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Reborn to Be A Noble Wife

Chapter 433 - 433 Third Lady did not See Our Lady
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Chapter 433 Third Lady did not See Our Lady

Yu Dong stood in surprise, staring at the young master Qi in disbelief.

“Just two days ago!” Qu Moying gazed calmly at Qi Xiuran. “On that day, when I returned from the palace, at the doorstep, Granny Yan received it from a servant lad. She said the lad was from your mansion, and the carriage he used belonged to your household. She claimed that the music score was sent by your order.”

Qu Moying spoke candidly, turning to Yu Dong and nodding.

Yu Dong stepped forward and presented the prepared music score. Initially, she thought her young lady’s action was inappropriate. After all, it wasn’t common to receive a gift and then return it in person.

Now she realized that the young lady was indeed clever. She had sensed something was amiss with the music score and had prepared for it beforehand.

Qi Xiuran also noticed that something was off. He took a quick glance at the score, then raised his head and said sternly, “Lady Qu, I did not send this music score.”

Observing Qi Xiuran’s expression, Qu Moying smiled faintly. “If that’s the case, could I leave the music score to you?”

“Sure.” Qi Xiuran nodded, passing the music score to the servant lad standing behind him, signifying that he would take responsibility for this matter.

The fact that they used a carriage from Duke Qi’s Mansion and that the servant lad was dressed like any servant in the mansion indicated a connection to someone within his family. Otherwise, outsiders wouldn’t have access to these resources.

For Qi Xiuran, investigating this matter was more feasible, as Qu Moying was an outsider and many things couldn’t be easily looked into.

“Master Qi, I heard that Duke Qi once fought in the North against the Imperial Court for several years?” Qu Moying didn’t immediately leave after resolving the issue.

“My grandfather indeed fought in the North, a long time ago. At that time, the North suffered a crushing defeat, and my grandfather pursued them to their imperial court. All members of their royal family fled, and the North was nearly annihilated.” Qi Xiuran explained with a smile. This was a matter that Duke Qi was most proud of, as he often shared the story with his grandson.

There were some minor details related to this matter, but Qu Moying didn’t inquire further, and Qi Xiuran didn’t elaborate much either. If Qu Moying were to ask again, he planned to share the story wholeheartedly. After all, as the grandson, he also took great pride in this event.

Qu Moying didn’t respond this time. It seemed that she had already said everything she needed to. With a slight bow, she turned with Yu Dong and walked back. Initially, she was merely taking a casual stroll, but seeing Xu Lipeng approach and realizing that Qi Xiuran intended to head in the same direction, she concluded that it must be the outer courtyard. Going there would be less suitable for her.

Qi Xiuran inexplicably felt a sense of melancholy. He had originally planned to discuss the matter further, but when he realized that Qu Moying’s comment was just a passing remark, he smiled awkwardly, shook his head, and headed towards the outer courtyard.

“Lady, I have placed everything as instructed, and no one has come there yet.” Yu Dong caught up with her and reported in a low voice, making sure no one was around.

No one? Even after such a long time?

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It seemed as if the maid had come specifically to open the door for Qu Qiuyan.

Even if they were out searching for something for an extended period, what about the other servants? Weren’t they supposed to be arranging the banquet? It wouldn’t be appropriate to leave the task of preparation solely to a maid.

“It’s fine, let’s leave it at that and go back.” Qu Moying nodded, now understanding the situation.

“Lady, why would County Lady Jingyu act this way?” Yu Dong asked in a hushed tone.

There were only the two of them on the path, so there was no need to worry about others overhearing.

“Perhaps it’s due to conflicting interests.” Qu Moying lightly smiled, casually dismissing the matter, but her eyes betrayed a hint of coldness.

This County Lady Jingyu was quite persistent. Although Qu Moying still hadn’t fully grasped the exact reasons why Liu Jingyu wanted to harm her, she was not the type to be beaten without fighting back. If Liu Jingyu could play dirty tricks, then Qu Moying could do the same.

