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Stealing Spree

Chapter 440: You're late
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“By the way, Ruru, I will not be coming home to dinner today. My colleagues invited me for a drink. We will be eating dinner there too.”

Perhaps she only just remembered, Shio said that before I could turn the knob and leave her room.

Well, we became a bit more intimate than we had planned after all. The five minutes became fifteen. And we got another memory shared in this small private room of hers. From teasing to becoming intimate that fast. I guess we’re the same in our longing for each other.

I also told her what I told Kana and Rae but Shio dismissed it as if she already heard the same thing many times over. For her, my presence right beside her was what’s important.

She did lament that she might’ve gotten in an even worse situation with me than with her former husband but the contrast on how I continue to treat her special was what made it for her.

She’s an adult and… it’s not surprising that she would have those considerations. She might’ve landed unluckily with that ex of hers but there were younger… adults out there that would surely treat her just as well.

That’s why I had to work extra hard to keep her affection for me.

It’s not that I don’t trust her, it’s just the way of the world.

If there’s an easy way out, why not go through it?

Besides the unchanging love like what Akane has for me is rarer than winning a lottery.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Since I’m not always with them, no matter how much I talk to them in Messenger or see them in person, it’s inevitable that some or most of them will think about other possibilities.

I might sound pessimistic here but I’m just keeping my feet on the grounds of reality.

Even if I have these many girls today, who knows how many will be left two or three years from now?

It will depend on how well I will be able to keep them with me. Even if some say that a relationship depends on the two people involved in it, I will not blame anyone but myself if one or more of them leave me.

“Un. No problem. I’ll tell Miwa-nee.” I nodded.

Upon hearing my answer, Shio put on a surprised expression as if she’s not expecting me to answer like that.

“You surprisingly agreed easily, Ruru. Aren’t you worried?”

“Hmm? What’s there to worry about? I bet their reason for inviting you is to drown your sorrows with liquor, right?”

Miwa-nee was often doing that back then. She would often go home drunk after a break up saying her colleagues pulled her to it to make her feel better.

Well, I knew because she wouldn’t stop talking about it while hugging me tight and letting me inhale her alcohol-filled breath. Those were the nights wherein I would end up wide awake until dawn. And when Akane saw me in the morning with bags on my eyes, she would immediately run to me like her kid who was bullied while glaring at Miwa-nee who was still snoring because of her hangover as if she’s her archnemesis.

“Yes. It’s like that. How did you know?” With doubt in her voice, Shio asked.

“That’s a secret.” I smiled and continued. “One thing though. Don’t get too drunk that you cannot drive anymore… And although the chance is low, beware of your ex showing up there. There’s a possibility that someone is setting you up to see him.”

That Nobuo wouldn’t just give up, not to Nao and certainly not to Shio. Even if there’s a case pending on his head, that guy would do something to try and get them back.

If the case Nao filed on her School’s Administration became stagnant, I would act about it by myself.

Putting him in jail or putting him down beneath the Earth.

Ah. Let’s not consider the second option for now. Although I am aware I will not probably flinch to do that. The complications it will bring me and those around me will be just as extreme even if no one finds out about it. Besides, it’s not easy to get away with murder if you’re not experienced with it.

Shio took in my words and contemplated for a bit before giving me a reassuring smile while nodding her head, “Don’t worry. I can hold my liquor. I’ll call you if anything happens.”

“Un. I’ll be waiting. Take care Shio.”

“You too, Ruru.”

After saying that, Shio ran towards me and pulled me in a tight embrace before kissing me lovingly, conveying what she was feeling at the moment.

And because of that, it’s five minutes again before I finally left her room.

Of course, without a trace of what really went on with us.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“You’re already late. And now you’re saying you still have somewhere to go to? Where? Your girlfriend is already out of school. Just tell us if you don’t want that ramen anymore.” Orimura-sensei blurted out with her eyes glaring at me as soon as I said my piece upon entering Eguchi-sensei’s private room.

It’s Friday today and the practice game will be tomorrow. The Basketball Club only warmed up for today and Eguchi-sensei let them go home early to let them be at their peak condition tomorrow. That’s why these two were already here and not in the Gymnasium.

Well, I had no idea about Orimura-sensei and her Volleyball Club.

In any case, Satsuki also informed me about it when she messaged me that she was being dragged by her team again to shop in the shopping district nearby, something that she’s not really fond of.

Imagining that girl’s gloomy face, I couldn’t help but smile at how adorable that would be if captured by a camera.

Although I told her I would talk to her about Saki, now that she left with her team, that would be delayed or we could just talk about it over the Messenger.

“There’s just some unfinished business I had to attend to, sensei. Can I?” Instead of saying that to Orimura-sensei who looked like she could jump at any time and strangle me to death, I turned to the silent Eguchi-sensei at the side.

“If that’s really as important, then go ahead. The Ramen Shop won’t go away. Don’t mind Sanae… err Orimura-sensei, she’s just hungry. She won’t die from it.”

“Ryouko! How cruel.”

Orimura-sensei acted as if she was shot in the heart with Eguchi-sensei’s words. However, a few seconds after that, her eyes turned to me again, “Go now. And hurry up!”

With that shout of her, I could only bow towards the two of them before leaving the room.

There’s no doubt though. Eguchi-sensei was truly treating me warmly as if I was one of her female students.

Ah. In any case, thanks to her backup, I had the time to go to the Student Support Club and see the three… four? No. Five girls there.

Will it be as awkward as before because of that delusional guy or… will he be absent there again?

Moreover, Arisa-senpai… she didn’t come yesterday because of what happened to us… will she be there?