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The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 10
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10. Caught Up In The Moment


Another day had passed, and she still refused to drink when I offered her. Her colour was ashy, and I

could see the pale blue veins along her skin. Her fangs were longer, I knew she needed to drink or she

would die.

On the other fucking hand, Thanatos’s anger was raging; angry at her for her disobedience and angry at

m e for my stubbornness. He had to remember that I was not going to bend to his will. I was in charge.

I had left her in my room and posted guards outside my window just in case she tried something stupid

again, although she literally had no energy to do anything. She wasn’t even able to talk anymore, but

even then, her stubbornness still prevailed. When I had dragged her to my neck, she refused.

It angered me that she dared to defy my will, I hated that she did not yield to me as she should. I knew

there was something there because she had allowed me to get close to her back at that lake. Although

she had been slightly drunk, she was still in her senses… But now? She resented me, and that fucking

pushed me to a dangerous place.

I wanted to break her into submission, but I wondered if she’d die before I was able to.

I was seated in my office; my Beta Luca and my four Deltas were all present. As the king, I broke away

from the nom of having one Delta and selected four. It made things a whole lot easier. We were

discussing the upcoming summit and arrangements.

“Their quarters have been set up and with those who have issues, we’ve put them apart.” My Delta Ajax

said frowning, his chin-length black hair covering one of his eyes.

“Good, we don’t need them ripping each other’s throats out.” Luca added.

“What are we doing with Alpha Cain here?” Corbin, another of my Deltas, asked, looking up.

“He isn’t part of the summit, so he’s not in the fucking equation.” I said darkly.

“Unspoken, but he is one of the strongest… If he wants in, he will be voted in.” Luca added hesitantly.

My eyes flickered for a moment as I looked at him, tilting my head slightly.

“Are you questioning who has more power? The Alpha’s at the summit… or me?” I asked.

My voice was calm, yet I felt fear and tension in each one of them. I didn’t need to exude my aura to

show them who was the Alpha in the room.

“Of course it is you.”

“Good answer… Cain will have to prove he has a pack that’s one of the strongest in the country to take a

seat at that summit, he doesn’t have one.”

The room was silent, I looked at the map that was spread across the large table, gripping the edge. Cain

never would. Not as long as I was king.

“We need to make sure that no one is sneaking in from the Oblivion Pass, as there have been some

mysterious attacks down that side as well. I’d rather it be dealt with before it becomes a real fucking

problem.” I said coldly.

I looked up sharply at Reuban,

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“Take a small team down there, scour the area and find out what exactly is going on with those attacks.

The Alpha of the Ruby Moon Pack has tried to downplay it, I don’t know what he might be hiding but I

want you on it.” I said, before glancing at my last Delta.

Unlike the other three, he wasn’t as skilled when it came to battle and fighting, but he was smart.

“Oliver, I want you to keep an eye on Cain and Kai discreetly. They may be back, but I don’t trust them.”

“But Kai, he isn’t like Cain, Alpha.” Luca said, clearly surprised by my order.

“I know, but Cain may be using him. I can’t fucking afford to take risks, Luca.” I replied chillingly.

“Yes Alpha, understood.” Oliver replied with a nod.

“Dismissed.” I said turning my back on them, leaning against the table, I crossed my ankles glaring at the

wall behind me.

They left the room until only Luca and I remained.


She was fucking consuming my mind, way too fucking much.

“Alpha… is it wise to have the vampire here?” Luca asked as if he knew what was on my mind.

“Yeah. End of discussion.”I hissed, snapping my head towards him as my eyes locked with his blue ones.

“Kian…. why are you so hung over her? You’ve even kept her in your room… You don’t allow anyone

there but Sage. If she knew-”

“I’m the fucking Alpha, Luca. Remember that. Who and what I do is my fucking business. Who cares if

Sage knows or not.”

“I’m your friend, and I know you are the Alpha. I’m just saying don’t hurt Sage over a woman that


The moment my eyes burned gold, he stopped, paling considerably before looking away and lowering



“Kill him now.” Thanatos spat in my head.

He was fighting for control, and it was pissing me off. I slammed him behind my barrier, blocking him off

and glaring at him.

“Because I consider you a friend, I’m waming you to stay out of my fucking business when it comes to

her. Understood?”

He frowned but nodded.

“As you wish, Alpha.” He said, his voice clipped.

I didn’t bother replying and walked out, my anger only rising as I headed towards my quarters of the

castle. I hated being fucking disobeyed…

Walking swiftly through the dark halls, I reached my bedroom, unlocking the door. I entered, shutting it

behind me

She hadn’t moved… not even an inch. Her scent filled the room, intoxicating me as I walked over to the

bed. Her eyes were half-closed and I wasn’t sure if she was even conscious…

Reaching behind her, I ripped the ropes that bound her right from her. My mind flittered back to her

brother who had willingly given her to me, what kind of life did she even have before I brought her here?

Who cares.

