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Star Odyssey

Chapter 576: Lu Yin And Wang Wen
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Chapter 576: Lu Yin And Wang Wen

Suddenly, Lu Yin’s scalp went numb, and head snapped up in shock. He saw a large number of rune lines that surpassed even Nightqueen Qiuyu and the other Enlighters. They formed into steel-like feathers on a wing that swept towards the pass.

No one could react in time, and the entire pass collapsed as a result. Any defensive power was laughable beneath the wing’s might. This was an almighty expert whose power level had exceeded 300,000.

The Featherking bellowed, “Monster Loach, stop!”

He charged towards the feathered wing while Elder Viletree, Wen Qichen and the others also attacked it from another direction.

The wing casually waved, and all of the attackers’ strengths were neutralized.

“Even Crow was killed by me. If it’s just you guys, then you must be looking for death.” A giant voice reverberated throughout the area, and everyone who heard it had their faces turn ashen. In the end, an old freak whose power level surpassed 300,000 had indeed appeared.

Liu Qiuyu stared intently at the pass. He would not mind no matter how many others died, but nothing could be allowed to happen to Wang Wen. Nothing!

The void burst open as a colossal, fish-like monster appeared before everyone’s eyes. Its massive body was large enough to cover the entire pass. Its steel-like wings once again swept towards the pass, but then, suddenly, Aden appeared in its attack path. His thunder shield expanded out as his nine lined battle force and Thunder Mountain Technique were displayed to the extreme as he charged forward with a snarl.

Lu Yin’s eyelids twitched. That idiot!

There was a loud thump as the thunder shield shattered and Aden was blasted into the ground like a loose sandbag.

The wing sliced through the ruins of the pass, and Monster Loach appeared to be ecstatic. “Your Ironblood Weave’s pillar, that kid Wang Wen, is finally dead! Hahaha.”

Countless faces turned grey. First, it had been General Fei, and now, it was Wang Wen. Who would be next? It would likely be those almighty Enlighters, and then, there would be no way to defend Ironblood Weave.

Lu Yin frowned. What about Elder Lohar? Why hasn’t he appeared yet?

In outer space, above the fortress, Monster Loach’s attacks smashed everything apart. The Featherking, Wen Qichen, and Viletree weren’t able to stop the beast even with their combined efforts. The old freak whose power level exceeded 300,000 was too fearsome, and it was on a completely different level.

In the distance, a gleam of light appeared that suddenly flew towards Lu Yin.

He focused on it and was astonished by what he saw. What is that? A coffin?

A colorless and transparent coffin-like object shot through space and crashed towards Lu Yin with a youth lying within it.

Lu Yin avoided it, letting the coffin strike the ground and create a huge crater.

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Beasts appeared around the coffin, but Lu Yin had no time to bother with it. He remained steadfastly focused on massacring the group of beasts.

The youth within the coffin opened his eyes shortly after crashing into the ground, and he looked like he was in agony. When he opened the coffin lid to observe the surroundings, the first thing that he saw was a big, ugly beast angrily charging towards him.

The youth was so frightened that he snapped the lid of the coffin back closed. The beast bit the coffin, but its teeth actually broke, infuriating it. In its anger, it started to incessantly attack the coffin.

The youth inside paled. “Someone, save me! I am Wang Wen! Wang Wen! Save me!”

Lu Yin’s ears twitched. Wang Wen? He looked at the crater underneath him and saw that quite a few beasts had moved over to gnaw on the coffin. However, despite their best efforts, the coffin did not budge in the slightest, and there were no signs of it being broken through.

“Hurry! Save me! This is terrifying!” the youth in the coffin screamed incessantly.

In a flash, Lu Yin appeared atop the coffin and dispatched the few beasts attacking it. He then looked at the coffin. The youth inside it exchanged glances with Lu Yin and blinked. “Excuse me, but please don’t point your butt at me.”

Lu Yin leapt off of the coffin and opened it.

The youth stood up, panting heavily as he wiped his sweat from his face. “That was freaking scary! I thought that I was going to be eaten.”

“You’re Wang Wen?” Lu Yin asked.

The youth nodded and smiled. “Wang Wen. And you’re Lu Yin. Right, I’ve seen your information. You’re a decent chess piece.”