“Lady, could it be her behind the incident with the music scores?” Yu Dong suddenly remembered the issue and made an insightful remark.

Qu Moying paused for a moment and then shook her head, saying, “It’s hard to say for sure.”

“Why would it be hard to say? Besides County Lady Jingyu, who else could use the Qi Mansion’s carriage and command their servants? Yu Dong asked anxiously.

“It seems like there is no one else.” Qu Moying chuckled at her urgency, her lips curling slightly. “It appears as though there is no one, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t. Perhaps this target is not me, but rather first young master Qi. After all, he is not yet a Duke.”

It seemed that the issue with the music score may not necessarily be directly related to her. Qu Moying was not well-acquainted with the situation at this mansion, but she had made a guess based on her intuition.

Yu Dong fell silent for a moment after hearing her words and then cautiously asked, “Do you think it’s possible that you are being implicated due to the title dispute?”

“It’s a possibility.” Qu Moying nodded. In truth, she had another direction in mind, but no matter how she thought about it, it seemed highly unlikely.

So, she didn’t bring it up again.

The battle for titles was never as simple as it appeared on the surface. It involved backstabbing and ruthless tactics. The so-called brotherhood often ended up being less reliable than a stranger.

Her father’s situation was a perfect example.

“Some people will disregard all moral values for the sake of titles.” Qu Moying sighed, speaking from personal experience. After finishing her statement, she felt a pang in her heart. She forcefully exhaled a breath, suppressing the surging and repressed hatred within her.

Yu Dong remained silent. She agreed with the young lady’s words, as she had witnessed many battles for titles where bloodshed ensued herself.

If a title fell into the hands of a good family, it would promote unity and closeness. However, if it fell into the hands of a malicious family, it would become a source of trouble. Even during the many years of the Great Zhou, which prominent family hadn’t experienced internal conflicts and bloodshed? It was far from unexpected.

Not only among these prominent families, even during the previous rebellion, the cause was the pursuit of the throne.

The current Crown Prince and Lord Jing were no different in their ambitions.

Yu Dong refrained from asking further questions, and Qu Moying remained silent as well. She walked back slowly, biting her lip tightly. Unpleasant memories from the depths of her mind gradually resurfaced, and at this moment, she had no intention of speaking any further.

“Fourth sister?” Suddenly, a voice came from ahead on the road, calling out to her.

Qu Moying raised her head and saw Qu Qiuyan and several other young ladies approaching. Upon seeing her, Qu Qiuyan gently and gracefully called out to her.

Suppressing all the emotions in her heart, Qu Moying took two steps forward and bowed to Qu Qiuyan. In the eyes of outsiders, despite their strained relationship, one was an elder sister and the other a younger sister.

The dignity of the entire Qu Mansion had to be taken into consideration when it was necessary. Of course, when this consideration crossed Qu Moying’s bottom line, she would no longer care about feelings.

“Where did you come from?” Qu Qiuyan looked perplexed, as if she hadn’t seen Qu Moying just now, as if she had left Qu Moying behind and walked ahead on her own.

She had left them behind under the awkward situation, leaving Qu Moying and Xu Lipeng behind. And at that time, Qu Moying didn’t have any maids by her side, and Xu Lipeng harbored ill intentions towards Qu Moying.

“Didn’t Third Lady see our young lady just now? When I came over, I saw both Third Lady and our young lady ahead.” Yu Dong interjected with surprise, appearing straightforward.

Speaking out of turn as a maid was improper, but it also indicated that it was a fact. Otherwise, a maid wouldn’t dare to be so impulsive in joining the conversation.

Qu Moying cast an unhappy look at Yu Dong.

Yu Dong understood and quickly apologized to Qu Qiuyan: “Third Lady, I was too surprised and lost my composure. I hope Third Lady will reprimand me!”

“Third sister, Yu Dong was rude!” Qu Moying said calmly.

As for Yu Dong’s words, she didn’t affirm or deny them!

