a result of your foolishness!" He roared, as his power surged and began to encompass hundreds of meters around him. "{Ultimate Blizzard}!"


His Dragon Aura spread and generated a massive blizzard, covering all of his surroundings and beginning to shake even the nearby mountains. The mountain was engulfed on an endless spinning tornado of ice and winds!


The people within the Dwarven Country panicked. Everyone had already evacuated into the underground area of the city, but if the entire damn mountain were to collapse, how would anybody survive anyways? Even the King and his children were unable to do a single thing against such an overwhelming force, other than pray.

"Oh Lord Odin, please save our lives, bless us!"

"I don't want to die… I don't want to die!"

"Oh Gods, please save us!"

"Gods, please!"

Most of the populations started praying, which only made Ruby angrier, she quickly started to reprimand the entire population while using a microphone-like artifact.

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"Why are you praying to the Gods?! Don't you realize it?! They're the ones that have us like this! They're the reason why we are trembling in fear! They are the ones that sent these monsters to kill us! Do you dare pray to the God that had persecuted our kin and slaughtered us for generations?!" Ruby roared.

"Ruby! What are you doing?!" Her father, the King, reprimanded her. "Leave at once! What proof do you have of such things?!"

"I've only heard it from Mary, the one that has been helping us this entire time! She and her friends are fighting all of these monstrous threats and protecting our country when the Gods would never even do such a thing! If you want to pray for something, pray to Mary and her friends to be fine and safe! Pray for their wellbeing, pray that they WIN!" Ruby roared furiously. "It all depends on them at the end… Don't be foolish! If you keep praying to the Gods, they'll only mock us even more, they'll laugh at us! The Gods… are a bunch of monsters that see us mortals as mere puppets!"

"What is Lady Ruby saying?!"

"Is this true? Has she gone insane?!"

"I did heard that the church of the light used to persecute our ancestors…"

"We demons have always been killed on sight by them…"

"I heard that those monsters that named themselves Frost Generals were obeying direct orders from the Frost Queen and the church of light though!"

"Why?! Are the Gods… do the gods want us dead?!"

"I thought they were the protectors of this world, why are they trying to kill us, what wrong have we done to them!?"

"Buuuaaaah! Mama I am scared!"

"Mary… if it's really Mary I'll pray for her and her friends… Fuck Odin and his Gods, they're all wicked anyways!"

"Pray to Lady Mary!"

"Pray to that big dragon that protected us, the one that fought the ice dragon!"

"What was her name?"


"Pray to her, to everyone fighting!"

"Even if it doesn't amount to anything… Even if it may not do a single thing… We simply can't direct our prayers to the useless Gods up above doing nothing to help us…"

"Lady Mary, Lady Brunhild, please, be safe! Please, be safe!"

"Please, you have to win!"

"You can't lose, not now!"

"Please… I don't want to lose my family…"

"You're our only hope…"

The prayers of thousands of people at once began to slowly spread across the shelter underground. Ruby's siblings and even her father were shocked by her sudden ability to convince people like this. They had always taken her as a little annoyance, an "idealist" with too many things in her mind to do anything to change people or the country.

Yet now, the dwarven king and his children were finally seeing what Ruby was truly capable of, to inspire people with her words, to lead them to a different path, and to protect them with her strength and the bonds she had made with strong people through her charisma and brilliant personality.

"That's right everyone… Pray! Let us pray to her… Channel your Mana while praying, channel the very last bits of strength you have, anything is worth it! Let's give our all to them, let's give all our strength so they won't lose! Maybe one of us is nothing, but what about a hundred? One thousand? Ten thousand people worth of mana? Let's channel it, let's pray! I trust you all, just as much as I trust them!"

"Our guardians, please take it!"

"Take all our energy, please…"

"Please… I don't want to lose my family…"

"My daughter almost died, if it wasn't for you, Lady Maria's Familiars, she wouldn't be any longer in this world!"

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"Please… I implore of you!"


channeled into everyone else that was part of Maria's party, especially within Brunhild, who all Dwarves learned was the Divine Thousands of small bits of Mana started to fly into the skies, easily passing through the mountains and slowly being distributed and channeled into everyone else that was part of Maria's party, especially within Brunhild, who all Dwarves learned was the Divine Dragon Guardian of their country.

Meanwhile, within the Draconic Records, Muspel admired her descendant devouring and assimilating the powerful Infernal Divine Draconic Flames, and slowly refining her own soul into that of divinity… however, she was beginning to get slower and more tired.

"Hahhh… I can't… give up… No… Not now… Ungh!" Brunhild muttered, falling to her knees, the flames slowly consumed her more and more…



An enormous amount of Mana started emerging from within her very soul. It wasn't her mana, but the mana of over five hundred thousand people, all gathered for her.

"T-This power…?!"

And then she heard their pleas, their words!



"Huh?! T-This is… impossible! She already…?!"

Muspel was shocked by what she saw!

"Huh?! Y-You're awake, gyuh?!" Root panicked.

Brunhild's eyes opened.
