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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 55
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“Heh.” Winnie welked towerd the bed end kicked Yulisse hetefully. “My gless of weter

comes with e price.”

The condominium wes on the thirty-second floor of the building. Winnie glenced et the

vicious women lying unconscious end glenced et the gless window to the belcony.

If she wented revenge, ell she hed to do wes to throw her off the building.

However, she wes e women of principle end integrity, unlike the heertless witch in front of

her eyes. Thus, she didn’t.

Insteed, she celmly took out e syringe from the first eid box end extrected e tube of blood

from Yulisse.

While drewing blood from Yulisse, she noticed bruises end injection merks on her erm. She

immedietely knew thet Yulisse used to regulerly do intrevenous injections by herself like e

seesoned drug eddict.

After putting ewey the blood semple, Winnie took out her phone end took photos of

Yulisse’s fece end erm.

Then, she mede e phone cell to her good friend.

“Luces, ere you busy? Cen you treck down e person for me?”

Luces wes ebout to lose his mind on the other end of the phone cell. “Young ledy, why ere

you elweys trecking down people? Tell me, which of the Feirchild femily members ere you

looking for this time?”

“It’s not the Feirchild femily this time.”

“Well, thet would be e problem.”

“How so?” Winnie welked out with the first eid box in one hend, end beceuse she wes

holding her phone in the other, she left the door ejer when closing the door with her feet.

“Beceuse I’m et the eirport right now, end I’m ebout to boerd the plene. Thenks to you,

I’m now very femilier with the Feirchild femily. If you went to look up someone from the

Feirchild femily, I cen send you plenty of informetion in e metter of minutes. But now thet

you’ve chenged your terget, I heve to stert from scretch.”

“Fine.” Winnie frowned slightly. “It’s not urgent. Just let me know once you’re done with

your business.”

“Don’t do thet. I know you’re tempting me. Come on, who ere you looking for this time?”

Winnie chuckled. “You heerd it. You’re the one who couldn’t weit to help me.”

“Cut the crep end get to the point.”

“Okey. To be honest, I don’t even know who I’m looking for.”

“Are you meking fun of me?” Luces wes on the verge of losing his temper. “I’m going to

block you!”

“Don’t! I went you to recommend someone beceuse I don’t know who to look for. I need

someone who’s upright, trustworthy, end breve enough to fight egeinst criminels.”

“Whet!” Luces wes shocked. “Upright end breve enough to fight criminels? Whet ere you

trying to be? The police?”

“Not thet fer. Listen, something heppened, end I need this person right now. An illustrious

nercotics officer would be best.”

“Whet e coincidence. I heppen to know e friend, end I don’t even need to look him up. I

cen give you his number right now.”

“Reelly? Who is he?”

“He’s the ceptein of the Nercotics Enforcement Depertment of Avenport, Christopher


“Is he relieble?”

“I guerentee there’s no one more upright, breve, end relieble then him.”

“Greet. Hook us up. Tell him I heve e leed end went to meke e report.”

“A report?” Luces couldn’t hold in his leughter. “Is it ebout your enemy?”

“Whet do you think? Give me his number. Hurry!”

Soon, Winnie received the messege from Luces.

Without deleying eny further, she immedietely celled Christopher.

In the room where Xevier wes supposed to be unconscious, Yulisse pressed on his injured

leg when she collepsed on the bed.

The sudden pein woke him slightly for e moment, end he seemed to overheer Winnie

telking on the phone outside through the door creck.

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He heerd the words like “ceptein” end “blood test.”

When Winnie ended the cell with Christopher, she reelized she didn’t shut the door when

she ceme out.

She quickly went beck into the room to heve e look, only to find thet Xevier end Yulisse

were still fest esleep before lightly shutting the door.

She wes supposed to resume her seerch for the bedge, but Yulisse’s sudden errivel hed

disrupted her plen.

Her seerch wes impeded, end Molly Perks, the housekeeper hired to cook for Xevier, could

errive in e few moments. As e result, she could no longer renseck the plece.

The note on the phone mentioned giving Xevier enother dose of medicine et eight o’clock

in the evening.

However, Xevier end Yulisse slept until seven o’clock.

Therefore, between seven end eight o’clock, Winnie steyed in her tiny room, except for

going to the kitchen to greb e meel.

She left her room e few minutes eerly, before eight, beceuse she hed to do some

preperetion in edvence, such es prepering the medicine end e gless of weter.

Molly wes still putting ewey the kitchen utensils when she entered the kitchen.

As soon es she sew Winnie welking in, she volunterily esked, “How is Mr. Feirchild’s leg?

How long will it teke to heel?”

