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Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 89 Battling The Bullies.
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He wasn't the only one strolling on the compound, other students were walking on the compound as well. Only a few parents had arrived to pick up their kids.

Aiden was already out of the school compound, and when the bullies sighted him from afar, smirks appeared on their faces. They were imagining how they'll beat him up.

Aiden reached where they were, and the one named Cyrus uttered to him,

"Hope you aren't trying to trick us? Maybe you've already set up an adult that would be following us to see where we'll go battle ourselves. Then it would be that the adult has caught us right in the act".

"No, nothing like that, I promise. I just wanna whoop you guys' asses myself". Aiden said glancing at them all.

The smirks on their faces broadened the moment they heard Aiden's utterance, and about two of them couldn't help but laugh a little. Then one of them voiced out,

"Let's not waste time discussing here, let's head over to the place where the battle would take place. Where would the battle take place?".

"I know a nice place, you guys would have to follow my lead". Cyrus stated.

Then one of them glanced at Aiden and said, "Don't you dare run while we are heading to the place. Understood?".

Aiden didn't say anything, but from his facial expression, it was evident he doesn't plan on running. Then they began moving.

They strolled and strolled until they got to a certain open field with little grasses on the ground. The field was sandy, and it wasn't that wide, it can be said to be average in size.

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There wasn't a single soul on the field when they got there, and the field wasn't close to their academy, they had to stroll for minutes to get there. And again, there were about two trees on the field...they weren't close to each other.

"And we've arrived at the place". Cyrus stated not too long after they arrived at the field.

"Wow! This is truly a nice place for battle, no one is here. You said you gonna whoop our asses, right? Now, let's see who's gonna whoop each other's asses". One of the boys voiced out.

"I want you to know this kid, we aren't gonna take it easy on you when beating you, we aren't gonna pity you, alright?". Another boy voiced out.

Each of them was wearing their school bags, they didn't plan on taking them off...including Aiden. He just stood there glancing at the boys, he was trying to strategize on how he was gonna beat them.

But strategizing now would be of no use 'cause he doesn't know how they plan on attacking him, so he was gonna wait and see. Aiden and the boys were standing some meters away from each other, so Cyrus glanced at one of the boys and said to him,

"Go bring him here".

..He was referring to Aiden, and the boy didn't waste time as he began walking toward where Aiden was standing.

'It's time'. Aiden thought to himself.

It was about time to activate one of the skills he unlocked yesterday, and it was the speed dash skill. That was the skill that was gonna be of help to him at this moment. He had learned to make use of it yesterday...so making use of it now would be no problem for him.

Without wasting time, he said this in his mind,

"Activate speed dash".

And with that, he got the system's notification,

<Speed dash has been activated>

<5 Skill points have been deducted from your skill points>

..Now, that has been done, Aiden just stood there watching the guy sauntering toward him as he had already gotten so close to him.

He reached where Aiden was standing and began moving his right hand toward Aiden to grab him and drag him toward where the other boys were standing so they could beat him up...but Aiden wouldn't let that.

As the boy's hand was heading toward him, he made use of the skill, and the boy's hand was moving toward him slowly. It was so easy to move to the boy's side without going far. He could choose to go as far as he wants while making use of the speed dash skill.

He could choose to go from one side to the other with speed without going far. And he could choose to cover meters or kilometers while making use of the skill. For dodging attacks, he wouldn't need to go too far...this was something the system had already informed him about.

So by the time the boy's hand reached where Aiden was standing, he was supposed to grab someone...but Aiden wasn't there anymore, he was f**king surprised. He side-glanced, and Aiden was standing at his side and glancing at him.

'Wait, he was standing in front of me right now, how did he?...' These were the thoughts that ran through the boy's mind, he was so surprised.

Cyrus and the other boys saw what happened, they saw how fast Aiden moved, and they were finding it hard to believe. In fact, they didn't believe it, they took it like they were seeing things. Some of them even scratched their eyes so they'll stop seeing things.

The boy tried grabbing Aiden again. He began moving that same hand toward Aiden. But by the time his hand reached there, Aiden wasn't there anymore...he was now standing in front of the boy once again.

The boy glanced front to see Aiden, and he was like, 'What!'. Cyrus and the other boys saw what happened again, and Cyrus didn't waste time as he began heading toward where Aiden was standing, and the other guys began following him from behind.

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..He wanted to end this, he was heading toward Aiden to either grab or punch him.

He reached where Aiden was standing and began stretching his hand toward him to grab him, he did it with speed. But by the time his hand reached there and was supposed to grab someone...Aiden wasn't there anymore.

Aiden was now standing at his side. He glanced at his left-hand side to see Aiden there, and he became angry at that moment. What was happening? What was the meaning of this? How was he moving this fast? Those were the thoughts that ran through his mind at that moment.

He didn't try to grab Aiden anymore, he threw a swift punch that was heading toward him with speed...it was gonna hit Aiden right in the face.

As Aiden was making use of the speed dash skill, the punch was moving toward him so slowly. By the time the punch reached where he was and was supposed to hit him in the face, Aiden wasn't there anymore.

He was now standing in front of the four bullies with a bit of smirk on his face. The four of them had bewildered expressions on their faces with their mouths open in awe...they couldn't believe what was happening.

But Cyrus had no plans of backing down, just 'cause this kid was doing something unimaginable doesn't mean he was gonna back down. He knew Aiden wouldn't have awakened yet if at all he has the mana core in him, and he was sure he shouldn't have been making use of any of the minor abilities.

But here he was dodging their attacks with speed, he was making use of the speed ability, how? He felt there was a secret to it, and it wouldn't last long. If they keep attacking him, they'll be able to finally beat him up.

So at that moment, Cyrus' voice resounded audibly, "Attack him together!!".

And at that moment, Cyrus's three friends darted toward Aiden with the aim of either grabbing him or punching him...the main aim was to punch him though. And at this moment, Aiden knew it was time to stop dodging, it was about time to start attacking.

The first one reached where Aiden was standing and threw a swift punch, but by the time his hand reached where Aiden was supposed to be...Aiden wasn't there anymore. Aiden was now standing at his side, and he didn't waste time...

..A nice punch landed on the boy's stomach as he moved back due to the force and the pain he felt.

Aiden's palms weren't big, but he made sure to throw a really nice punch that the boy felt the moment it landed on his stomach.

"Arghhhhhhh". Another boy shouted as he was coming towards Aiden with a nice kick...the one that was gonna hit him right in the face.

The boy had reached where Aiden was standing, and he didn't waste time swinging his leg and a nice kick was heading toward Aiden's face.

..But Aiden was gonna make sure that kick doesn't touch him...never.