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Reborn as a Demonic Tree-Novel

Chapter 215: The King's Call
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Since Ashlock was no longer in the Mystic Realm, the cost to use {Dimensional Overlap} was no longer [Free]. If he wanted to try and bring these Mudcloaks back to Red Vine Peak, it would cost him.

"I might have a way to bring these Mudcloaks here so long as them flocking to you due to the crown is true," Ashlock explained to Douglas, and the man seemed surprised. "However, it comes at a cost on my part, so I need you to confirm if these Mudcloaks are worth the price. You said they were well versed in earth Qi techniques, and you were able to communicate with them? Would there be a purpose to bringing them back here?"

Ashlock could always butcher these monsters and turn them into Ents if needed. However, he found the idea of intelligent monsters fascinating as he didn't even know that was possible. He had always assumed monsters were unintelligent beasts that only knew one thing: slaughter, so he had no qualms with feasting on their corpses to fuel his cultivation. But now? He wasn't so sure...

"I see," Ashlock pondered.

"What about their hunting methods?" Ashlock asked since Douglas had specified they were a weak race, so they likely didn't use claws or teeth to hunt, "Did they throw rocks or bury their foes alive with earth affinity?"

"Golems? Have you ever tried to make them before?" Ashlock asked. To his recollection, he had never seen Douglas walk around with an entourage of golems.

That was a fair point. Considering how weak the Mudcloaks sounded, golems might be helpful to them. But for Douglas, they were rather useless. However, that brought up a concern... if these Mudcloaks were so weak they could do nothing without golems, what purpose could they serve other than simple labor as golem masters? If that's all they could do, then turning them into Ents and letting Douglas command them directly would remove a lot of headaches from trying to train them.

"Bringing these Mudcloaks back for nothing but labor seems counterintuitive. I would much rather hunt for some earth affinity monsters among that horde Elder Brent encountered and turn them into Ents for you, Douglas." Ashlock said, "Is there anything you can think of that would make bringing the Mudcloaks here worth the cost and risk of sharing our home with monsters?"

"You definitely should have led with that," Ashlock chuckled. Obviously, the Mudcloaks could be a potential source of labor for the Ashfallen Sect, with Douglas apparently being their newly crowned king and able to communicate with them, but that wasn't a selling point worth the risk and cost. However, monsters that knew how to build such advanced-sounding weaponry that could impale monsters with a spear of crystal that long? Now, that was something he was very interested in. Some freshly raised Ents would never be capable of anything that advanced, even if ordered.

That was true. It was weird, but Ashlock would feel safer having weak monsters around than rogue cultivators. There would be far less chance of sensitive info being leaked or betrayals. Humans were greedy creatures.

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"Wait, can I even make the monsters recite an oath to the heavens for loyalty if they can't speak?" Ashlock mused but decided that wasn't too important if it was impossible. The monsters were either trainable and trustworthy or would serve as Ents for Douglas. "By Douglas's description of them, I'm imagining mud goblins. I wonder what they will actually be like?"

Ashlock turned to his system to check on his credits.

Idletree Daily Sign-In System

Day: 3559

Daily Credit: 7

Sacrifice Credit: 2303

[Sign in?]

"Plenty of credits to spend, so wasting a few on this should be fine." Ashlock decided to go through with it and looked back at the {Dimensional Overlap} menu. "Let's see. It says it will cost 100 sacrificial credits to establish the connection for the smallest area and then another 10 credits for every minute that passes. That's not too bad... let's increase the size to encompass the entire mountain peak to give us the best chance. Ah, 550 credits. Pretty reasonable."

Douglas seemed baffled by Stella's words as his jaw hung open.

Stella nodded in agreement, "So Tree? Are we going to try and win them over?"

"Yeah, we can give it a go," Ashlock said through {Abyssal Whispers} to everyone present. "Get ready. I'm about to transport most of the mountain peak to the Dragonite Mines. I'm unsure what to expect or if this will even work, so be prepared."

Once everyone had their weapons drawn and ready, Ashlock hit the button and saw 550 credits vanish from his balance. A bubble rapidly expanded outward, twisting space as it went. The air suddenly became hot as if it were the peak of summer, and the world took on a beige hue, much like Douglas's suit, due to the overwhelming amount of earth Qi within the bubble.

The last time he used {Dimensional Overlap}, he had summoned a spatial bubble that barely surrounded his trunk, but this time, at great cost, the entire mountain peak had been encompassed.

