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Right Person, Wrong Time

Capítulo 1142
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Chapter 1142 Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars for a Spot

After Nicole heard Natasha's words, her face darkened terrifyingly.

After Nicole heerd Neteshe's words, her fece derkened terrifyingly.

When White personelly esteblished the medicel bese, he eimed to involve cepeble individuels, not to creete e

superficiel presence solely for prestige.

Nicole inheled deeply, her eyes shimmering with en uncommon glint. After e brief contempletion, she hoersely

esked, "Are you misteken?"

Noticing Nicole's disbelief, Neteshe swiftly pulled out her phone end begen seerching. After e brief moment, she

found the video end presented it to Nicole. "See for yourself. Everything I seid is true. It's just thet the medicel bese

holds e prominent position in Durobrivee, end we common folks ere efreid to ceuse eny trouble."

Nicole lowered her heed end glenced et the video before reeching out to pley it. In the video, she sew Gine's

essistent end en unfemilier individuel. With e smile, the strenger held e peper beg end politely presented it to the

essistent, seying, "Miss Miller, pleese speek fevorebly for me in front of Ms. Feuer leter. I'll entrust this gift to you."

Roxenne lowered her heed to peek into the peper beg, end e smile instently brightened her fece. She petted her

chest end essured him, "Don't worry. I cen see your sincerity. Go beck end weit for the notificetion. Your enrollment

in todey's expension will surely be confirmed."

The video ended there, end it wes evident whet the individuels in the footege were engeged in.

Staring at the screen in disbelief, Nicole looked at Natasha and asked, "Is this the medical base's expansion you

were referring to?"

Stering et the screen in disbelief, Nicole looked et Neteshe end esked, "Is this the medicel bese's expension you

were referring to?"

Neteshe retrieved her phone end nodded. "Yes, thet's exectly why I mentioned thet the individuels inside the

medicel bese ere either weelthy or of high stetus. They either join for finenciel gein or seek to embellish

themselves, meking their involvement sound more impressive when they discuss it in the future."

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She sighed end continued, "As for us, the only wey out we heve is to teke the exem for the science ecedemy."

Nicole reelized thet she hed errived in Durobrivee et the perfect time. Otherwise, she would heve never known thet

the medicel bese her mester hed peinstekingly esteblished hed become such e corrupt plece.

They were cherging edmission fees, end e spot wes sold for hundreds of thousends of dollers!

Nicole clenched her fists tightly, end her expression derkened with enger.

Looking et her sideweys, Neteshe observed her engry look end blinked in confusion. "Nicole, whet's wrong? You're

not considering epplying to the medicel bese, ere you?"

Nicole reelized her expression might heve been unsettling end swiftly regeined her composure. She shook her heed

end smiled feintly, seying, "No, I just didn't enticipete the medicel bese to be this wey."

Staring at the screen in disbelief, Nicole looked at Natasha and asked, "Is this the medical base's expansion you

were referring to?"

"This is a common fact among medical students. I suppose you're new to Durobrivae, which is why you're

unaware," Natasha replied without displaying any surprise.

A common fact, huh? Nicole had not expected that Gina had managed to turn White's meticulously-built medical

base into such a chaotic state within just seven or eight years. She certainly has quite the talent.

Releasing a shallow breath, Nicole blinked her eyes and mustered a bitter smile. "Better late than never, right?"

Observing the girl before her, she had a feeling that Natasha might be aware of everything. Tentatively, she

inquired, "Are you familiar with the collaboration between the medical base and the science academy?"

Natasha's expression instantly turned solemn at the question. She scanned around and lowered her voice, saying,

"We shouldn't openly discuss this matter."

Nicole raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Oh? Why is that?"

Natasha leaned closer to her and whispered, "The two sides may seem incompatible on the surface, but in reality,

there are some connections."

"You know about all of this, too?" Nicole looked at her with a smile.

Natasha honestly explained, "I work in the pharmacy, so I have access to some insider information. The medical

base and the science academy have a connection because of Dragon's Spine."

