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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 954
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Chapter 954

Carlos instinctively discerned Jonathan’s simmering displeasure with Rosalie. Lately, Jonathan had secluded himself

in the manor, diligently attending to his tasks, fully eschewing the company premises. Despite his absence, the

company’s employees palpably sensed an atmosphere of uncertainty akin to treading on fragile ground.

In a matter of mere days, he had dismissed three senior executives. One could only fathom the extent of the

impending upheaval should Jonathan’s ire persist for another span.

Over the last 48 hours, numerous individuals sought Carlos out, inquiring about the abrupt termination of their

colleagues by Jonathan. Perplexed, Carlos found himself at a loss for an explanation. Even if he possessed the

courage, he dared not divulge the truth-their boss’ actions were rooted in a domestic discord with his spouse.

Fortunately, Rosalie had at last made her entrance. Carlos noted that she alone wielded the peculiar knack to incite

such profound ire in Jonathan, yet she also appeared to possess the elusive power to soothe his stormy


Carlos hastened toward the pond. Presently, Jonathan stood serenely by the water, and his gaze fixed upon a

meticulously nurtured lotus blossom gracing the pond’s surface.

Although it was not the typical season for lotuses to be in full bloom, the lotuses adorning that pond exhibited an

unusually beautiful blossoming.

“Mr. Youngblood, Mrs. Youngblood adamantly declined to leave the manor’s doorway. It appears she intends to

persist there until you meet with her,” Carlos reported. Meanwhile, his keen eyes attentively studied Jonathan’s


Jonathan’s handsome countenance remained unchanged, displaying no flicker of emotion upon hearing the news as

if he had been informed of a mundane occurrence.

“If she wishes to wait, then so be it,” Jonathan remarked nonchalantly.

“Understood,” Carlos responded. Given the directive, it was evident that Jonathan was deeply upset with her this


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“You may take your leave now. I want to be alone,” Jonathan uttered.

Carlos nodded subtly and left. Jonathan remained rooted by the pond, and his gaze fixed upon the lotus blooms

while assuming a statue-like stillness.

Rosalie couldn’t gauge the duration of her standing, but she noticed that her legs had grown achy, and the sky

gradually lightened with the approaching dawn.

“Is dawn approaching?” she pondered.

Her phone chimed, and she retrieved it to see an incoming call from Gary.

When Rosalie pressed the answer button, Gary’s concerned voice echoed from her phone. “Mrs. Youngblood, are

you still at the manor? When the children wake up…”

“I’m still here. When they wake up, let them know I had to leave early for work,” Rosalie stated. She fixed her gaze

on the manor before her as she took a deep breath. “And, Gary, if I don’t return today, please assist me in finding a

plausible excuse to tell them,” she instructed.

“Aren’t you returning home today?” Gary inquired.

“It hinges on whether I can meet Jon today or not,” Rosalie replied before ending the call.

Regardless, she was resolute in her decision to meet Jonathan, even if it meant standing there for an indefinite


Rosalie lost track of time as she stood there. Fatigue and tiredness weighed heavily on her, and hunger gnawed at

her, making her feel slightly unsteady.

As she stumbled, the security guard’s voice echoed in her ears. “Mrs. Youngblood, are you all right?”


Rosalie shook her head. “I’m fine. However, do you happen to have any food here?”

“Huh?” The security guard was taken aback by her request.

Fifteen minutes later, Rosalie found herself squatting at the gate, enjoying breakfast provided by the security guard-

an omelet, oatmeal, and some dried fruits to accompany the oatmeal.

Those foods were the breakfast provided by the manor. According to the security guard, they, with considerable

effort, managed to procure an additional set for Rosalie from the kitchen.

“Mrs. Youngblood, it might be best if you returned home for now. Mr. Youngblood must be aware that you’ve been

standing here all night, yet he hasn’t permitted you inside. Continuing to endure this would only cause you more

distress. Why not head back for now? When Mr. Youngblood wishes to see you, you will undoubtedly have the

opportunity to meet him,” the security guard advised with genuine concern.

Rosalie shook her head resolutely while continuing to eat her breakfast. “No. I think it’s best if I continue standing


She had a nagging intuition that retreating then and going back home might make it even more improbable to

meet him.

Hence, her current resolve was to conserve her strength, ensuring her body didn’t give in. If she couldn’t meet him

that day, she contemplated asking Gary to send a tent so that she could set it up right outside the manor to

continue in her pursuit.

The security guard couldn’t help but feel a headache creep in upon hearing her determination.

Rumor had it that Jonathan doted on Rosalie immensely. Despite her five-year absence and her sudden return with

a daughter, Jonathan harbored deep concern for her. There were even videos on the internet showcasing Jonathan

shielding her with his body from the onslaught of rotten eggs and vegetables thrown by hostile individuals.

Yet, the security guard remained puzzled about why Jonathan refused to allow Rosalie inside the manor.

It led to a lingering concern that Rosalie might soon lose Jonathan’s favor. However, after the events of last night,

especially the phone call from Carlos, it appeared that she hadn’t fallen out of favor just yet.

Recalling the phone call from Carlos the previous night, the security guard couldn’t help but feel a throbbing

sensation in his head return.

“Remember-ensure nothing untoward befalls Mrs. Youngblood. I expect you to be at the top of your game,

providing her with all she requires. However, be cautious not to give her the impression of receiving preferential

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treatment,” Carlos had instructed.

“But that’s easier said than done,” the security guard silently complained. He fervently hoped Rosalie would return

home soon, bringing a sense of relief to him.

As she ate, Rosalie engaged in casual conversation with the security guard. She inquired about the recent weather,

gradually steering the conversation toward the ongoings within the manor. Eventually, she probed about the

individuals who frequented the manor on a daily basis.

The security guard responded respectfully to all her inquiries.

Just as Rosalie was on the verge of asking whether Jonathan had ventured out of the manor recently or not, the

entrance swung open, revealing Jonathan’s presence.

Rosalie stared at Jonathan in disbelief, her mouth still holding the unswallowed bite of omelet.

She had braved an entire night waiting at the entrance, fully prepared to persist in the situation for as long as it

took. Her intention was to stay there until the world seemed to fade away, exhausting every possibility to meet him.

And yet, right then… he appeared before her without any warning.

“He appeared so soon!” she thought.

Jonathan cast a brief glance at the emotionless half-bitten omelet on Rosalie’s fork before his gaze settled on her

face .

Her cheeks were puffed out, giving her the appearance of a hamster. The dark circles under her eyes and the

weariness etched between her eyebrows unmistakably revealed the toll of standing outside all night.

Silence enveloped the surroundings. At that moment, the world seemed hushed, with only the sound of breathing


the stillness.

“J-Jon, why did you come out?” Rosalie’s words were slightly muffled as her mouth was still full from the

unswallowed omelet.

“It appears I shouldn’t have come out,” Jonathan retorted icily, and with that, he turned on his heel, evidently intent

on reentering the manor.

“No!” Rosalie hastily reached out, and her hand grasped Jonathan’s wrist. Simultaneously, she tried to swallow the

omelet in her mouth quickly, but in her haste, it got caught in her throat, leaving her choking.