Ashlock looked to the east, where the mountain peak would usually taper off into a steep slope of demonic trees and then into the endless meadows of the wilderness backed by a blue sky. However, that was all gone. What greeted him at the edge of the bubble instead of demonic trees was now a sheer cliff face of red rock that carved slightly into the bubble and then went up and out of view.

The same thing occurred on the western side of the mountain peak, which suggested to Ashlock that his {Dimensional Overlap} skillhad placed them at the bottom of a canyon.

Douglas cautiously approached the western side and placed his hand on the cliff face. Brown flames erupted down his arm as he closed his eyes in concentration. Everyone stayed quiet as they waited for Douglas's verdict.

That was new. When Ashlock had last used {Dimensional Overlap}, there hadn't been any terrain. It had simply been a bubble of spatial Qi. If he looked to the north and south, through the beige hue of the bubble, he could vaguely make out the tips of some trees.

"Try and make a tunnel through it," Ashlock said.

Douglas nodded and put his palm back on the dusty red rock. A moment later, it rippled as if it had turned to a watery clay, and then it easily melted away to form a tunnel, which Douglas then walked through.

Ashlock's vision blurred as he used his roots, still firmly planted in the mountain of Red Vine Peak, to gaze upon the giant bubble of earth Qi from the outside. It was as if a snow globe filled with swamp water had encompassed the entire peak, and through the murkiness of the earth Qi, he could vaguely make out the shadows of the two cliff faces and his towering body dominating the center.

From the shadow of the closest cliff face, Douglas emerged through the murky bubble and glanced around in confusion.

"Don't worry, this is what I expected," Ashlock told Douglas, "Head back inside."

"Oh, alright..." Douglas said to the sky as he took a moment to admire the enormous bubble of earth Qi before tracing his steps and vanishing back into the looming shadow of the cliff.

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With him gone, Ashlock took a moment to ponder this discovery. Since {Dimensional Overlap}was supposed to be a combat ability focused on altering the environment to a desired Qi-type to give himself and his allies an advantage, it made sense that terrain could also be brought in.

"So much swirling earth Qi alone would make Douglas a tough opponent to face, but if he also had piles of rock on either side of him to manipulate into golems or to use as projectiles, that would make him even more formidable."

Ashlock now wondered what would happen if he had made the size of the {Dimensional Overlap}even bigger. Would it encompass more of the canyon? Or would the overlap have picked a different location?

"How does the {Dimensional Overlap}skill even choose where to put me? Is there a way I could select to appear in the middle of the Mudcloaks stronghold? Or perhaps in the middle of the Azure Clan's library?" Ashlock hadn't seen any such option in the menu, so it seemed safe to assume it was randomized, or he would always appear in the same place. "I should revisit this pocket realm with {Dimensional Overlap} later and see where it puts me."

Done with his inspection and confirming the skill had functioned like last time despite the added terrain, Ashlock's vision blurred as he returned his sights to inside the bubble. The fact that Douglas's Qi seemed to stop at the boundary of the bubble and could only affect the bit of canyon inside made Ashlock concerned that the crown might not work at all.

"And even if it does work, I'm unsure if the Mudcloaks can see, interact, or enter this bubble. But the fact there's a bit of mountain in here gives me some hope." Ashlock would be rather annoyed if this turned out to be a total waste of credits, but at least he got some new knowledge about one of his S-grade skills.

"Knowing that terrain can appear is essential to my future decision-making regarding the skill. For example, Sol wouldn't benefit much from terrain with his light affinity, so I could go for a cheaper and smaller overlap. In contrast, earth affinity is rather useless without stone lying around."

"Yeah, go ahead."

Douglas straightened his back and placed both hands on his brown gemstone walking stick, firmly placed into a notch in the stone at his feet. Brown soul fire swirled around his form as he looked into the distance. A wind rustled his black cloak of minor concealment casually draped from his shoulders, and the crude gemstone crown on his head began to glow with power.

The crown on his head lit up like a beacon, and Ashlock felt a wave of power roll out and phase through the bubble.

Nothing happened for a while, and Ashlock grew concerned that he had wasted his credits. However, his patience was soon rewarded when a single head poked through the bubble at the top of the cliff. It was a tiny thing with giant glowing eyes resembling blue orbs. A baggy black cloak with a deep hood obscured the rest of its face and body.

"King!" It cackled with a high-pitched voice and pointed at Douglas excitedly with its spindly finger that emerged from the folds of its cloak. Many other Mudcloaks emerged beside it, and more appeared on the eastern cliff face.

Soon, they were being stared down by dozens of Mudcloaks, all pointing at Douglas and shouting, "King!" with excitement. It would seem the Mudcloaks answered their king's call.