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Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 579 You Are Coming With Us
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The bewildered gasps echoed sharply in the meeting room.

"Why didn't you just die that day!? It would have been much better had it not stopped at just a simple memory loss!"


A crisp and painful slap burned like fire on Zhan Yahui's cheek. With the sting of the slap turning her eyes misty, she slowly faced Guiying, stupefied.

"So you finally spit out the truth, Zhan Yahui," 'Guiying' angrily laughed, but her black orbs were anything but laughing.

She clutched her hair at the back of her neck, making her gasp. When Zhan Yahui looked into 'her' eyes, a sharp tremble shuddered across her arms and legs. 

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"The fact that you were behind Zixin's accident and who prevented him from coming to Shanghai, you finally opened your dirty mouth admitting it."

The more 'Guiying' spoke, the more pain she felt at her hair roots that 'she' mercilessly tugged and pulled. "Ahhhh! Let go of my hair, you fucking bitch!"

'Guiying' chuckled. "Bitch? You are cursing me just for pulling your hair? Is only this much pain enough to bring tears to your eyes? It's just your hair, not like I fucking crashed your head in a car accident with a truck!!"

Shi Zhelan and Shi Shuren were horrified. Shi Zhelan hated Zhan Yahui's existence but to know that she was behind Zixin's accident was unbelievable. "Is this really true?" She asked, breathless. 

'Guiying' sneered. "Didn't she admit it from her own mouth?"

Shi Zhelan wished to faint. "Oh my God…I cannot believe that Zhan Yahui would turn out to be a criminal!!!"

She turned abruptly towards Shi Shuren and glared at him. "And this is the woman…this is the daughter that you bore with that woman and brought into the family! This is your daughter who God knows how many crimes have committed and you brought such a dangerous person into my family! Today, she hurt Chen Zixin, tomorrow she would have harmed my Huan! Then what would you have done, Shuren!? Still take her side? Still name all the shares to her? Answer me!"

Shi Shuren was equally appalled, but words were too stuck in his throat to speak anything.

Shi Zhelan froze as a realization dawned upon. "You…you made Huan sick at the Summit, did you not? At first, I was only suspicious, but now there is no place for any doubts to remain!"

She stormed towards her and harshly grabbed her arm, her nails into her skin. "Tell me the truth, Zhan Yahui! You were behind Huan falling sick and throwing her out of the competition, weren't you!"

"Don't touch me, you bitch!" Zhan Yahui exclaimed and pushed her away.

"Zh-Zhelan!" Shi Shuren exclaimed.

"Huan wouldn't have survived in this writing industry anyway!" Her sinister gaze fell on her, and she snickered. "A princess who have her parents set up a whole company for her sake, what would she know of a fucking struggle anyway!? You talk about me pulling the strings?"

She sneered again, "What experience does your lovely daughter have that she was selected for the final round of the Summit? What did she achieve that she deserved to win any prize in that competition? Or was it her mother who pulled some strings to make her qualify for the finale instead? Just like how she was invited to the Shanghai Fest? That was you bribing a place for her, weren't you?"

Shi Zhelan gritted her teeth. "You-"

"Stop shouting, bitch! Some hypocrite you are pointing your fingers at me for manipulating the competition when Huan's results till the finale were nothing but red flags! I did her a favor by showing her the taste of reality! All these oldies think that Huan is the savior of this company, but it's nothing but an illusion! You have painted a false image of your daughter's talent in everybody's minds of how capable she is when she is miles away from achieving anything on her own so get off your high horse!"

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"Oh really?" It was 'Guiying's' voice that quietly but eerily came from her back. "You speak as if you are some upholder of justice. Then what reason did Zixin have to suffer? You planned his accident only to prevent me from knowing his identity as MrPerfect. Just for that, you went as far as playing with his life like he was some lifeless doll!"

'She' grabbed her jaw so harshly that Zhan Yahui thought it might dislocate. "Should I make you taste reality and let you know how it feels to get yourself crushed in an accident? How does it feel when your head hits the steering wheel so hard that you see your death coming to take you?"

Zixin quickly pulled her back and pursed his lips as he dusted her hands. "You don't have to get your hands dirty in dealing with her."

"Don't stop me, Zixin! And why are you so calm in the first place? You are the victim here!"

"Because there is no reason for me to get agitated. I am alive and with my family. You are by my side. Even if I don't have my memories, I don't necessarily feel the need to have them back anymore. I have learned to live my life with joy even without them. As for Zhan Yahui's crimes, it's not like she will be set free."

His expression hardened, his icy gaze making Zhan Yahui's body go frigid. "She has a lot to pay for. She has hurt you too. She has betrayed your trust. She has played with a lot of lives, and she cannot escape her punishment for that."

He ordered the guards. "We have talked enough for now. Take her away right now."

Zhan Yahui continued to scream, protesting from being thrown out of the building. But this time, she was forcefully taken out with all the employees staring at the scene unfolding before them, aghast.

As they dragged her out of the company, the guards were supposed to take Zhan Yahui to the police station but instead, two figures stood before them unexpectedly.

Zhan Yahui slowly raised her head, noticing the sudden silence. Her eyes slowly widened as she recognized the two sons of the Liu family who looked exactly like each other.

Jian stared straight into her eyes and parted his lips, his black orbs dripping with danger, "You are coming with us."