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed. “Chess piece?”

Wang Wen suddenly pointed a finger behind Lu Yin. “There’s a beast!”

He then moved at top speed, returning to the coffin and snapping the lid shut. He then just laid there, stiff like a corpse.

Lu Yin was speechless. If this person truly was Wang Wen, then he was too scared of dying! This was totally different from the others that Lu Yin had met on the battlefield!

The surrounding beasts were only in the Cruiser realm at best, and it was unlikely that any stronger ones would appear, so it didn’t take Lu Yin long to clean up the area.

Wang Wen emerged once again, and he looked at Lu Yin with admiration. “It’s no wonder why you’re considered to be the unequaled Limiteer. Powerful!”

“Let me try to confirm this again: you’re Wang Wen, the person who’s ranked third on the Ironblood Rankings?” Lu Yin asked.

“Second, now that General Fei’s dead.” Wang Wen shrugged as he casually answered Lu Yin’s question. It seemed as if he didn’t feel the slightest bit of grief over the general’s death.

Still, Lu Yin had no time to bother about such things. “Since you’re Wang Wen, then figure out a way to resolve this calamity. I’ve heard that you’re supposed to be amazingly intelligent.”

“Not by much. I’m just a little better than you chess pieces,” Wang Wen replied humbly.

Lu Yin frowned. This guy reminded him of Hai Qiqi, as neither of them minced their words.

An enormous pressure enveloped them that crushed the ground, and Wang Wen looked up in pain. “ Monster Loach is too powerful. Lu Yin, attack it.”

Lu Yin was flabbergasted. “Me? Attack?”

“Of course! It’s your turn! Don’t you have a power vessel that allows you to kill Enlighters? Go on and kill Monster Loach! You’ll be able to obtain tens of thousands of Ironblood Points, which can then be exchanged for tens of thousands of star essences.” Wang Wen tried to tempt him.

Lu Yin had not thought that Wang Wen would have such a clear understanding of him, and it struck him to the bottom of his heart. Unfortunately, he could not kill an old freak with a power level that surpassed 300,000. “My weapon isn’t powerful enough to kill Monster Loach.”

Wang Wen patted Lu Yin on the shoulder. “I’m not actually asking you to kill it. Just scare it off. Look, it’s just a fish, and they’re cowards by nature. Otherwise, this fellow would not have been held back by Ironblood Fort for so many years. Go on, kid, I believe in you.”

Lu Yin looked at Wang Wen with a strange expression. “You came here especially to find me?”

Wang Wen nodded. “Of course, as you’re a very important chess piece.”

“I’m nobody’s chess piece.”

“Alright, let’s just pretend like you aren’t. Attack!”

Lu Yin looked up at the sky. He could not be persuaded to charge in just from a few words by Wang Wen. However, Viletree and the others clearly could not hold out any longer, and there were several Enlighter beasts that were currently slaughtering the human forces. If they could not take care of Monster Loach, then Seasons Fort would be doomed as well, which meant that Lu Yin would also be done for. He had to give his all at this moment.

“What about Elder Lohar? Where is he?” Lu Yin asked.

Wang Wen grudgingly answered. “Do you think that the Astral Beast Domain forgot about him? Old Lohar has been held back, or else Monster Loach wouldn’t have dared to make an appearance. Now hurry up! If you don’t act soon, then we’ll all be dead soon. That fish is so large that you’ll be able to hit it even with your eyes closed. Hurry!”

Saying those words was easy, but the truth was that all powerhouses had an intense sensitivity towards danger. As soon as they felt danger, no matter how large a beast might be, they would still be able to instantly disappear, preventing them from becoming an easy target. Lu Yin was considering what the best way to hit it was.

He suddenly looked at Wang Wen. “You just used this coffin to withstand Monster Loach’s attack?”

“What coffin? That sounds so coarse. This is a survival tool that was given to me by the Hall of Honor,” Wang Wen corrected before urging Lu Yin to move.

“Has Monster Loach seen you before?” Lu Yin asked.

Wang Wen nodded, and then he felt that something was off. He cast a wary eye at Lu Yin. “What do you want?”