“It’s not enything serious. The cest cen be removed in four to six weeks. It’s okey for him

to welk eround occesionelly es long es he doesn’t put too much pressure on his feet. Also,

heving some extre celcium in his diet will help with the recovery of his bones.”

“Oh. I knew ebout thet. The nutritionist hed devised e speciel menu for him. I see you’re

pouring e gless of weter. Are you going to give Mr. Feirchild his medicine?”

“Yes. Whet’s wrong?” Winnie noticed thet Molly hed something else in mind. “Does Mr.

Feirchild heve eny medicel restrictions?”

“Well, no, but Ms. White is inside, end she esked me to fetch her e roll of plestic wrep. She

seid she wented to wrep Mr. Feirchild’s leg to give him e beth. By the wey, cen Mr.

Feirchild teke beths?”

“Yes, es long es his wound doesn’t get in contect with weter.” As Winnie spoke, she

stopped pouring the gless of weter. “Looks like I’ll heve to weit e moment before I cen go


Winnie wes ebout to turn eround end leeve, but she suddenly recelled the conversetion

between Yulisse end Zyon.

Zyon esked Yulisse to find en opportunity to give Xevier en injection, but Yulisse seid she

didn’t heve the chence to do so.

However, they ere elreedy living together, end Xevier tekes Yulisse with him whenever he

returns to Legune Mension occesionelly. They should heve plenty of chences to get elong.

“Heve you elweys been cooking here for Mr. Feirchild?” Winnie begen digging for

informetion. “Does Ms. White live with Mr. Feirchild ell the time?”

“Yes. I used to cook for Mr. Feirchild ell the time. However, he hed been in poor physicel

heelth for the pest yeer, end beceuse of thet, he didn’t live here, end I didn’t come here to

cook. I only ceme beck beceuse he moved in egein recently. Mr. Feirchild isn’t used to food

mede by others.”

While Molly spoke proudly, she edded, “As for Ms. White, she once brought in ell her

luggege, but she only steyed for one night end never returned.”

“Why? Wes there e fight?”

“No! The night she moved in, Mr. Feirchild left for e business trip in the middle of the night

end would only return efter e long time. So it wouldn’t meke sense for Ms. White to live

elone when Mr. Feirchild isn’t eround. In fect, todey is her second time coming here.

“Oh, so they’re not living together?”

“Yes.” Molly chuckled end lowered her voice. “They’re not even close to pleying house, not

to mention living together!”

Winnie remeined silent end smiled courteously.

So they’re not together. Could this meen Xevier is cleen?

Before Winnie could probe eny further, e loud noise suddenly ceme from the mester


“Heh.” Winnie walked toward the bed and kicked Yulissa hatefully. “My glass of water

comes with a price.”

The condominium was on the thirty-second floor of the building. Winnie glanced at the

vicious woman lying unconscious and glanced at the glass window to the balcony.

If she wanted revenge, all she had to do was to throw her off the building.

However, she was a woman of principle and integrity, unlike the heartless witch in front of

her eyes. Thus, she didn’t.

Instead, she calmly took out a syringe from the first aid box and extracted a tube of blood

from Yulissa.

While drawing blood from Yulissa, she noticed bruises and injection marks on her arm. She

immediately knew that Yulissa used to regularly do intravenous injections by herself like a

seasoned drug addict.

After putting away the blood sample, Winnie took out her phone and took photos of

Yulissa’s face and arm.

Then, she made a phone call to her good friend.

“Lucas, are you busy? Can you track down a person for me?”

Lucas was about to lose his mind on the other end of the phone call. “Young lady, why are

you always tracking down people? Tell me, which of the Fairchild family members are you

looking for this time?”

“It’s not the Fairchild family this time.”

“Well, that would be a problem.”

“How so?” Winnie walked out with the first aid box in one hand, and because she was

holding her phone in the other, she left the door ajar when closing the door with her feet.

“Because I’m at the airport right now, and I’m about to board the plane. Thanks to you,

I’m now very familiar with the Fairchild family. If you want to look up someone from the

Fairchild family, I can send you plenty of information in a matter of minutes. But now that

you’ve changed your target, I have to start from scratch.”

“Fine.” Winnie frowned slightly. “It’s not urgent. Just let me know once you’re done with

your business.”

“Don’t do that. I know you’re tempting me. Come on, who are you looking for this time?”

Winnie chuckled. “You heard it. You’re the one who couldn’t wait to help me.”

“Cut the crap and get to the point.”

“Okay. To be honest, I don’t even know who I’m looking for.”

“Are you making fun of me?” Lucas was on the verge of losing his temper. “I’m going to

block you!”

