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Stealing Spree

Chapter 526: Spoiling her
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Because of how it was still early, what happened yesterday where we could get the whole changing room for ourselves became impossible. There were other members of the gym changing in both rooms.

Having no choice but to settle for a swift kiss when there’s still no eye that could see us, Sena and I then separated from each other to change into our training attire

When I entered the male changing room, I instantly became the focus of their attention. Having recognized me as the guy who somehow bullied Sena weeks ago, sparred against Coach Ayu and the guy who delivered that right straight which seemingly stopped the time inside the whole gym for a few seconds because of how devastating it came to be, this kind of attention was quite expected.

I greeted all of them and went to one of the empty lockers to store my things. However, that only intensified the feeling of being stared at by someone.

A few moments later even before I could remove my top, one of the men that were fairly close to me opened a question.

And there’s no need to guess, it was about that punch that made them stop what they’re doing.

Amidst his praises, the man who appeared like he had rock-solid muscles asked me about how I could produce that crisp and powerful punch with my somewhat lean body...

Reflexively, I almost spouted something along the lines of ‘If I can do it with this lean body, then there’s no way you can’t!’

Fortunately, I changed it to a more polite way of saying it’s a fluke.

They didn’t buy it, obviously. But with the conversation immediately hitting a dead end, I got the space I needed.

However, when I took off my top, I once again felt the intensified gazes of those behind me as they began to spout out knowledge about human muscles. Even if I wasn’t looking at them, I could easily guess that they were nodding their heads while they began providing insight to those curious.

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I continued changing but at the same time, there’s no escape for me from hearing their words.

According to them, it’s not that I am lean per se. My muscles were just built compact because for numerous reasons they stated. As to which, they’re right on one thing. It was a product of how I slowly trained my muscles without letting them feel excessive exhaustion.

With their estimate, by the time I achieved my full growth, my muscles would be more noticeable than their current state.

Their insight ended with that but what’s puzzling them was left unanswered. They couldn’t explain how I managed to achieve that feat yesterday... That’s why before I left the room after changing into my training attire, they ended up asking me to do the same thing later.

Honestly, I wasn't even sure how I did that. I only delivered a normal right straight, in my opinion at least. I didn’t do anything special and it was most likely the same reason I told them.

It was nothing more than just a fluke.

Either way, since they’re all looking forward to it, I could only repeat what I did and hope that it would produce the same effect. Whether I succeed or not doesn’t matter. They’re not the ones I was aiming to impress anyway.

Upon leaving the room, I immediately spotted Sena fidgeting before the door towards the inner hall. She’s waiting for me.

She’s wearing a different training attire than yesterday. Instead of a crop top and slightly loose shorts, she’s now wearing a thick sports bra wherein her shoulders, arm and navel that was lined with her faint six-pack abdominal muscles were exposed. Below, she’s wearing spandex shorts reaching just above her knee.

She’s too sexy to look at. Add to that her extremely attractive face that was slightly red.

Although it would surely earn her more than just a few looks from other guys... I somehow wanted to brag about her being my girlfriend. But at the same time, I was already getting the urge to gouge the eyes of those men who would even try.

That’s contradictory but that’s what I’m feeling upon seeing her in this outfit.

If I had to guess, this girl wore this because she wanted to show me more of her appeal that wouldn’t lose to my girls that’s with us today. Yesterday their attires were all conservative but among all of them, Yukari got most of the attention even if I put her in an obscure spot.

As soon as Sena caught my figure walking towards her position, her fidgeting immediately stopped as she welcomed me with open arms.

Even without trying, I sensed Sena’s slight frustration from not having private time with me.

“You look too great in this, Sena. Can you feel it?” I whispered. With our bodies closely linked while we’re in each other’s embrace, she surely noticed it. How I got a hard-on just by seeing her attire.

Although she was somewhat surprised upon firmly feeling the heat coming from it, Sena curtly nodded as her hand gradually moved down to that part, to feel it with her own hand.

“It seems it’s effective.”

She’s pertaining to her outfit.

“Very,” I answered before pulling her to one of the obscure corners of this back area of the gym.

We didn’t have the time or the place to do it but other than that... a few minutes was enough to shower her with my affection.

Although I might need to calm down my erection before going out to meet my students or just to show myself out there, that didn’t stop me from spoiling the girl in front of me.

Kissing her lips, her neck, her shoulders and even her navel, I made sure to show her my appreciation for wearing something like that for me.

As I went back to her lips to suck on her succulent lips, I gave her behind a tight squeeze. Our passion kept on burning but as I said. There’s not enough time.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

By the time our lips and tongue separated, Sena had once again shown a dreamy look as she shyly muttered. “I will never get tired of this. But... Am I being spoiled by you, Ruki?”

Before answering her question, I caressed her cheeks and dropped another swift kiss. “Maybe? I don’t mind it though. Besides, I can’t stand seeing my Sena being frustrated.”

“So... I’m really being spoiled.”

“This girl. Don’t think too much about it. I’m spoiling all of you whenever a chance presents itself. You know that. And this time, I got the chance to spoil you.”

After saying that, I tightened my embrace and stayed like that for a minute. Even though there were those members of the gym who were going in and out of the changing rooms seeing us in this corner, I ignored all those to savor this time with her.

Eventually, Sena melted in my arms and her slight feeling of guilt because of how I spoiled her vanished alongside other negative feelings she’s bottling up inside.

Even though she was in a teasing mood towards Coach Ayu earlier, this girl would still have this kind of fragile moment. And thankfully, I am always here next to her.

Naturally, I couldn’t say the same for the duration when I cut her off. Just like with everyone, I was aiming to slowly close that part of our past and replace it with new memories we would be spending together.

Before we went back outside, Sena kept on whispering I love you to me with a beautiful smile on her lips and as always, I replied every time with the same words of affection.

“Once again. You two took your time.” With her hands on her waists, Coach Ayu berated. Looking at her this time, she already recovered from Sena’s teasing from earlier.

And along with Coach Ayu, my other girls who saw Sena tightly clinging on me even if we’re already outside all had various reactions but they all equated to ‘enviousness’. They wanted to be in the same position as Sena. But that’s impossible at the moment so they could only gulp it down.

“I apologize, Coach. As you can see, she melted and got stuck holding onto me.” I wryly smiled as I ruffled Sena’s hair.”

“It must be too colorful to be in love, huh? In any case. Prepare for your lesson” Coach Ayu’s voice carried a hint of irritation but in the end, she also reeled it in as she guided those who hadn’t changed yet. “And Sena, stop clinging to your guy, I won’t steal him from you. Do your set exercises now.”

“Yes, Coach!” While laughing ‘ehehe’ Sena saluted towards Coach Ayu who already resumed her steps after reminding Sena.

...But that choice of words... Sena was incorrect about Coach Ayu, right? In the first place, I’m way younger than her.

Ugh... That’s a bad argument when I have Shio and Miwa-nee.