Their conversation drew the attention of the other young ladies, who glanced at the two of them. Qu Moying seemed calm, and although Qu Qiuyan appeared calm as well, there was a hint of annoyance, as if she had other intentions. Could there be something going on between them? The perceptive young ladies sensed it.

It was well known that the two sisters in the Qu Mansion didn’t get along. The current situation made it difficult to determine who was right and who was wrong.

Qu Qiuyan said she hadn’t seen Qu Moying when she first arrived, and she didn’t know where Qu Moying had come from. However, Qu Moying’s maid claimed that Qu Moying had been with her.

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If it was true, it seemed that Qu Moying had some ulterior motives, and it all seemed too pretentious.

The young ladies weren’t fools; they wouldn’t serve as puppets without reason.

Qu Qiuyan was truly irritated. If Qu Moying had said those words, she would have had a response. In fact, she particularly hoped that Qu Moying would question her, as she could naturally bring up Xu Lipeng and explain that he had come to ask Qu Moying something.

That would provide the groundwork for Xu Lipeng later, no matter what he said.

But unfortunately, it was Yu Dong who had spoken. Qu Moying remained silent, not asking anything. Even if Qu Qiuyan wanted to bring it up, it wouldn’t be natural. Moreover, Yu Dong immediately apologized, and Qu Moying’s words were there to support her. Qu Qiuyan couldn’t really punish Yu Dong at this moment.

Yu Dong was Qu Moying’s attendant, and even when beating a dog, one still needed to consider the master. Moreover, during their journey, the young ladies had been subtly probing their relationship, hinting at whether their relationship was truly poor or if it had something to do with Qu Moying’s birth mother.

There was even one who was more aggressive, hinting that Qu Qiuyan was involved in harming Qu Moying along with Yu.

These remarks infuriated Qu Qiuyan, but she had to suppress her anger. Now Yu Dong had caused her minor discomfort, and she couldn’t even vent her frustration. It left her with a burning anger inside.

Luckily, she still remembered clearly that this wasn’t the Qu Mansion.

“I just took a walk outside. Did you see me? But I didn’t see you. We might have missed each other!” Qu Qiuyan had to explain, prompted by the words of a young maid. She waved her hand, suppressing her anger, and forced a smile as she motioned for Yu Dong to rise. She didn’t want to confront the maid accompanying Qu Moying, as it wouldn’t be fitting for her status.

In preparation for the upcoming scene, she couldn’t afford to have a conflict with Qu Moying. The better she presented herself now, the less likely others would misunderstand or suspect her when the incident came to light.

Qu Qiuyan’s tactful and graceful words had a significant effect, dispelling the doubts of the young ladies.

Being born into a noble family, Qu Qiuyan couldn’t openly display her dislike for her sister. Especially not within the Duke Qi’s Mansion.

It was common for sisters to have their differences, yet when they were outside, they always maintained a pleasant and harmonious atmosphere.

Rumors? Weren’t they always unreliable?

“Fourth sister, since you saw me, why didn’t you call out to me? Were there others present?” Qu Qiuyan swallowed her anger and tried to redirect the conversation towards Xu Lipeng.

“I didn’t see you. Maybe I was further behind you. When Yu Dong looked over, it seemed as if we were together.” Qu Moying replied casually. She gave a slight side bow to Qu Qiuyan, acknowledging her manner. However, she had no intention of showcasing sisterly affection towards Qu Qiuyan. “I won’t disturb third sister and the other ladies any longer. Lady Qi is still waiting for me.”

Upon hearing her words, the other ladies smiled and also offered their bows. Although Qi Xiangyu, from the Qi family, was not a county lady, as the only legitimate granddaughter of the Duke, her status was exceptional despite her father being a concubine’s son.

Qu Qiuyan wanted to call out to Qu Moying, as she hadn’t yet shifted the conversation towards Xu Lipeng. How could Qu Moying leave now?

She only needed to say a few more words to steer the discussion in the right direction.

But the words remained unspoken, and she could only watch as Qu Moying departed.

Everyone was aware of their strained relationship. If she were to display affection now, it would only raise suspicion among others…