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Stealing Spree

Chapter 528: Lesson Two (2)
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“Have you memorized it?” While my students finished the first set of exercises, I turned to the three girls next to me.

Miyako and Chii positively responded by a curt nod and a thumbs up. Eimi, on the other hand, murmured in slight embarrassment, “Can sensei assist me? I’m not confident to do everything right.”

With her question, Chii and Miyako paused as they both stared at Eimi as if she just did something that they hadn’t expected.

Most likely, they’re thinking that it was an intentional move from Eimi to have an excuse for me to draw near her.

Due to that, Chii hurriedly changed her answer while Miyako stared at me with an expression that was saying ‘me too’.

“Alright. I’ll be with you and help if you need assistance. You can go back to your positions now.”

Like always, even if I wanted to reject them at first, I would always lean on making them satisfied.

The three then cheerfully went back to their position, next to the other girls. As soon as they returned, I saw Chii whispering something to Aika which eventually passed to all of them.

Chii told them my promise so even Elizabeth got energized by it, freeing Yukari from her utmost effort to stop her from going haywire.

Now, I just needed to find a chance to do it without letting Coach Ayu become suspicious of it.

Even until now, she had her arms crossed and her eyes were fixed on my face or rather on my whole person. Judging from how intense that gaze of hers was towards me, it felt like I was being stripped naked inside her mind.

Well, I had no idea if she’s just upset because of her suspicion or she was venting her plight of getting teased by Sena earlier to me.

As for Sena, she’s eagerly doing her training while occasionally glancing at me. Whenever our eyes would meet, she would pause for a while and smile beautifully which I would return by encouraging her, earning a few whistles from my students. Every time that happened, the girl’s energy would feel like it received a boost.

“And you three, I believe you memorized it. Am I right?”

“Y-yes! It’s just a set of exercises.” Their leader boasted which the other two supported.

The three tried to appeal with the girls one more time by showing off their flabby arms but that still ended up becoming a source of laughter.

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Once they’re all back to their positions, I called for another set of the same exercises.

And this time, as I promised, I went to check on them one by one, starting with my students at the front row.

“Am I doing it right, sensei?” One of the grade school boys asked as he tried to show off to me.

“Un. Excellent.” I patted his head before moving to the next one.

Just like this, I practiced impartiality as I made my way from the front. Checking their form or correcting them if they’re not doing it right. There were also some who’s starting to breathe heavily which I immediately advised to stop and take a rest.

Among middle school girls or even grade school girls, I noticed that some of them intentionally made a mistake when I drew near them, for the purpose of having me correct them or guide them personally.

Since they’re my lovely students who were keen on learning from me, even if it was obviously intentional, I still entertained it and helped them correct their form or guide them to do something properly.

Although it involved touching their hands, arms or shoulders, I made sure to do it minimally. Some of them were truly attractive, especially the 2nd year middle school ones, however, I only see them as my students for this part-time job.

Besides, they’re not necessarily trying to lead me on. Most likely they just want the attention.

I stole girls younger than me before, especially last year, during my 3rd year in middle school.

There’s Ria for one but... I already stole her during the 2nd semester of my 2nd year. There were others but because there’s already a lot of girls around me back then like Sena, Elizabeth, Yukari, Ririka and those at the same age and year as me, I hadn’t spent that much time on them.

If my memory wasn’t failing me yet, there’s two of those younger than me apart from Ria.

Perhaps they’re still there at the same school I attended from or they already left. In any case, like what I said with Miyako before or what I thought about Yue, I wouldn’t necessarily seek them out.

If ever I saw them again and we recognized each other, I would apologize wholeheartedly for what I did to them. Whether they would accept it or hate me for it, it’s already up to them.

Once I finished my rounds with the middle school students, I finally reached my girls. Starting from Elizabeth, I made sure to take care of them without letting Coach Ayu notice that something was amiss.

In the end, I managed to do that but whether Coach Ayu noticed something or not, I had no way to know.

