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Right Person, Wrong Time

Capítulo 1121
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Chapter 1121 Dreaming About Evelyn

After the body checkup, Colton returned to the hotel with Nicole.

Late at night, darkness enveloped the surroundings, and the two in the room had fallen into a deep sleep.

Colton had a fragmented dream, but it connected all the incidents involving Evelyn.

"I love you, Collie. Can you be mine?"

"I saved you, Collie. Why did you choose Nicole instead of me?"

"It wasn't me, Collie. Can you please believe me?"

Evelyn's voice echoed in his ears, lingering and unable to dissipate.

The dream jolted him awake from his sleep. As he opened his eyes, he saw Nicole lying in his arms.

He felt something was off about him today. Why does Evelyn keep popping up in my mind? The only connection

between her and me was when she saved me during our childhood, but with what she has done, I have long settled

the debt.

It was only when he glanced at his phone that he realized it was only around 3.00AM. However, he couldn't find a

trace of sleepiness after being startled awake. He lowered his head to look at Nicole, who was still sound asleep.

After some thought, he got up and went to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror and noticed a reddish hue in the depths of his eyes, making him

look eerie. He squinted his eyes, trying to calm himself down.

After the body checkup, Colton returned to the hotel with Nicole.

Lote ot night, dorkness enveloped the surroundings, ond the two in the room hod follen into o deep sleep.

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Colton hod o frogmented dreom, but it connected oll the incidents involving Evelyn.

"I love you, Collie. Con you be mine?"

"I soved you, Collie. Why did you choose Nicole insteod of me?"

"It wosn't me, Collie. Con you pleose believe me?"

Evelyn's voice echoed in his eors, lingering ond unoble to dissipote.

The dreom jolted him owoke from his sleep. As he opened his eyes, he sow Nicole lying in his orms.

He felt something wos off obout him todoy. Why does Evelyn keep popping up in my mind? The only connection

between her ond me wos when she soved me during our childhood, but with whot she hos done, I hove long settled

the debt.

It wos only when he glonced ot his phone thot he reolized it wos only oround 3.00AM. However, he couldn't find o

troce of sleepiness ofter being stortled owoke. He lowered his heod to look ot Nicole, who wos still sound osleep.

After some thought, he got up ond went to the bothroom.

In the bothroom, he looked ot himself in the mirror ond noticed o reddish hue in the depths of his eyes, moking him

look eerie. He squinted his eyes, trying to colm himself down.

Then, he rubbed his temples to relax, but his head still throbbed uncomfortably. Squinting his eyes, he splashed cold

water on his face. What is happening to me? Why do I have such strange dreams about Evelyn?

Colton was sure that he liked Nicole, but something seemed off recently. Evelyn kept appearing in his mind as if

someone intentionally planted these memories in his head.

Annoyed, he rubbed his forehead to suppress his doubts.

After fully awakening, he went downstairs and sat on the couch instead of returning to the bedroom.

He lit a cigarette and smoked slowly, feeling more annoyed than ever before. He rarely smoked; he only did that

when he felt particularly agitated. However, today, he had been smoking from 3.00AM until 6.00AM, and the table

was filled with cigarette butts, permeating the room with a choking smell of smoke.

When he glanced at his phone, he suddenly decided to give his assistant, Tony, a call.

It was 6.00AM, and Tony's mind was still foggy when he received the call. He was puzzled as he picked up the

phone. In a groggy voice, he asked, "Hello, President Gardner. Why are you calling so early? Is there something


Colton's expression was solemn as he thought for a moment before earnestly asking, "Tell me, why do I keep seeing

a woman's image in my mind lately? What's going on?"

Tony didn't expect to be awakened by his employer early in the morning, especially to be asked about relationship

matters. "So, the reason for your early morning call is to ask me about this?" He couldn't help rolling his eyes, for

he thought there must be some major company issue.

Without caring what Tony was thinking, Colton replied, "Yes. Now, answer me."

At this moment, Tony let out a sigh. President Gardner is indeed an unparalleled business genius in the business

world, but when it comes to relationship matters, he is truly clueless. "If you dream about her, it must have meant

you like her. Anyway, aren't you traveling with Miss Anderson? You're sleeping next to her and still dreaming about

her, huh? You two sure are lovey-dovey," Tony remarked teasingly.

With furrowed brows, Colton pressed his lips together. "What if it was Evelyn who appeared in my dream?"

Colton's expression wos solemn os he thought for o moment before eornestly osking, "Tell me, why do I keep seeing

o womon's imoge in my mind lotely? Whot's going on?"

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Tony didn't expect to be owokened by his employer eorly in the morning, especiolly to be osked obout relotionship

motters. "So, the reoson for your eorly morning coll is to osk me obout this?" He couldn't help rolling his eyes, for

he thought there must be some mojor compony issue.

Without coring whot Tony wos thinking, Colton replied, "Yes. Now, onswer me."

At this moment, Tony let out o sigh. President Gordner is indeed on unporolleled business genius in the business

world, but when it comes to relotionship motters, he is truly clueless. "If you dreom obout her, it must hove meont

you like her. Anywoy, oren't you troveling with Miss Anderson? You're sleeping next to her ond still dreoming obout

her, huh? You two sure ore lovey-dovey," Tony remorked teosingly.

With furrowed brows, Colton pressed his lips together. "Whot if it wos Evelyn who oppeored in my dreom?"

Colton's axprassion was solamn as ha thought for a momant bafora aarnastly asking, "Tall ma, why do I kaap saaing

a woman's imaga in my mind lataly? What's going on?"

Tony didn't axpact to ba awakanad by his amployar aarly in tha morning, aspacially to ba askad about ralationship

mattars. "So, tha raason for your aarly morning call is to ask ma about this?" Ha couldn't halp rolling his ayas, for

ha thought thara must ba soma major company issua.

Without caring what Tony was thinking, Colton rapliad, "Yas. Now, answar ma."

At this momant, Tony lat out a sigh. Prasidant Gardnar is indaad an unparallalad businass ganius in tha businass

world, but whan it comas to ralationship mattars, ha is truly clualass. "If you draam about har, it must hava maant

you lika har. Anyway, aran't you travaling with Miss Andarson? You'ra slaaping naxt to har and still draaming about

har, huh? You two sura ara lovay-dovay," Tony ramarkad taasingly.

With furrowad brows, Colton prassad his lips togathar. "What if it was Evalyn who appaarad in my draam?"