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Reborn as a Demonic Tree-Novel

Chapter 189: (Interlude) Twisted Perfection
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Dante Voidmind stared in the mirror and despised what glared back. His once-perfect visage was gone and replaced with what could only be described as a beaten-down cripple. His messy black hair, which he used to keep slicked back to draw focus to his perfect jawline, now fell freely over his face like a curtain in a vain attempt to obscure his deformity from prying eyes.

"I can fix this," Dante whispered as he raised his trembling hand and ran his fingers down the half of his face corrupted by the void. It was cold and unfeeling to the touch and was a constant reminder of his failure at the Darklight City alchemy tournament. Although it had been over a week ago, the same scene of Demetrios Skyrend looming over him and sentencing him to death repeatedly replayed in his mind and made him shiver. He may have escaped that encounter with his life, but in a way, he wished he was dead.

"Look at me, Dante." A soothing voice called out from across the dark candle-lit room, "Stop looking in that mirror and chat to me instead."

Dante tore his eyes away from the monstrosity in the mirror and hissed through gritted teeth at the woman who was the epitome of beauty laying casually on his bed, "How can I not despise my reflection, mother? Demetrios Skyrend has turned me into a monster. Can you not see what he has done to your beloved son's face?"

His mother stared at him with an annoyed look, "Son, it's only you who is so obsessed with your face—"

"Lies!" Dante shouted as he hurled the wooden chair before the mirror across the room. His mother didn't even blink as the chair smashed into the far wall. "I know you and the others talk behind my back. How could you not?" Dante used his left arm to pull on the empty right sleeve of his cloak, "How can I even walk around with any dignity when I am missing an arm? I can't even hold a sword anymore! Is there really nothing Father can do to help me get it back? You have spoken to him, right?"

"Father... doesn't want to speak or hear about you," His mother said coldly as she played with her hair, "Your failure has shaken the family's foundation and resulted in Demetrios Skyrend unleashing his rage on Slymere's defensive arrays for a few days. Do you know how much that cost us in void Qi and spirit stones?"

"It's pointless to fret over that which you have lost to the void," His mother said behind him, "Nothing in this realm, not even a Monarch Realm cultivator, could bring back that which you sacrificed to the void to survive Demetrios Skyrend's wrath. This is your life now. This is your reality. You can stand there and stare at your new self with disgust or move on and own it."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up," Dante reeled back his fist and planted it into the mirror, shattering the glass and making his hideous form impossible to decipher through the fractures, "I refuse to accept this hideous form of me. In fact, I don't even deserve to look at myself anymore."

There was a long silence as Dante got his breathing under control. "Will Father really not speak of me?" Dante asked as he dropped his hand and turned to his mother, who stood up from his bed and walked over.

His mother side-eyed the shattered mirror and sighed. "Dante, you must realize that not everyone speaks of you constantly. You are far too self-absorbed," His mother reached up and brushed his void-corrupted face with the back of her hand, "Will some speak ill of you behind closed doors? Yes. But they did that before and will continue to do so no matter how many victories or failures you endure. So perhaps you could use your newfound look to finally wake up from your delusions?"

"I understand, Mother," Dante replied dismissively, pushing her hand away from his cheek, "I will try to do better in the future."

"Good. Now, if the corruption is bothering you so much, I had this custom made specially for you by the best artifact smith I could find," Her spatial ring flashed with power, and a silver half-mask appeared in her hand, "It's made entirely from high-grade spirit stones and is runically enhanced to boost your void Qi regeneration."

"Nuh-uh," His mother tutted as she gripped his chin and forced his face to face hers, "No looking in mirrors, remember? How you look externally to others isn't all that matters."

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"But if it makes you feel better, this mask makes you look handsome and capable." His mother said with a sigh as she likely noticed his wavering focus back to the mirror.

"What about my missing arm, though? Do you have some silver prosthetic arm for me?" Dante insisted.

"It's in the works," His mother replied as she reached up and put her hand on his stump under the cloak's cloth, "Due to sacrificing your arm to the void, there is now a void-attuned gateway into your body through the stump. I know it's not ideal, but your control over the void will be far greater than before. Just at the sacrifice of your swordsmanship."

Dante's eyes widened, "This void-attuned gateway you speak of... does my mask that sits on the corrupted part of my face follow the same principle?"

"Yes... this is perfect," Dante gave his mother a face-splitting smile, "Would you say that more void corruption would make me more powerful?"

Dante closed the distance and put a hand on his mother's shoulder. He felt her tense up and try to escape his grasp, "Just send me the name of the artifact craftsman. I have an idea. Alright?"

"Fine," His dear mother sighed, pushing his hand off, "I will send him by in a moment." She stepped around him and headed for the door. "Just wait here, and don't do anything crazy," she shouted over her shoulder before vanishing into the corridor and slamming the door shut behind her.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, sing or scream. His body had so much rage and excitement that he needed to vent it somewhere. Shattered glass and a thoroughly broken frame were scattered on his floor when he was done and leaning against his dresser while breathing heavily.

"Young Master?" Someone hurriedly called through the thick wooden door after a few heavy knocks.

Opening the door, Dante was confused to see a servant he had never seen before. "Speak, what is it you need from me."

The young man seemed to freeze as his gaze was stuck on his stump and slowly went to his face.

"Eyes down here," Dante grabbed the servant's greasy, curly brown hair and forced the man to look at his feet, "Never look at me like that again, understand?" He hissed in the man's ear and then roughly withdrew his hand.

The shaking servant dared not look up as he spoke to the floor, "You have been requested to visit the main hall immediately."

