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Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 527 Overlap
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Ai and Jun experienced a similar blinding golden light back at the condo. Ai, who was washing dishes with her mother, suddenly dropped the plate with a massive ache grinding her head. The sharp sound of the golden clock reverberated in her ears so loudly that she felt she would go berserk.

But soon, broken images flowed in her mind that came together as if forming a piece of a puzzle.

"Ai? Are you alright?" Xie Nuying worriedly asked.

Ai suddenly seemed to look in a daze but her expression showed as if she was in a lot of pain. She was clutching her head and silently gasping for air.

"A-Ai dear you are scaring me...Are you feeling sick?" She quickly asked.

Ai failed to hear any of her mother's concern and by the point she started sweating, Xie Nuying rushed in the living room to where Zhou Yichen was.

She furiously shook his shoulder, making him almost stumble from the couch. "Hey, hey! Calm down! Why are you suddenly pushing me so violently? Did my ex-wife finally go-"

But Zhou Yichen's countenance turned grim the moment he noticed Xie Nuying's pale expression. "What happened?"

"A-Ai is not feeling well...I-I don't know what happened suddenly, but she looks in a lot of pain. Sh-She is not answering my questions either..." She spoke as tears threatened to fall.

His eyes widened and he ran towards Ai, who was now kneeling on the floor, trembling and shaking.

​ "Ai? Ai?" Zhou Yichen gently patted her head. "Hey it's me, your goofy and handsome father~ Won't my darling daughter tell me what's wrong?"

The situation was rapidly becoming serious because no matter what methods Zhou Yichen used, Ai wasn't responding to any of them. Both could feel their hearts in their throats, failing to see their daughter's condition improve at all.

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"Where is Jun? Call him right away. We need to take Ai to the hospital."

Xie Nuying quickly hurried towards Jun's room and knocked on the door. "Jun? Please come out. Ai is not feeling well. Sh-she suddenly fell sick. We need to take her to the h-hospital..."

But the door never opened and Jun never stepped out.

"Jun?" her knocks became more urgent.

When he failed to open the door no matter how much she tried, she turned the doorknob and stepped inside. "Excuse me..."

But she was stunned to see Jun collapsed near the bed in a similar condition as Ai was. "Jun!"

She rushed towards and kneeled on the floor, softly patting his cheeks. "Jun? Y-you..."

Why is he looking the same as Ai?

How did they both fell sick at the same time?

"Yi...Yichen! Jun is...Jun is also..."


A few minutes before, when Jin lost control over his car, Nian and Xing Bi on their side were happily taking a stroll along the road. Nian tightly held her hand with a goofy grin on his face as if he was walking in heaven already.

After a delicious and fulfilling dinner and dessert, Xing Bi's stomach was so full that she could hardly move. So they decided to shed that fullness by taking a romantic walk.

"Girlfriend, girlfriend, Xing Bi is now my girlfriend~" Nian repeatedly sang the song to himself.

Xing Bi coughed, her face slightly reddening. "S-stop with the song. It's embarrassing..."

"I will sing this song for the whole night! I will declare it to the whole world that Xing Bi is mine now!" He sobbed. "My dream finally came true after all..."

"Y-You are exaggerating..." she said so but butterflies were furiously fluttering in her stomach at the thought of Nian as her boyfriend now.

Damn it, does my face look weird? What kind of expression I am making right now...

"You are making a very beautiful expression, my dear~ In my eyes, my Xing Bi is always the prettiest," Nian smiled and pecked on her cheek.

Her heart thumped loudly as if it would come out of her chest.

Is he a mind reader?

She felt her cheek heating up where he kissed just now.

Xing Bi then noticed a small ice-cream truck along the side of the road and beamed. "Ice-cream!"

Nian turned his head. "You want ice-cream? Let me bring some for you!"

"Won't you ask why I want an ice-cream when I am supposed to be full?"

He waved his hand. "There is always extra space in our stomachs for sweets. God has very meticulously designed the human stomach, my dear."

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She choked and then burst into laughter.

This man...I thought he would tease me, but he is spoiling me instead. Is this the Liu family's famous doting that I have heard of?

"Wait here for me. I will be back in a flash!"

Xing Bi chuckled and stood at her place. A few seconds later, she noticed a car's headlight shining behind her, and she promptly stepped aside further to make space for the car.

But soon, she heard a loud screech and as she looked back, she gasped with terror seeing the car being driven recklessly in a zig-zag manner as if the driver was drunk.

Wait, that car...looks familiar...

Suddenly, the car's direction pointed at her and it dangerously sped towards her.

Xing Bi wanted to jump out of the way, but she felt her body freeze for some reason.

A-ah? I cannot move...

When the car came nearer, she gasped in shock once again, recognizing Jin and Shui inside it.

Jin? Shui!?

But she couldn't think of anything else because right now, she was in the direct line of getting hit by Jin's car in a few seconds.

Come on! Move! My feet...why are they not budging!?

Xing Bi stared ahead unblinkingly, bracing herself for the impact when at that moment and out of nowhere, she saw a flash of an image in her mind.

She had no idea what it meant or why she was suddenly seeing such a thing but in that image, she could see herself lying in a car. It was a similar night as tonight, and the road was exactly the same as well where she was walking with Nian.

The car in that strange image was broken down as it had crashed into a tree and in it, she saw her head collapsed on the steering wheel, blood dripping down from her temple onto the car's floor.

Huh...? What is this...?