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Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 496 Sky’s Anniversary Arc (1)
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Instead of keeping the anniversary celebration at Liu villa or any hotel, Jun chose to do so in Sky which he wholeheartedly built with all his efforts. It felt even more special this time because Jun had watched Sky collapsing in his past life in front of his eyes, but he chose to do nothing as he drowned himself in his lost love.

And now he watched everyone from a distance with warmth in his eyes as they cheered and laughed together.

He felt a finger softly poke his cheek and he chuckled as he looked at Ai. Ai asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I am not thinking about anything. I just feel very happy today. It wasn't only Yunru I had disappointed in my past life. Everybody working here had suffered because of my decisions. That's why I wanted to celebrate here today."

Ai entwined her fingers against his and softly smiled.

"But Ai this time, I won't let anything happen to Sky. Sky will never collapse like it did in the past."

"Yes. It never will."

The female employees of Sky were squealing at the sight of their Boss flirting with his girlfriend. Everybody wanted to play with Jun but didn't have the confidence to pull Sky CEO for their little fun.

And so Liu Hai came to their rescue. "Hoho! Why fear when Grandpa is here!"

He dragged the couple in the middle of the gathering. "Hah! Today, there will be no barriers between you and your Boss! So you can bully him to your heart's content!"

Jun's mouth twitched.

One of the employees sweated. "But we still have to work here after the celebration too...We don't want to incur Sir's wrath."

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Jun coughed, feeling slightly shy. "Nobody will incur my wrath. So if you all want to play together, I am fine with it."

The female employees clutched their chests, seeing the sunny expression on his face. He had crossed all meters of handsomeness today.

Are we hearing it right?

Liu Hai patted his shoulder hard. "That's my boy!!" He shamelessly beckoned everybody from the family. "Jun will play with us! Don't miss this golden chance!"

Jian coughed out the juice he was drinking. "Is my little brother drunk?"

Jun gritted his teeth. "I meant that only I and Ai will play, not you all! Shoo. You are not invited!"

On the other side, the reporters were busy interviewing employees and various other authors who worked in Sky.

"I am so grateful that I am a part of Sky!" An author Liang Chin squealed as she described her working environment. "All the editors here are so supportive, especially Miss. Sun Bai."

"Ah, she is so mature and beautiful. To be honest, I have a crush on her hehe~~" Fang Yang said.

Another author, Xia Cheng, shyly coughed. "Even though Mr. Hou Lin isn't part of the editing and publishing department, we like him so much. He is the next eligible bachelor after Sir Liu!"

"I don't mind President Yunru even though he might be younger than me!" A web author, Teng Bai, exclaimed in joy.

The reporters shifted their mic and camera towards the next author in line, Cui Fen. "Miss. Cui, isn't it? We have heard that you are a recent joinee in Sky."

Cui Fen straightened up and awkwardly smiled. "Yeah I am..."

"Nice! So as a newbie, what had been your experience so far?"

"I..." her expression was a little strained though she tried to hide it. She was peeking glances at a certain someone in the celebration. She quickly smiled at the reporters. "I-It's going good! Yeah, I am so thrilled to work here!"

Two of the reporters exchanged gazes, feeling unsure about her reaction. They followed her gaze but there were many people in that direction including Nian, Xing Bi, Yunru, Huan, Leina, Nuo while Sun Bai stood at a distance.

Something seems fishy...

A part of the reporters naturally flocked to Yating's side too, especially since Dream High was a direct rival with Sky.

"Mr. Gu Yating. We never expected Dream High's Chief Editor to be a part of Sky's celebration."

Yating smiled. "Yeah, even I am surprised. I wouldn't have imagined this scenario a few months but times change."

One reporter probed. "What about your relationship with Miss. Zhou?"

"What about it?"

"Miss. Zhou left Dream High to join Sky. Did it have any personal impact on your relationship with her?"

Yating smiled. "As you can see, I was and I still am good friends with Zhou Ai. Not only with her but with Xing Bi too. People switch companies and that's their choice. Doesn't mean it should affect your friendship, right? You don't have to worry about any personal impact. Our friendships are not so shallow."

The reporter backed off, embarrassed. He wanted a possible scoop on Yating and Ai's relationship since he had heard they were quite close in Dream High.

'Guiying' wasn't spared with the interview either in an attempt to get some gossip, but she only smiled and gave perfunctory responses. Never in her tone did she made them feel that there were actually problems going between them.

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'She' went and stood in a corner, watching and observing everybody. 'She' noticed Ai's frequent glances at her and 'she' could tell that Ai didn't want to leave her alone. But with the way things were, Ai couldn't force her either.

'She' saw Jian, Nian and Yunru fooling around with Nuo and Yubi while Jin kept his distance with them. On the other side, Siying was playing with Shui too and teasing his younger sister.

'She' felt Guiying's sadness and longing inside her heart, watching all the siblings have fun.

"Guess only you got the bad apple of your brother huh..." 'Guiying' chuckled but not with disdain or mockery.

'Her' stupor broke as her phone buzzed with a call. 'She' took it aside and said, "Yes, Zhan Yahui."

"Where are you?"

"At Sky's anniversary party."

There was a long silence.

"Seems like your hatred has dialed down now."

'Guiying' sneered. "My hatred for Liu Jun will never dial down."

"If that's so, then you should leave," Zhan Yahui said with a slight urgency which 'she' couldn't detect.

"I am already here-"


'Guiying's' conversation was cut off upon hearing Zixin greeting her as 'she' turned. Zixin stood before her with a solemn expression, wanting to talk to her.

From the other line, Zhan Yahui asked with a deathly quiet voice, "...Who is that?"