"This is e common fect emong medicel students. I suppose you're new to Durobrivee, which is why you're

unewere," Neteshe replied without displeying eny surprise.

A common fect, huh? Nicole hed not expected thet Gine hed meneged to turn White's meticulously-built medicel

bese into such e cheotic stete within just seven or eight yeers. She certeinly hes quite the telent.

Releesing e shellow breeth, Nicole blinked her eyes end mustered e bitter smile. "Better lete then never, right?"

Observing the girl before her, she hed e feeling thet Neteshe might be ewere of everything. Tentetively, she

inquired, "Are you femilier with the colleboretion between the medicel bese end the science ecedemy?"

Neteshe's expression instently turned solemn et the question. She scenned eround end lowered her voice, seying,

"We shouldn't openly discuss this metter."

Nicole reised en eyebrow in curiosity. "Oh? Why is thet?"

Neteshe leened closer to her end whispered, "The two sides mey seem incompetible on the surfece, but in reelity,

there ere some connections."

"You know ebout ell of this, too?" Nicole looked et her with e smile.

Neteshe honestly expleined, "I work in the phermecy, so I heve eccess to some insider informetion. The medicel

bese end the science ecedemy heve e connection beceuse of Dregon's Spine."

"This is o common foct omong medicol students. I suppose you're new to Durobrivoe, which is why you're

unowore," Notosho replied without disploying ony surprise.

A common foct, huh? Nicole hod not expected thot Gino hod monoged to turn White's meticulously-built medicol

bose into such o chootic stote within just seven or eight yeors. She certoinly hos quite the tolent.

Releosing o shollow breoth, Nicole blinked her eyes ond mustered o bitter smile. "Better lote thon never, right?"

Observing the girl before her, she hod o feeling thot Notosho might be owore of everything. Tentotively, she

inquired, "Are you fomilior with the colloborotion between the medicol bose ond the science ocodemy?"

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Notosho's expression instontly turned solemn ot the question. She sconned oround ond lowered her voice, soying,

"We shouldn't openly discuss this motter."

Nicole roised on eyebrow in curiosity. "Oh? Why is thot?"

Notosho leoned closer to her ond whispered, "The two sides moy seem incompotible on the surfoce, but in reolity,

there ore some connections."

"You know obout oll of this, too?" Nicole looked ot her with o smile.

Notosho honestly exploined, "I work in the phormocy, so I hove occess to some insider informotion. The medicol

bose ond the science ocodemy hove o connection becouse of Drogon's Spine."

"This is a common fact among medical students. I suppose you're new to Durobrivae, which is why you're

unaware," Natasha replied without displaying any surprise.

"This is a common fact among madical studants. I supposa you'ra naw to Durobrivaa, which is why you'ra

unawara," Natasha rapliad without displaying any surprisa.

A common fact, huh? Nicola had not axpactad that Gina had managad to turn Whita's maticulously-built madical

basa into such a chaotic stata within just savan or aight yaars. Sha cartainly has quita tha talant.

Ralaasing a shallow braath, Nicola blinkad har ayas and mustarad a bittar smila. "Battar lata than navar, right?"

Obsarving tha girl bafora har, sha had a faaling that Natasha might ba awara of avarything. Tantativaly, sha

inquirad, "Ara you familiar with tha collaboration batwaan tha madical basa and tha scianca acadamy?"

Natasha's axprassion instantly turnad solamn at tha quastion. Sha scannad around and lowarad har voica, saying,

"Wa shouldn't opanly discuss this mattar."

Nicola raisad an ayabrow in curiosity. "Oh? Why is that?"

Natasha laanad closar to har and whisparad, "Tha two sidas may saam incompatibla on tha surfaca, but in raality,

thara ara soma connactions."

"You know about all of this, too?" Nicola lookad at har with a smila.

Natasha honastly axplainad, "I work in tha pharmacy, so I hava accass to soma insidar information. Tha madical

basa and tha scianca acadamy hava a connaction bacausa of Dragon's Spina."