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Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 72
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72 Sympathy Was A Fool’s Hope

“It’s been two days already,” Big Joe announced to Kenith who was kneeling in front of him. He knew the reason why he was summoned here today and it was because of Arianna. Nothing else.

Perhaps if Kenith knew how taken Big Joe was with Arianna, he would have kept strict surveillance and never let her escape until the wedding was concluded.

It was a good thing for Big Joe to like Arianna because it was a big boost to his plan. But then, it was also a huge problem if Big Joe loses his patience and kills him. It would be a loss of his plans and his life. Well, not that

Kenith would stand still and watch Big Joe end him.

Without the bastard knowing, Kenith had already conquered a third of his people and eliminated the others that were too loyal to him – Big Joe – enough to spill his plans.

Big Joe didn’t suspect a thing thanks to the fact he concealed it well. Kenith claimed they had tried to betray him and killed them in the process of trying to stop them. Big Joe believed him as usual since he has never failed his trust, well, until now Arianna slipped through his fingers.

He was his perfect loyal dog until Arianna ruined it by escaping. The bastard Big Joe was probably thinking of ways to replace him, not that he cared anyway. Soon, he’d be the one in charge of all of this place.

Even at that, Kenith couldn’t afford a war now. He wanted his ascension to the throne to be non-violent and blood-free and that was why Arianna had to be the scapegoat. Having war on his hands meant the destruction of resources and manpower and that can’t happen. If the gang was going to remain on top, he needed as many as possible to grow it – every hand must be on deck.

It was quite sad Arianna’s life would have to come to an end and he would stop it if he could. But he couldn’t.


Once Big Joe’s death was framed on Arianna, his brothers – fellow gang members – would make to exact revenge for Big Joe by torturing and ending her life.

If he dared to interfere in her punishment, they would begin to get suspicious of him and surmise he was an accomplice, after all, he was the one who benefited the most if Big Joe was dead.

Moreover, Cassy would not accept Arianna’s survival. It was enough that she was jealous of Arianna’s beauty and accused him of having feelings for her which he denied countless times and calmed her doubt by making sweet love to her till she was pleased.

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But the guilt was beginning to grow nor could he admit the fact that each time they made love, all he could imagine was that she was Arianna and writhing beneath him as he drove her to the edge.

God! When did it start?! He couldn’t tell but it got worse after Arianna left and his guilt only kept increasing each time he lied straight at Cassy. He lied to the face of the woman he loved.

Does he even still love Cassy? It was hard to tell, not when Arianna poisoned his mind. Well, what man would not be taken by Arianna? She was a wildfire that entranced the heart and soul.

The sooner she died, the better it was for him and the male population that might go through the same ordeal he was experiencing. Just like Helen of Troy, Arianna had to die else earth might experience a much greater disaster like World War three.

“I asked you a question!” Big Joe repeated, rousing him out of his reverie and Kenith realized he had been moping at him like a fool, lost in his thoughts.

“Sorry,” He quickly mumbled an apology, clearing his throat.

Kenith raised his gaze, saying, “It’s true that I’ve not gotten a trance of Arianna but I believe we would get good news soon,”

“Good news, huh?” Big Joe found it funny before he narrowed his gaze at Kenith, asking, “You sound confident. What makes you so sure of yourself?”

“I entered an alliance with Marcelo,” He revealed.

“You did what?!” One couldn’t tell whether it was shock or fury that appeared on Big Joe’s face as he jumped down from his large exquisitely designed throne.

“Marcelo was in search of Arianna as well and I combined resources with him to widen the scope of our inquiry. He claimed that he needed Arianna for a piece of essential information and once he was done with her, he would hand her over to -”

Kenith didn’t even finish the rest of his statement as Big Joe shouted, “You fool! ”

Before Kenith could even access the situation, Big Joe had already climbed down the stairs and kicked him straight in the thighs.

Although Big Joe was a short man, his body was as mature as an average adult man and the pains that shot through Kenith’s body made him hiss out. It hurt like hell.

“You made such important decisions without my approval?!” Big Joe growled at him.

“You were the one who said -!”

A strike on the face stunned Kenith and he looked up in shock just as Big Joe announced, “Watch the way you speak to me, Kenith! Just because you’re the best of my men doesn’t mean you’re not irreplaceable!”

It was a single warning and Kenith stood down at once. He had been so angry that he didn’t realize he had raised his voice against his boss.

His pride and reluctance to serve Big Joe anymore clouded his mind and almost ruined his plans. It was worse that his relationship with Big Joe was already on shaky grounds and if he sensed any hint of rebellion in him, the man would surely put him down.

Realizing his mistake, Kenith bowed his head and began to kowtow repeatedly, “I’m sorry boss, I didn’t mean to yell at you,” He apologized sincerely – he had to if he wanted to preserve his place.

Big Joe didn’t say a word neither did Kenith stop kowtowing until the skin there broke and his forehead began to bleed.

In a place like this, sympathy was a fool’s hope. If Big Joe had sympathy on every single debtor that came through his door with his pity story, would his business boom?


Business was business.

“Stand up,” Big Joe finally said after a while of watching him suffer and Kenith obeyed him.

He stood to his feet without even wiping off the blood that trailed down his forehead down to his nose.

He stood taller than Big Joe in this position but Kenith didn’t dare let a hint of contempt or resentment appear in his gaze knowing that Big Joe was staring intensely at him and studying his reaction. Big Joe hated people looking down on him because of his height.

“You would go back to Marcelo and if he has Arianna, you bring her here.”

“But -”

Big Joe hissed at him in a warning.

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“I don’t care how you do it but you bring me my wife and may God help you if I find a hair on her head missing, you would have me to face,” He warned him.

“Yes boss,” Kenith simply said.

“You can leave now,” Big Joe dismissed him with his back turned to him.

“Thank you, boss,” Kenith walked out of the hall without looking in the direction of his subordinates that saw his humiliation. It was a reminder to him that if he doesn’t play his cards well, one of them might take his place before his plan comes to fruition.

Kenith didn’t leave immediately to Marcel’s place, rather he went to his office where Cassy was already waiting with first aid.

So she heard.

“My God,” Cassy gasped when she saw the blood running down his face and ran to him.

“He might as well have killed you,” she whispered with a pained look in her gaze. She didn’t like seeing him in pain.

“It doesn’t hurt as much as it looks,” He tried to calm her.

“Shut up!” Cassy scolded him before leading him to the desk where she made him sit.

Cassy wrung the water out of the cloth she came with and began to wipe the blood from his face and into the basin on his desk.

“It’s Arianna’s fault, isn’t it?” She pushed the blame on her.

“Big Joe only wants me to find his wife,” Kenith said.

“You’re defending her again,” she hissed.

“Seriously, Cassy, how many times would we have this conversation? What would I do to assure you that I love you and no one else?” He asked, looking her straight in the eyes trying to convey his feelings.

He must be a fool to think that the feelings he had for Cassy could compare to his lust for Arianna. The redhead was suitable to fill his dick but Cassy was the woman he would make his wife.

After a moment of tense silence, Cassy let go of the subject yet she still asked, “How are you going to get her back when you don’t even know if Marcel has her,”

Kenith sighed, “I honestly don’t know. I know I should have listened to my guts when it said not to trust.....” He trailed off when his phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket only to discover it was Marcel’s consigliere calling.

His heart skipped a beat immediately, Kenith hoped it was good news.