Dante repressed his joy as that could only mean his Father wished to speak with him! "Ahem," He coughed awkwardly into his hand to cool his emotions and regain his stoic look, "And? What does Father require of me?"

"Um, Young Master, it's not the Grand Elder who wishes to speak with you."

Dante felt his heart sink at the servant's words, and his brows furrowed in confusion. Who else dared to demand his presence in the main hall besides his Father? Even his mother would be hesitant to do such a thing.

"Who wishes to see me then?" Dante insisted, "Go on, spit it out."

"A Grand Elder from the disciplinary committee arrived moments ago and came here for..." the servant gulped, "you."

"The disciplinary committee is here for me?" Dante just stared off into space. Where had he gone so wrong?


"Oho, Grand Elder Valandor, I am sorry my son has brought such trouble to cause you to have to travel all the way out here in the middle of the night to my humble city," Dante heard his Father's voice echo down the grand hallway of the Slymere estate as he approached the main hall who's hefty ornate wooden doors were left ajar with two guards posted outside.

"No need for such pleasantries, Grand Elder Voidmind. But yes, I must say I didn't expect to be back here so soon." A voice Dante assumed belonged to this Grand Elder Valandor person as it didn't match any of the family Elders.

"I visited a place near here around four years ago," Grand Elder Valandor explained with a distant expression, "I had to visit an old friend's daughter who was alone on one of the mountain peaks near Darklight City. Poor thing."

"How could the daughter of a noble family end up on a mountain peak alone?" Grand Elder Voidmind asked, ignoring Dante's presence as he awkwardly stood there.

Grand Elder Valandor waved him off, "It's a long story, so I won't bore you with too many details. But basically, her parents died protecting the Patriarch, so the Ravenborne family was eying up her land. However, because of her parent's sacrifice, a deal was struck that so long as she passed the Grand Elder exam a year from now... good heavens, how time flies, ahem excuse me. We got sidetracked."

Dante then tensed up as the man who didn't look older than twenty-five yet possessed the same presence as his Father turned to look at him, "Now, Young man. You have caused quite the headache for us."

"Interesting, because that's not what I have been told," Grand Elder Valandor said as he stood from his seat and summoned a black scroll. On the backside was a red lotus. The symbol of the Nightrose family. Grand Elder Valandor cleared his throat and read the scroll's contents.

"As per the old laws made between the founding families of the Blood Lotus Sect, a war between the top families that foster rare Qi affinities is forbidden. However, the need for a war may arise. Therefore, in these unfortunate circumstances, a few conditions must be fulfilled for a war to be approved by the Patriarch. First, there must be a just reason for the war provided and approved by the disciplinary committee. Second, the accused party will be given up to three months to refute or negotiate the accusations. Once this three-month period is over, the war can begin. However, it will be stopped if the instigator of the war surrenders themselves to the offended party. Third and finally, the winning family must donate half of the acquired land and resources to the Nightrose family."

Grand Elder Valandor closed the scroll and stowed it away.

Dante gulped, "I don't see how I am involved here?"

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"According to the report submitted by Demetrios Skyrend a week ago, you were listed as the main contributor to the death of two scions of House Skyrend: Kassandra and Theron."

"Nonsense," Dante snapped back, "I watched from afar as they were both killed by a powerful void cultivator—" He suddenly choked as he felt his throat being squeezed.

"Do not speak unless spoken to, scion." Grand Elder Valandor said coldly, "Do I make myself clear?"

Dante nodded as best he could without his neck snapping from the pressure and fell to his knees, gasping as he felt the invisible hand around his neck disappear.

"I will admit we reviewed their claims and found them lacking in weight to start a full-on war," Grand Elder Valandor smiled, but it wasn't a kind one, "However, just a few hours ago, we received a report of mass destruction and death to the Skyrend family, caused by a surprise attack from a void affinity beast on Thunderhold Peak. You must agree that two attacks involving the void element and the death of only Skyrend family members in the same week is highly suspicious..."

"A void beast?!" A person shouted, and everyone turned confusedly to a woman with long green hair chained to a chair.

"This is?" Grand Elder Valandor asked.

"Elenor Evergreen, a raging lunatic from a lower family that came here a while ago." Grand Elder Voidmind sighed, "You can ignore her."

"I am not insane!" Elenor screamed, "You are talking about a demon with a claw the size of a hallway, right? I saw it months ago! It crushed and killed the Winterwrath Grand Elder before my very eyes! I tried to report it to the Nightrose family, but I was laughed at."

"Interesting... but that's not why I am here," Grand Elder Valandor turned back to face Dante, "I came here for one reason. The disciplinary committee has agreed to the Skyrend family's accusations and request for war, and they listed Dante Voidmind as this war's primary instigator."

"No! Wait... this must be some kind of mistake," Dante blurted out.

"You have three months. Refute their claims successfully, or turn yourself into the Skyrend family, and the war can be prevented," Grand Elder Valandor said calmly, "I will now leave so you may discuss this with the Elders of your family."

Grand Elder Valandor casually ripped apart space and vanished.

"Father!" Dante threw himself to the floor and pleaded, "Just give me a chance. I can fix this—"

His Father raised three fingers, "You have been a great disappointment and led to great losses for our family. But in honor of the blood running through your veins and my deep love for your mother, I will give you three months, Dante. On the day before these three months are over, I will drag you to the Skyrend's front gate myself to prevent this war. Do I make myself clear?"

Dante couldn't believe how cold his Father had become after a single failure and strangely felt something within his heart break, "Yes, Father. I understand. I will not let you down again."

His Father didn't even react to his declaration and stood up to leave the main hall alongside all the other Elders, leaving Dante on his knees alone in the empty hall.