I pushed her onto her back, my gaze flitting over her; the ropes had chaffed her skin, leaving angry red

marks that had drawn blood in areas. I frowned – It was her own fucking fault.

I sat down on the bed, scooping her into my arms, she was shivering ever so slightly and she didn’t even

fight me.

If only you had been a good little rose to start with, you wouldn’t have been in this position… I took hold

of her chin, rubbing my finger over her dry lips…

She was beautiful…

I removed my thumb from her lips. Holding the back of her, I brought my thumb to my lips and bit into it,

letting the blood pour out. I slipped it into her mouth, for a few moments she didn’t respond, until her

eyelids fluttered and she looked up into me through those thick lashes of hers. Her breathing became

stronger, and she began sucking on my thumb hungrily. Her eyes that had dulled now deepened, her

teeth pierced my thumb but I didn’t allow her to drink more, pulling my thumb from her mouth.

If she wanted my blood, then she was going to have to beg for it. I smiled coldly down at her, seeing that

familiar spark of defiance return, but it was coated with hunger.

“If you want to drink, you’re going to have to ask.”

She looked at me, a small frown creasing those perfect brows of hers. Her delicate fingers clutched my

shirt as she tried to pull herself into a sitting position, I pushed her into that sitting position with the arm

that had been supporting her neck, before I lifted her into my lap and she instantly locked her arms

weakly around my neck.

I tensed at our position, my urge for her only grew… I needed her…

“Ask you?” She whispered, her voice barely clear enough to understand.

“Yeah, obviously.” I said coldly.

She gave me a weak smirk.

“In your dreams, Alpha.” She whispered, before she shifted her position with a spurt of energy, straddling

me instead.

A flash of surprise rushed through me, my hand instantly going to her waist… but before I could even say

anything, I felt the sharp sting, as she sank her teeth into my neck.

My hand reached up, ready to rip her from my neck, anger blazing inside of me… but…

Burning sparks trailed through my body and if I had once thought being fed from was fucking degrading

and disgusting, I was wrong… The pleasure I was feeling right now, it was more than anything I had ever

felt before.

I could sense her emotions; the hunger, the desperation, her pain… Her lips brushed my skin, and I



I throbbed hard as she moaned against my neck, drinking hungrily. Her fingers grazing the back of my

head, she arched her back, moulding herself against me completely.

My hand ran up her back, my fingers raking down her spine making her moan louder. She gyrated her

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hips, rubbing her core against my hardening dick. The scent of her arousal filled my nose, pleasure

rushing south. Drinking my blood was turning her on… The possessive feeling that she had probably fed

off many men and felt like this only angered me further.

But I’d deal with that later…

One hand twisted into her silk locks tightly, biting back a groan as I ran my hand over her peachy ass,

squeezing it hard. Her nails digging into the back of my neck felt just as good, but it was the way she

wriggled her ass in anticipation that made my eyes blaze.

I grabbed her ass, pulling her harder against me.

Fuck… She was…

She whimpered in pleasure, grinding herself against my dick. I didn’t let go, camal desire consuming

every inch of me. All logic was gone as I grabbed her hips painfully tight, grinding her against me. She


“Fuck…” She whispered, her lips brushing the wound she had created.

She seemed to click on to what was happening, her breathless moan ending in a sharp suck. But all I

could focus on was the faint blush on her pale cheeks that now looked as radiant as the first time I

fucking saw her. The scent of her arousal was fucking with my head.

I needed her… Before she could even react, I placed my lips on her neck. Those cherry-red lips parted

as she let out a wanton moan and relaxed. I moved back, guiding her by her hips.

My gaze skimmed down, watching her boobs bounce I tightened my hold, making her hiss in pain, but I

didn’t care. She deserved it for disobeying me.

I hated being disobeyed…

Fuck. I couldn’t focus on anything but the temptress before me, and the pleasure she was inflicting me

with, without even having to undress. I heard her gasp as her entire body tensed. I reached over, kissing

her smooth, creamy neck. I wanted to mark her, but that was not a fucking option. I sucked hard on it

instead and she cried out as her orgasm tore through her…

I didn’t stop, chasing my own release that was so fucking close. Seconds later, my own orgasm shot

through me and all I wanted was to ram into that tight little pussy of hers and fuck her senseless.

But even as her hands gripped my shoulders and she tried to recover from her orgasm, my own arms

wrapped around her as I breathed heavily into her soft tits. The reality of what she had done hit me like a

fucking lightning bolt.

I tensed, my eyes flashing before I stood up, letting go of her as if she was the fucking plague. She

wasn’t expecting it and she fell to the ground, her head hitting the floor behind her.

Her eyes flashed in anger, and, was that confusion?

I didn’t know, and I didn’t fucking care.

I walked past her, heading to the bathroom, not caring that a tiny part inside of me felt a tinge of pain for

doing that to her. But this was what I wanted, I would use her… and when I had my fill, I would get rid of
