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Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 103 Miss me
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An Xiulan returned to class victorious with Shen Yue. She was so happy that her face was glowing. She was kind of glad that she didn’t get punished by the school authorities straight away, instead, they set up a committee to look into the matter.

Bullying was something Jingyuan High would never tolerate.

A circular was passed in the school that banned the use of cell phones on the school campus. The students could bring cell phones with them but they were not allowed to take pictures, share pictures taken in school on social media or seen using phones. The principal felt that the cellphone was the source of misbehaviour in the school and so he partially banned its use on the campus.

Later, the students of Class Ten K apologised to Shen Yue for slandering her. Although some of them were on Zhou Liling’s side, they still refrained from making any negative comments about her.

“Will you sit with me?” Shen Yue asked her hopefully. An Xiulan was her first true friend in the school and she didn’t want to sit away from her. If she could, she would hold the hem of the girl’s skirt and never leave her side. But she didn’t want to scare An Xiulan. In her heart, An Xiulan was the bravest girl she had ever met.

“Umm…” An Xiulan hesitated before giving her a reply. She looked back at her seat where Han Zixin was feigning to pull back a notebook from his bag even though he never paid attention to the lecture. Although he was standing by her side, she still felt as if he was so far away from her. Why did she have a hunch that he was ignoring her?

Before she could give her answer, Teacher Jin entered the class with a slightly dark expression. The students dared not to create any trouble as they knew that the news had reached the teacher and they would do anything to appease their teacher..

“Xu Ningwan! What are you doing there? Did you forget the sitting arrangement of the class is based on rank? If you want to take that seat, remember to score less next time,” Teacher Jin scolded Xu Ningwan and An Xiulan sneakily ran back to her seat. Thankfully, she had placed her bag on her usual seat.

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The teacher began the lecture without making small talk. Teacher Jin always had a habit of asking students questions before starting the lecture. Today, he didn’t say a word and started the lecture straight. The students dared not make a noise in the class and copied the content of the blackboard on their notebooks.

Once the class ended, another class started and Teacher Wang appeared in a startling fashion. Since the school banned the teachers from wearing skirts or shorts, he began to torture everyone by wearing a Neon Pink T shirt, neon green pants and neon blue shoes. His hair was set straight by the use of an excessive gel that was visible even from afar.

“Class, I have an announcement to make,” The English teacher said as he looked at the unusually quiet class. “The school is conducting an English competition in the last week of this month. From every class, two students can join.”

The students started muttering to themselves as they couldn’t decide on the matter.

“Sir, how will you select those students?” Cu Ningwan asked. He didn’t want to be defeated by Shen Yue again. So, what if she was from Class Ten A? She was now in Class Ten K which meant her level was almost similar. He could be able to defeat her with his level of intelligence.

“Great question,” Teacher Wang commented. The committee suggested choosing two students from each class– either the students can give their names and the students will be selected by the simple test considered by the English teacher or the teachers could give the name of two students from each section.

The teachers felt that the first option was more fair and safe and in this way, every student could be given an equal opportunity.

“All the students who are willing to participate can give their names to the Class English Representative and the test will be conducted to select these two students. It’s no secret that the two students who would score the highest marks would be able to enter the competition,” Teacher Wang informed as he saw a rush of enthusiasm in the students. “The date of class test will be notified in class groups or official circular.”

“Teacher Wang, why don’t we have a class test today?” Shen Yue asked. “If we waited for the date sheet of the class test, we would be stressed and wouldn’t be able to focus on the class.”

Once Xu Ningwan saw how Shen Yue was showing off her smartness, he spoke in her favour too.

“Yes, teacher Wang, we should have a test today,” Xu Ningwan said as he gave her a moving glare.

“Let me have a word with the HOD first,” Teacher Wang said as he signalled the class to keep quiet while he went out to talk with the HOD. It only took him ten minutes to print out the question paper as he had already set the question paper a long time ago. After getting the green signal from the HOD, he entered the class with a bundle of question papers.

“Class, everyone has to solve the question paper. If you want to take part in the contest, write it on the top of the question paper along with your name, roll number and contact number and if you don’t, just solve the paper to see where you stand,” Teacher Wang announced in the class and distributed question papers to everyone.

As An Xiulan got the question paper, she saw Han Zixin sitting on the edge of the desk as if he was going to get a disease if he mistakenly ended up touching her.

The first section of the question paper was on word and structure knowledge, as she felt she knew the answer to some questions, she placed her paper at such an angle that would make it easier for him to see the answers but he never looked up. It was as if he knew what she was trying to do.

The class ended with students submitting the question paper and the teacher telling them that the results would be out tomorrow.

An Xiulan was looking for Han Zixin when school ended but she didn’t find him anywhere. She had told her friends that she had to leave early but didn’t tell them that she was looking for Han Zixin. In the end, she found him in the cafeteria where he was sitting alone. She sprinted to take a seat next to him.

“Hi,” An Xiulan waved her hand at him.

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Han Zixin put his chopsticks on the table and looked at her impatiently. “What do you want?”

“I thought you were ignoring me,” An Xiulan said in a joking manner but her words were serious.

“You didn’t think wrong. I was indeed ignoring you. Can you please leave?” Han Zixin said, impatiently. “I want to eat my meal in peace.”

“Cheat Prince, did I do something wrong?” An Xiulan asked in a soft voice. She knew what she did wrong. She hid the truth from him. When they were assigned tutors he shared how he didn’t want to be tutored but she kept quiet in order to not let him find out about Han Nanxian.

She didn’t know why he would always be hurt whenever Han Nanxian was around him. She just didn’t want to hurt him.

“No,” Han Zixin replied. He knew that she didn’t do anything wrong. It was his own problem. He just could not see her getting close to that person. The person who was bound to hurt him all the time. It was better to shut himself out before he would be het beyond cure.

“Leave, An Xiulan,” Han Zixin replied. “I don’t want to see you right now.”

“If you don’t see me, won’t you miss me?” An Xiulan joked. She learned that she was not good with awkward situations. She just wanted to make him talk to her.

“I won’t. Your presence or absence has nothing to do with me,” Han Zixin replied nonchalantly. Never had he ever imagined that the words utter by him now were going to haunt him one day. He would wish to take back those words but it would be a futile attempt.

“I’m telling you that you are gonna miss me,” An Xiulan replied but he didn’t take her words seriously. After saying those words, she left.

As An Qinyan had made up her mind to talk to An Xiulan about Lu Xuan, she picked her up from the school and took her to a restaurant. But who would have thought the moment she would disclose the matter, she would find an unconscious An Xiulan there.