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Strings of Fate

Chapter 156
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Strings of Fate 156-Information and introductions The files that Joshua sentare actually fairly straight forward, mostly because there isn’t all that much to them. Kiara’s file just includes her name, Kiara Anne Brooks, her age, nine, a picture of her mark and a label which says ‘Sister of fates. One of three.’ Leave it to the MRO to make something unique and interesting sound like it’s being checked off a list. Her race is blanked out since | wasn't approved for that information. It also lists her parents as her next of kin and their contact information. This is clearly going to need updating.

“We should find out if Kiara has any other family. We're going to need to contact them when we find her.” | declare firmly. Bellamy nods.

“I'll get Alex to look into it. If anyone can find that information it’s him.” He promises.

“Thanks.” “You know, for a minute there on that phone call | thought you might be one of these sisters of fate. But if there are already three | guess not, huh?” Bellamy comments. I sigh.

“Yeah, | had the sthought. But nope. If it were that easy | probably would have figured it out years ago. Besides, their marks all match apparently and while my powers and mark both seem fairly similar, they aren't quite the same.” | remind him.

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“Yes. It doesn’t say much about what these sisters of fate’s magic actually is.” | point out.

“Well the easiest way to learn more is probably to ask the sisters of fate themselves.” Bellamy says, swapping over the documents.

“Oh, well for starters, | suppose ‘sisters’ is just a label, because one of these is a guy.” | note.

“Yes. Also they are both different races and as a result it is rather unusual but they have two marks. They each have a ‘sister of fate’ mark and a race mark. Their races are no secret. A. Banshee and a Witch.” Bellamy adds.

The files don’t say much else. The Banshee is a man named Colin Demy and the Witch is of course a woman and her nis Adeline Landry. It lists an email and phone number contact for each of them and... that’s about it. | suppose | don’t really need more information than that to contact them.

1/4 156- Information and introductions In the end, Bellamy is the one who calls them on my behalf. Mostly because when | dial the first number and Colin Demy answers the phone, | get so nervous and tongue tied that nothing comes out and | spend thirty seconds listening to him repeatedly ask if someone is actually there. Bellamy rescuesby taking over. He briefly explains that we are seeking information about his particular type of magic and would love a chance to meet at his earliest convenience. The man lives out of town and Bellamy offers to pay for flights and accommodation if he would cvisit. The man declines saying that he has responsibilities at home.

Disappointed but not dissuaded, Bellamy suggests a video call so that we can talk properly and the man agrees.

We schedule a call for two o’clock tomorrow when Colin is available to chat longer. Bellamy takes one look at my pale, anxious face and calls Adeline Landry himself, putting the phone on speakerphone so that | can hear.

“Hello?” A cheerful sounding woman answers.

“Good afternoon. My nis Bellamy Kane and | am here with Ryann Gale. We are calling as we are in the process of investigating your particular type of magic and how it connects to Ryann’s own magic as well as the magic of a young girl who is currently missing.” He explains. He continues to answer her questions about what it is we're after until Adeline turns her attention to me.

“Ryann was it? You're awfully quiet dear.” She comments..

“Oh... sorry. | guess I'm just nervous. I've been looking for information about my magic my whole life. This is the closest thing I've found so far.” | explain.

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“Oh, well I'll be happy to help however | can. But despite your gentleman friend's generous offers, | have a job to see to and | just can’t take a last minute trip.” She sounds apologetic.

to join on “l understand. Would... would you be available tomorrow at two to join on a video call with us and someone else who has the smark as you? I’m hoping we can figure out SOMETHING.” | ask. She agrees, readily tellingthat she will have her son figure it out since she has very little knowledge of computers.

Once we are done with the phone calls Bellamy watchespace the office anxiously. After about two minutes of this he jumps from his seat and grabsby the shoulders.

“No. No way, you have until two pm tomorrow to stress about this and if you spend that 2/4 156- Information and introductions whole tpacing there are going to be holes in the carpet and you'll be so on edge you'll probably bite someone's head off and since I'm the closest person | would rather avoid that. Sweetheart, what can I do to help you calm down?” Bellamy demands.

“I... I don’t know. Givesomething to do, something that will keep my mind occupied at least for a while.” | request. Bellamy nods.

“I have just the thing. You wanted work. | have an inbox full of emails just waiting to be answered.” Bellamy spins his chair around and guidesinto it.

“Have at it.” He turnstowards the desk and leaves the room.

“But I-” | start to speak, but he’s already walked off. Probably to stopfrom arguing. | know | agreed to this, but I didn’t expect him to just leavealone right away. Then again, | guess he is still in the house. | can go find him if | need help, or ask Megan. In fact there are plenty of people I could ask for advice. So maybe this won't be as hard as | worry it might be.

Alright, first problem. Bellamy’s emails are a MESS. All kinds of emails are all mixed together and almost every single one is marked as urgent. | start by making different mail boxes so | can sort the emails. | mark one for communications with the Alphas, one for personal communications, one for Shifters asking for advice or judgement and then one for all other official communications. | now have the suitably distracting task of sorting the emails into the appropriate folders. Communications from the Alphas are easy enough, | just do a search. for their names and then move any emails from them into the right folder. The rest of the emails are far more difficult. Bellamy has literally hundreds of unopened emails. How is he so far behind? I'm horrified when | notice the oldest email is only a few days old. How many emails does he GET? | get to it. Opening each email one at a tand sorting them. When | cacross emails from Shifters asking for guidance or judgement | open them briefly to ch*ck if they're urgent. Most of them don’t seem to be too tsensitive. When | find ones that are, | stop and do my best to write answers. Bellamy returns an hour later with food and | have a collection of three emails that | have written but not sent. | think my answers are good, but to send them under Bellamy’s name... | just want him to ch*ck them first. Bellamy encouragesto take a break and have something to eat while he looks over them for me.