Following that, I went to the three idiots who were so stiff with their movements.

“I told you to watch carefully and I asked you if you memorized it, what’s this then?” With a somewhat reprimanding tone, I pointed at one of the idiots’ arms that were crooked so much it felt like his bones would soon jut out of his skin.

“Alright, you don’t need to make an excuse. Watch me and follow my movements.”

With their minds slowly being occupied with the lesson, although they would still occasionally move their heads to stare at someone, they’re gradually getting integrated with the system.

That’s good for them and I guess my intimidation was working. Besides, I was sincerely trying to turn them into boxing idiots. For now, we’re still just doing basic exercises.

When I reached the mothers who also appeared to be needing some assistance, I patiently guided them the same way I did with my other students.

Looking at how eager they were to listen to me, they truly wanted to take up the lesson due to how convincing I became yesterday.

And to not make them regret their choices, I doubled up my effort on guiding them.

“Now I know why we ended up enrolling. Onoda-sensei is too charismatic. The way he moves, speaks and treats us is extraordinary. It’s even better than those professional instructors who will be increasingly mad if you cannot do something right even after 10 retries. Onoda-sensei patience is superb.”

One of the mothers commented, full of compliments towards me. There were only five of them and when I begin guiding them with the exercises, they’re all watching my every movement.

Perhaps if it was any other beginner instructor, he or she would be pressured with their intense gazes that would probably call him or her out if he or she did something wrong or something they didn’t like.

As for me, given my shameless personality, that was negligible.

“You praise me too much, madam. I’m only doing my job.” I humbly replied before moving on to the last one of the mothers, Ichihara-san.

“You’re too humble, Onoda-sensei. Sometimes it’s not bad to be proud of yourself as long as you keep your foot on the ground.” Ichihara-san opened a conversation in response to my answer to the other mother’s compliment.

“I will take note of that. Thank you.”

At this point, I moved behind Ichihara-san to check on her form.

It’s not my intention but seeing those round buttocks of hers and her truly erotic figure, my perverted self couldn’t help but admire it thoroughly.

“Hmm? How is it? Is there something wrong with my form?”

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Perhaps noticing that I remained a bit longer behind her, Ichihara-san couldn’t help but ask a question. Their eyes were on the front and Coach Ayu’s vision was blocked by the bodies of my students and my girls so if someone would notice me stopping because of how I suddenly admired Ichihara-san’s behind, it was only Hisa-jii whose view wasn’t blocked by anything.

However, whether it was luck or something else, the old man wasn’t in his seat when I checked in his direction.

And that made me heave a sigh of relief.

It’s one thing that I was somehow favoring my girls but if Ichihara-san took offense at my behavior then I could kiss this part-time job goodbye.

“No... It’s perfect.” I answered.

Whether it could be taken with double meaning, I didn’t care anymore as I immediately moved to her side to fix her upper body posture.

And that involved me touching her arm and her slender waist.

“Ichihara-san, can I touch you?”


“Ah. No... Just your arm and waist. Your posture from this side is kind of crooked. I want to fix it and words might not be enough.”

“I see. Go ahead. But you better be careful with your choice of words next time. If it’s not me, you might be slapped upon hearing that question...” With a playful smile on her lips, Ichihara-san reminded me.

No. I would surely be slapped by her if she found out how I admired her behind...

Ugh... let’s focus.

“Thank you for another lesson, Ichihara-san. Then please, bear with me for a moment.” I showed my gratitude by returning that smile before I carefully fixed her posture like I told her.

Naturally, I didn’t do anything excessive and just did it according to what I thought was best.

Once I’m done. I nodded in front of her, indicating that it was already perfect before going back to the front.

While I had them continue with their set of exercises, I began writing on the board for some kind of explanation of my next lesson.

Forgetting that slight bout of perversion that was invoked from Ichihara-san’s figure, I could say that... even if my purpose of taking this part-time job was to learn something, I was beginning to enjoy this.