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The Birth Of A Villainess

Chapter 106 - Not Allowed To Fall In Love (1)
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When their carriage started to move, Lin Xiaofei and Qu Xing Xu seemed to have a silent agreement to not say a word.

They kept their mouths shut as the horses started to move in front, pulling the carriage with them while the coachman had his hands on the reins.

As the procession started from the Lin residence and now on their way to the land that belonged to the Qu family, everyone who got to look at the carriages couldn't help but wonder why would there be a number of carriages outside.

It wasn't rare to see a carriage in the middle of the road but seeing a large number of it and moving forward in an orderly manner; not surpassing the front carriage nor taking over the other carriages, they couldn't help but guess that there was only one owner of these carriages.

But who?

This question made everyone who was watching the procession started to think that someone was having their wedding today. It's just that the carriages didn't have any red cloth hanging around it nor there were any rumors of a young lady getting married today.

There were some ladies who were betrothed but they were destined to marry next month thus, this leads them to think that there was no wedding going on.

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At this notion, the people who stopped to watch felt uninterested.. But because of this, they didn't know that tomorrow, there was a huge piece of news that will shake the entire empire.

The news that Lin Xiaofei ended up being betrothed to the Duke of Xin.

Initially, Qu Xing Xu wanted to announce his betrothal to the world as soon as possible but Lin Xiaofei stopped him as she was still having doubts about his intentions. She became too suspicious of him as she felt that there was something wrong and she fell on his trap.

Besides, there haven't been movements from the Palace. She first wanted to see what kind of look would Prince Jing and Empress Qin Wei have in their faces when they found out that she was a step ahead of them. However, even until now, the Palace was too quiet.

Was the Chu empire that fearsome that the royal family was forced to be tied up and couldn't move?

Even Shen Mo who was ordered to keep a close watch to the movements of the royal family hasn't returned. Could it be that he was captured? Lin Xiaofei couldn't stop asking herself as she didn't expect Shen Mo's ability to be that low.

However, what she didn't know was that she got some points right and wrong as well. The Chu empire was indeed powerful to make Emperor Yun hesitate and apologize to them. He could only bow his head in front of the envoys sent to the Zheng Empire.

On the other hand, she was wrong about the royal family being tied and Shen Mo being captured.

It was not the Royal family who was tied up but Gu Yan. He was tied to his task that he must complete no matter what. He had to prevent the news of the Empress being sent to the Cold Palace reaching his young Madam's ears as he would pay a great price if he failed to do so.

Meanwhile, Shen Mo was not captured but he was the same as Lin Xiaofei. He was deprived of the information that the empress was locked in the Cold Palace and the decree still hasn't been passed.

Staring at the man who had his eyes closed and back against the wall of the carriage, Lin Xiaofei couldn't stop but admire his impeccable face.

It was no wonder that the young ladies and even married madams in the empire would go crazy upon seeing him. Because she was too focused on Yu Fangzhu, she didn't find him attractive at all.

However, after she became the fourth young miss of the Lin family, Lin Xiaofei could definitely say that he looked… He looked easy to look at.

As Lin Xiaofei continued to look at him while thinking deeply, she didn't realize that the man before her was awake and had his eyes opened.

After just a few minutes of closing his eyes to take some rest, Qu Xing Xu sensed a pair of eyes were looking at him intently.

He didn't immediately open his eyes as he wanted to know what Lin Xiaofei was planning. With his trick earlier, he was sure that she was brewing some plans to murder him.

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That is why, when he finally couldn't take it and opened his eyes, he was slightly startled to see her eyes looking at him curiously and gently that it made his chest throb.

And before he could hold his tongue, he said, "If you continue to stare at me like that. I'm going to assume you have fallen hard for me."

Snapping out of her thoughts with the help of his brazen words, Lin Xiaofei had a deadpanned look on her face.

Was he awake all this time? Thought Lin Xiaofei to herself as she really believed that Qu Xing Xu fell asleep with the way his breathing was steady and his eyes remained close without moving earlier.

"If you say it like that… then, I guess I've also fallen for your servant Gu Yan." Lin Xiaofei retorted and made him narrow his eyes at her.

A dry laugh escaped Qu Xing Xu's mouth and he said, "It doesn't work that way."

"Why wouldn't it?" Lin Xiaofei asked him as she found his reply funny.

However, Qu Xing Xu found her words not funny at all.

And there was also one person who wished Lin Xiaofei hadn't uttered those words in the presence of the Duke. It was Gu Yan who got a sudden chill in his body as he felt his master's deadly aura reaching out to him.

Master! Please don't get swept through the Madam's words and believe it! I still want to live! Screamed Gu Yan inside his mind. He was already old enough to be Lin Xiaofei's father or uncle, hence, the possibility of her falling for him was unlikely.