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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chatper 741
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Chapter 741

After a long while, a doctor finally emerged from the emergency room. “The three fetuses are stable for now,” the

doctor said.

“What about the mother? The mother… is she okay?” Jonathan’s voice was strained.

“At the moment, we’ve administered medication, and the situation is under control. But please, try to avoid

subjecting the expectant mother to additional stress. If her emotions become unstable, there’s a risk that the

fetuses might not reach the 35-week mark.”

Usually, it was recommended to deliver triplets via cesarean section at 35 weeks for the safest outcome. However,

if the expectant mother’s emotions became too intense, there was a potential risk of her water breaking

prematurely before reaching the 35-week mark.

By that time, the fetal organs might not have fully developed, and even if they survived, there could be


“I understand,” Jonathan replied, but he was uncertain about how to avoid upsetting her further.

“Why does she have to find out the truth at a time like this? Why?” Jonathan’s inner voice cried out.

As Jonathan was about to step into the emergency room, Calvin blocked his way. “If you just go in like this, and

Rosalie wakes up to see you, aren’t you afraid she’ll become emotionally unstable again?”

Jonathan’s expression stiffened as he glared at Calvin. “She’s my wife!”

“What does that matter? Whether she’s your wife or not, I won’t let you hurt her. You’ve already upset her once. Do

you want to do it again?” Calvin spoke firmly. Jonathan’s body trembled slightly, his thin lips tightly sealed, and he

finally said nothing more.

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When Rosalie woke up, she had been transferred to a VIP ward, and the person in her room was none other than


“Amelia?” Rosalie blinked, seemingly surprised that Amelia was there.

“And where am I now? In a hospital? I remember being at the staircase and hearing the conversation between Jon

and Calvin, and then…” Rosalie mused. Those scenes flashed through Rosalie’s mind like a movie, and she

subconsciously covered her pregnant belly. “My children, are they okay?”

“The children are fine,” Amelia reassured her and pressed the nurse call button at the bedside. After a moment,

the doctor and nurses arrived, conducted some basic checks on Rosalie, and advised her to rest and stabilize her



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They mentioned she needed to stay in the hospital for three days for observation. Once the doctor and nurses left

the ward, Rosalie asked, “Amelia, why are you here? Weren’t you hospitalized too?”

“My hospitalization isn’t a big deal, and I was about to be discharged anyway. I received a call from Jonathan. He

said something happened between you, and it upset you. He hoped I could come and talk to you,” Amelia replied.

Amelia couldn’t help but sigh as she continued, “A man like him, I can hardly imagine, but the tone of his call was so

helpless and distressed as if he were a desperate, lost soul.”

Rosalie couldn’t help but clutch the thin blanket covering her.

“When I arrived, Jonathan was waiting outside the ward, but he refused to come in, saying he was afraid you didn’t

want to see him. And Calvin is also waiting outside. Rosalie, what’s going on?” Amelia asked.

“It’s nothing, just… I made a fool of myself,” Rosalie replied. She knew she couldn’t afford to get too emotional. For

the sake of her babies, she had to control her emotions no matter what.

Because if her emotions become unstable, it could lead to the babies arriving prematurely.

Observing Rosalie’s reluctance to broach the subject, Amelia sensed the gravity of the matter.

“Whatever it is, if you ever feel like you can’t handle it alone, tell me. I might not be able to do much, but I can lend

a listening ear. It’s better than bottling everything up,” Amelia said.

“Thank you, Amelia,” Rosalie replied.

“I should be the one thanking you. You’ve helped me so much.” Amelia responded. She reflected on how Rosalie

had assisted her when she was falsely accused, helping her gather evidence and locate the crucial witness for her


If it weren’t for Rosalie, she wouldn’t find herself in her current circumstances.

As they continued their conversation, Amelia shared some uplifting anecdotes to lighten Rosalie’s mood.

After a while, Rosalie said, “Amelia, you’re still in the process of recovery. You should return. Don’t worry about me.

I promise to take good care of myself, especially for the sake of my three children, no matter what happens.”

Rosalie’s resolute words and unwavering gaze eased Amelia’s concerns. “All right, I’ll head back. We can stay

connected through phone calls.”

Just as Amelia was about to leave, Rosalie unexpectedly spoke. “Amelia, is Calvin… outside? Could you please bring

him in? I have a few questions I’d like to ask him,”

Amelia was briefly taken aback but she agreed.

When Amelia emerged from the ward, the two men waiting outside directed their


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attention toward her. In perfect synchronization, they asked, “How is she?”

Amelia was surprised by the strikingly similar expressions of hope and concern on the faces of the two men.

It was quite unexpected to see two influential men, capable of causing significant ripples in the Strico, waiting

outside a ward for the sake of one woman.

“For now, Rosalie’s emotions are relatively stable, and she wishes to see Calvin,” Amelia replied.

The expressions of both Jonathan and Calvin shifted.

Calvin appeared somewhat surprised, while Jonathan’s complexion lost a few shades of color. Just as Calvin began

to approach the ward’s entrance, Jonathan swiftly reached out to halt him.

“What’s the matter? Don’t want me to go in?” Calvin raised an eyebrow.

Jonathan pressed his thin lips tightly, his gaze locked coldly on Calvin.

Calvin scoffed. “Jonathan, you’re just as fearful now. Imagine the amount of pain Rosalie must have endured during

that time.”

“This is a matter between Rosie and me, none of your business!” Jonathan’s voice was icy and stern.

“Since Rosalie wishes to see me now, I must go in. Jonathan, you can’t stop me!” Calvin asserted.

Seeing that the two of them were about to come to blows, Amelia swiftly stepped in. “Rosalie has just woken up.

Why don’t both of you honor her wishes?”

Jonathan hesitated for a moment, his body tensed, but ultimately, he withdrew his hand, allowing Calvin to enter

the ward.

Amelia sighed and addressed Jonathan, saying, “Rosalie mentioned that she has a few questions for Calvin, nothing

more. Please, don’t misunderstand.” She was concerned that Jonathan might misinterpret the situation.