At the top of his voice, Lu Yin suddenly yelled, “WANG WEN, FLEE! I pledge my life to protect Wang Wen!” The volume of his shout was exceptional, and he even used his physical strength to make it resonate through all of Seasons Fort. It could even be heard in outer space. His shout attracted a great deal of attention, and Monster Loach naturally heard it as well.

Viletree was smacked away by Monster Loach’s tail, and the human Enlighter spat out a mouthful of blood. He looked down with a pale face. Which person was so idiotic that they would expose Wang Wen’s whereabouts?

Liu Qiuyu, the Featherking, and Wen Qichen also cursed. They knew that Wang Wen possessed a tool that would ensure his survival, so they had not been afraid of him being killed by Monster Loach. However, it was different if his means of survival was discovered by Monster Loach, as the beast could carry him away even if it could not kill him.

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Monster Loach heard Lu Yin, and it spun its eyes down to where it saw Wang Wen floating through space. “You’re actually still alive! I’ll send you on your way soon.”

The fish-like monster then swept downward with its wings.

Wang Wen went green in the face, and he instantly closed the coffin before glaring at Lu Yin. “You bastard! You won’t have a good death.”

Lu Yin donned his universal armor and calmly watched on as countless beasts swept down towards them as the wing swung down from the sky. Monster Loach was attacking, and no one could stop it.

Lu Yin took out his gun and fired.


He was sitting on top of the coffin with his butt squarely in Wang Wen’s face. Monster Loach wanted to kill both youths with a single strike, so Lu Yin’s attack would definitely strike true.

Given Wang Wen’s description of Monster Loach’s personality, the old fellow was rather cautious, so it would definitely become careful of Lu Yin, which was why he had fired the gun.

The bullet struck Monster Loach’s wing and tore open a small wound, which shocked Monster Loach. A puny Limiteer was actually able to harm itself slightly, though it wasn’t much. This tiny cultivator was actually able to unleash such a terrifying attack! It was no wonder why the youth had dared to attract Monster Loach’s attention. Unfortunately, Lu Yin had underestimated a powerhouse whose power level was over 300,000.

Monster Loach already considered Lu Yin’s attack to be amazing, and the creature wasn’t alone in its thoughts; everyone else thought so as well. It was inconceivable for a Limiteer to harm Monster Loach, but they had just witnessed it themselves.

Wang Wen had given up all hope. If he had known that Lu Yin would take such actions, he would not have looked for him only to be dragged down together with him. He had wanted Lu Yin to launch a sneak attack on the massive astral beast and shoot it in the eye or something. Since this kid had already killed three Enlighters, he clearly had some way to land an attack on a powerhouse. Who could have expected this bastard to be so stupid!? He had simply drawn the old freak’s attention by shouting at it, and what’s worse, he had used Wang Wen as bait! Doomed, they were doomed!

Everyone watched on in horror, as anyone else besides Wang Wen could die here.

However at this moment, there was no one who could stop Monster Loach.

Its wings landed on the ground and completely enveloped a massive area of the fortress. Even when working together, Viletree and the other Enlighters couldn’t stop such an attack.

Lu Yin raised his left hand as a Money Bomb appeared in it. He had seen Monster Loach’s rune lines, and they were about the same as his Money Bomb. Since that was the case, then this attack would be unforgettable for the old freak.

A light beam shot out from the Money Bomb and pierced the creature’s wing under countless stupefied looks. The attack then passed through the wing to continue piercing through Monster Loach’s body before finally shooting off into outer space, where it caused an entire region to collapse.

At this moment, all of Seasons Fort fell silent, and everyone blankly stared at the scene, dumbfounded.

Then, Monster Loach’s wails spread throughout Seasons Fort as it stared at Lu Yin with its giant eyes that were filled with equal parts resentment and horror.

Lu Yin slowly took out another Money Bomb and pointed it at Monster Loach.

It snarled. Everyone expected that the beast would go berserk, but it instead slipped away. It completely disappeared, only leaving an ocean of its blood behind.

Nobody had thought that a powerhouse with a power level that surpassed 300,000 would run away like that.

Lu Yin had only needed one blow to force it to retreat, and this shocked everyone, even all of the attacking beasts.
