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Stealing Spree

Chapter 283: A Call for Disguise
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Sena, whose mood continued to improve as we walked along the streets of this neighborhood, happily clung to my arms. Ignoring the gazes of the passersby ogling at our closeness, we arrived at a shopping district.

Compared to our neighborhood, this place is a bit lively with various shops lining up the streets and a crowd of people enjoying their weekend by touring this place like us.

First, we went to a street stall selling her favorite taiyaki. It's a fish-shaped bread with bean paste fillings. After buying that, we ate it together as we toured around the place entering different shops. Be it electronics shop, hardware shop, etc. As long as something caught her eye, she will pull me towards that shop even if we're not planning to buy anything.

Well, for her, this is a rare time which we can treat as our date.

"Imai-san, is he your…?"

At some point, we ran into one of her classmates who is like us, touring the shopping district with her boyfriend. If it's before my desire would've leaped in joy but seeing a couple now… there's no such thing anymore.

Well, it's also probably because the girl's not my type.

Although surprised to see Sena with a guy, the girl's eyes immediately started observing me, taking in my appearance and judging me in her head. On the other hand, the guy who's smug at first, thinking he's the better guy and Sena might also get attracted to him, frowned upon clearly seeing my face.

I don't know. That frown indicated that he knows me but I couldn't recall him, not that I tried to remember every guy's face… It's possible that he's someone among those I beat up before. That is based on his appearance and the way he carried himself which is common to those delinquent types.

After a while, one of the girl's eyebrows briefly raised. Most likely, she's disappointed by what she observed.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Like what Nikaido said before, I'm just above average. Some will see me as one of their types but most will see me as an average guy. Add to that, I'm not really wearing some fancy outfit for showing off. I never thought of walking along this shopping district after all.

Well, it's not like I care about anyone's judgement about my appearance but that's not the case for my girls. Upon seeing that seemingly disappointed expression, Sena's boxer spirit was ignited. Her back straightened as Sena seemingly scowled at the girl and utterly ignored the guy beside her. After that, she pulled my arm closer as her lips arched into a proud smile. "Yes, he's my boyfriend. Is there a problem Kawabata-san?"

A bit taken aback by how Sena's tame appearance changed instantly, the girl clutched onto her man's sleeves as if asking for the guy to protect her.

But contrary to her expectation, the guy didn't say anything and instead pulled on her arm as they walked past us.

From behind us, I heard the girl complained, "What are you doing? Why did you pull me away? I haven't shown you off yet. You're much better than her guy."

It appears that girls like her really exist. Showing off a guy to an acquaintance, eh? Did she want to increase her social value?

"That guy is… nevermind. Let's go, I'll treat you to something." The guy changed the subject as he continued to drag his girl away.

"Eh? That guy knows you?" Sena who also heard their conversation was puzzled.

I'm fairly unknown to the guys after all. Apart from my previous classmates who knew me by name, I was always laying low to be the Classmate A back in middle school. Only the girls I stole and a handful of guys who tried to hinder what I was doing knew me.

"I don't know. Perhaps he's one of those who tried to gang up against me before. I couldn't be bothered to remember them. Or maybe I remember him but I couldn't be bothered to recall who he is. Either way, you got triggered easily."

"Hmph. That judging eyes of hers couldn't see your charm."

Seeing her acting like this, there's no way I won't find it cute.

"Well, I'm happy that you wanted to stand up for me, but this fist of yours shouldn't be used on petty things like that. Let them judge. I'm not bothered by it." I put a hand on her cheek and caressed it to show my appreciation.

Subsequently, I pinch it which immediately made her pout. "But I am… I also want to show you off."

"I see. Then should I start improving my external appearance? A little makeover, maybe?" I never really thought about improving my appearance, my wardrobe consists mostly of uniforms and a few casual wears that are not in with the current trend. Even what I wore during my date with Nao was painstakingly picked by Akane. Although she already started buying things for me, I usually wear those when I'm with her.

I'm already content with my appearance since I was aiming to be the Classmate A. However, now that it's already an impossible dream, I guess I have to start improving it for my girls. It's for their satisfaction after all.

"Ah. No. You're already fine as you are. Besides, we wouldn't really be able to show you off… If it's someone who knows you and Akane, it will be bad." Sena immediately waved her hand to stop the notion from building up in my head.

"You're right… I better create a disguise instead, that way I can still go on a date with you like this, without thinking about the risk of our abnormal relationships being exposed."

This is what I should do… I'm already far from how I was before where I did everything covertly. Even if they don't say it, the thought of enjoying normal things with them already passed by my mind more than once. The cake shop dates with Satsuki, the bookstore date with Aya and the karaoke box date with Kana were some of the examples. If I keep showing up with the same appearance, it will just be a matter of time before everything will be exposed.

"Un. I will talk to the others about that to help you." Sena nodded approvingly as she took out her phone and instantly sent it to their group…

A few seconds later, her phone vibrated continuously as replies came faster than a machine gun. While watching her enjoying that interaction with the other girls, I led her by her hand and brought her somewhere we could finally have our privacy,

Well, I can't let her stay in the middle of the street typing away like that. This is our last destination before going to the gym after all.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

However, although we're already inside the room of a love hotel, Sena was still busily typing away with her phone.

Since I don't want to look at what they're talking about in there, I pulled her to the bed, sitting us at the edge of it. I put myself behind her and encircled my arms to her navel. After that, I buried my face on her hair as I took in her womanly scent while waiting for her to finish.

When she felt my arms embracing her tightly and how I kept nibbling on her ears, she put down her phone for a bit and turned her head to kiss me. "I'm sorry, Ruki. We're currently in a heat of the discussion at what kind of disguise will be fitting for you and… we're enjoying it." She then ended it by sticking her tongue out cutely.

"Go on, don't mind me. That's a serious discussion, after all. I'll help myself with this." I answered as I went back on nibbling her ears before going down to the back of her neck, parting her hair for a bit as I showered it with kisses.

"…Ruki, if I told them you're currently caressing me like this, do you know what will be their reaction?" Sena playfully asked as she let me do what I wanted. Her phone was back in her hand, reading the newest messages from that group.

"I could imagine. But will you?" I asked back.

If she did that, I know that my phone will suddenly flare up with their messages as well. Some will ask when they can meet me again, some will ask for the same thing, while some will message me with one word. 'Pervert'

Well, for that last category, Satsuki and Miyako will say that. Elizabeth on the other hand will send an encrypted message which if I decoded properly will mean that she wanted the same thing.

I can deduce each of my girls' reactions… I guess that's how much they are running in my mind.

"Of course not. I will enjoy this time alone with you." Sena answered as she kissed me again after sending a reply to the group.

In this way, Sena spent a few minutes until the discussion died down before putting down her phone and turn all her focus on me.

With only less than an hour left before the agreed time she asked from Coach Ayu, Sena and I savored it until the last minute…