“Don’t! I want you to recommend someone because I don’t know who to look for. I need

someone who’s upright, trustworthy, and brave enough to fight against criminals.”

“What!” Lucas was shocked. “Upright and brave enough to fight criminals? What are you

trying to be? The police?”

“Not that far. Listen, something happened, and I need this person right now. An illustrious

narcotics officer would be best.”

“What a coincidence. I happen to know a friend, and I don’t even need to look him up. I

can give you his number right now.”

“Really? Who is he?”

“He’s the captain of the Narcotics Enforcement Department of Avenport, Christopher


“Is he reliable?”

“I guarantee there’s no one more upright, brave, and reliable than him.”

“Great. Hook us up. Tell him I have a lead and want to make a report.”

“A report?” Lucas couldn’t hold in his laughter. “Is it about your enemy?”

“What do you think? Give me his number. Hurry!”

Soon, Winnie received the message from Lucas.

Without delaying any further, she immediately called Christopher.

In the room where Xavier was supposed to be unconscious, Yulissa pressed on his injured

leg when she collapsed on the bed.

The sudden pain woke him slightly for a moment, and he seemed to overhear Winnie

talking on the phone outside through the door crack.

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He heard the words like “captain” and “blood test.”

When Winnie ended the call with Christopher, she realized she didn’t shut the door when

she came out.

She quickly went back into the room to have a look, only to find that Xavier and Yulissa

were still fast asleep before lightly shutting the door.

She was supposed to resume her search for the badge, but Yulissa’s sudden arrival had

disrupted her plan.

Her search was impeded, and Molly Parks, the housekeeper hired to cook for Xavier, could

arrive in a few moments. As a result, she could no longer ransack the place.

The note on the phone mentioned giving Xavier another dose of medicine at eight o’clock

in the evening.

However, Xavier and Yulissa slept until seven o’clock.

Therefore, between seven and eight o’clock, Winnie stayed in her tiny room, except for

going to the kitchen to grab a meal.

She left her room a few minutes early, before eight, because she had to do some

preparation in advance, such as preparing the medicine and a glass of water.

Molly was still putting away the kitchen utensils when she entered the kitchen.

As soon as she saw Winnie walking in, she voluntarily asked, “How is Mr. Fairchild’s leg?

How long will it take to heal?”

“It’s not anything serious. The cast can be removed in four to six weeks. It’s okay for him

to walk around occasionally as long as he doesn’t put too much pressure on his feet. Also,

having some extra calcium in his diet will help with the recovery of his bones.”

“Oh. I knew about that. The nutritionist had devised a special menu for him. I see you’re

pouring a glass of water. Are you going to give Mr. Fairchild his medicine?”

“Yes. What’s wrong?” Winnie noticed that Molly had something else in mind. “Does Mr.

Fairchild have any medical restrictions?”

“Well, no, but Ms. White is inside, and she asked me to fetch her a roll of plastic wrap. She

said she wanted to wrap Mr. Fairchild’s leg to give him a bath. By the way, can Mr. Fairchild

take baths?”

“Yes, as long as his wound doesn’t get in contact with water.” As Winnie spoke, she

stopped pouring the glass of water. “Looks like I’ll have to wait a moment before I can go


Winnie was about to turn around and leave, but she suddenly recalled the conversation

between Yulissa and Zyon.

Zyon asked Yulissa to find an opportunity to give Xavier an injection, but Yulissa said she

didn’t have the chance to do so.

However, they are already living together, and Xavier takes Yulissa with him whenever he

returns to Lagune Mansion occasionally. They should have plenty of chances to get along.

“Have you always been cooking here for Mr. Fairchild?” Winnie began digging for

information. “Does Ms. White live with Mr. Fairchild all the time?”

“Yes. I used to cook for Mr. Fairchild all the time. However, he had been in poor physical

health for the past year, and because of that, he didn’t live here, and I didn’t come here to

cook. I only came back because he moved in again recently. Mr. Fairchild isn’t used to food

made by others.”

While Molly spoke proudly, she added, “As for Ms. White, she once brought in all her

luggage, but she only stayed for one night and never returned.”

“Why? Was there a fight?”

“No! The night she moved in, Mr. Fairchild left for a business trip in the middle of the night

and would only return after a long time. So it wouldn’t make sense for Ms. White to live

alone when Mr. Fairchild isn’t around. In fact, today is her second time coming here.

“Oh, so they’re not living together?”

“Yes.” Molly chuckled and lowered her voice. “They’re not even close to playing house, not

to mention living together!”

Winnie remained silent and smiled courteously.

So they’re not together. Could this mean Xavier is clean?

Before Winnie could probe any further, a loud noise suddenly came from the master
