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Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 444 Confrontation with Yang Zi (4)
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Chapter 444 Confrontation with Yang Zi (4)

On the other hand, Han Zixin was standing in the hospital and a doctor was briefing him on Yang Zi's situation. He brought her straight to the ER. seeing that it was a celebrity patient, Yang Zi was immediately taken to a private room. 

The doctor addressed the young man who was dressed as a policeman. "Miss Yang's scratches have been treated. She fainted not because she was hurt physically but because she has a fragile mental health. It seemed she had been dealing with a bigger mental issue like depression. We have consulted the psychiatry department." 

"What about the scratches on her face? It was nothing serious?" Han Zixin asked. "She was bleeding when we came here."

"We have applied medicine. It will only take a week to heal. Please do not worry about it, Officer, "The doctor informed him. "I would suggest you call her family first. They should be with her." 

Han Zixin nodded his head as if understanding. 

"Officer, Miss Yang is awake. You can meet her now."

"Officer, come with us."

The doctor was once again checking Yang Zi who was now sitting on the bed. He was asking her several questions to know about her health, and she was slowly answering all of them. 

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The doctor advised the woman, "Miss Yang, you need a lot of rest."

Although Miss Yang appeared healthy on the outside, they noticed a lot of things happening to her inside. They knew that it was only a matter of time before her physical health would start deteriorating. If she was treated on time, many complications in the future could be avoided. 

The doctor added, "We have treated you for now but you should just lie on the bed and focus only on recovering."

The doctor did not tell her that they were admitting her on the basis of her degrading mental health. Many times, patients would urge to leave or stop accepting treatment if they were straight told the real reason. The best approach here would be to contact the family first who could easily convince the patient. In ninety of the cases, the family would persuade the patient to take the treatment. 

Yang Zi said with a tired smile, "Doctor, it is a little injury. How can I stay at the hospital?"

The doctor advised, "Miss Yang, you will stay here for some days. We asked the officer to inform your family. You are extremely weak and energy less. It will be better if you stay under medical supervision." 

Yang Zi laughed, "Oh my, am I too old that I can't stand on my feet after a few injuries. Should I show you how strong I am? I do not need to stay here."

She did not see any point in staying in hospital. She was not even that injured that she needed to be admitted to a hospital. Moreover, if anyone found out that she was hospitalized after being involved in a fight with a young girl, people would laugh at her. She was already feeling not so good after being involved in a cat fight with An Xiulan and she did not want to continue feeling that. She could not believe that she forgot herself control and dignity and was involved in a fight with a young girl. People would laugh at her if they found out. 


Yang Zi looked at Han Zixin who was standing near the door with his hands folded on his chest and his eyes on the doctor. 

Yang Zi said, "Do not complain to him. I am right here. I am making a decision; I will not stay in the hospital. I can rest well at home."

The doctor could not argue with her for long as it was all up to her in the end. If she did not wish to stay here, the doctors could not do anything about it. A few minutes later the doctor left but not before advising Han Zixin to convince the patient. 

"I apologize for worrying you," Yang Zi said with an embarrassed smile. 

"You have nothing to apologize for," Han Zixin said with a straight face. 

"You are a good boy. I fainted and you have to bring me here," Yang Zi said. "Thank you for bringing me here. I am sorry if I cause you any sort of worry."

While saying this, her voice was exceptionally soft. 

Once again, he said, "Do not apologize. I was not worried."

Yang Zi let out a laugh. She was laughing at herself for being delusional. How could she forget that he would not start caring for her instantly? It would take her some time to form a place in his heart. 

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"I will call your family," Han Zixin said. 

"Please do not call them. I know you want to convince me to stay here but I do not want to, "She told him. "I want to leave."

Han Zixin said, "I have no intention of convincing you even though the doctor told me to. You are at an age where you can decide your well-being better. I will call your family so they can pick you from here."

Yang Zi sighed, "Either drop me at home or call me a taxi."

"Sure," Han Zixin said. 

Yang Zi was certain that he would not call her a taxi because she was sick. She fainted in front of him. If he sent her in a taxi and something happened to her, he would be held responsible. Therefore, she was certain that he would drop her instead. She was rejoicing at the thought of her son dropping her at her house for the first time. 

A few minutes later, the formalities were completed, and she was discharged. As she came out of the hospital, she saw a police jeep outside. Another police officer got down, he saluted Han Zixin. 

"Reporting to the Deputy chief." 

"Drop the madam safely at her house."

"Yes, sir!" 


AN: Shall we start the mass release? Are you all ready?