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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife by Lypstical

Chapter 6
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Chapter 6 Vanessa Not long after Carmella callsa bitch, as she's been doing for as long as I can remember, Dominic steps forward and stands right between her and me, towering overwith an arrogant expression as he speaks to her.

"Babe," he says to her with a smirk.

"Hmm!" She responds and it sounds like she's smirking, too.

"Eat whatever you want from what's been served on this table,” he says She excitedly wraps her arms around him from behind and giggles.

I'm so at a loss for words that I just lightly shake my head at himas I drop my arms I know I'm only his wife on paper, but how could he stand here beforeand take her side so easily? Is this how the rest of my days will be? Will he always take her side even when she's the one who's wrong? While I don't care what he does, deep inside my heart, there's a pang of raw emotion running through me, There's a dull throb in my chest and in only a few seconds, it intensifies with every heartbeat and now, my heart aches.

It's from the realization that he's chosen a predetermined path when it comes to loyalty.

As I stand before the two of them, with my gaze still fixed on him the pain in my heart almost bringsto tears, which will easily stream down my checks if I let myself cry I'm so hurt that even my hands tremble as I feel a sense of isolation. But I quickly hide my hands behind my back and ball them into fists to contain my trembling.

I never expected him to be my unwavering support in private, bit this is just too much and so unfair. Though I want to look away from him and take a step back, my feet are glued in place, just like my gaze on him. The expression on his face is almost as if he's daringto do something about him giving my breakfast to her. As much as I would love to lash out, I choose not to do so. But if only for now, No matter how I feel inside, I don't plan on walking away from this grand table looking defeated, and I'm about to show both of them.

When Carmella reaches for a piece of bread, she leans forward in my direction, bites into it with her eyes closed, then chews with wide eyes and a smirk as she stares atto mock me.

Hiding how hurt I am by what he just did, despite Carmella being the one who was wrong, I unclench my fist which no longer trembles, then place a hand on my hip as I stand firm.

"You know what?" I roll my eyes with a scoff. "It's okay. Your girlfriend can have my leftovers." Carmella immediately glares atand drops the bread, seemingly offended by what I just said to her.

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You fucking bitch!" She yells as she points at me.

She's lashing out atright now, but I don't give her the reaction she's looking for.

Chapter 6 Instead, I reach for my phone and my head is held high as I leave the dining room.

Even as I get further away from the two of them, I can't help but smirk. It's because I hear her still throwing a fit. "Babe, do something!" she says to Dominic while breathing hard, After that, their voices fade out since I'm too far away now, but it doesn't matter what they're talking about. I got back at her by letting her have my leftovers, which obviously got to her.

Now that I think about it, I could do that more often I've never been one to resort to violence. Otherwise, I would've slapped her.

Obviously, Dominic wouldn't have just stood by and watched. I can't even imagine what he would've done to me. It's a good thing the slap is only in my imagination.

Though I plan to always use my words instead, should she pushtoo far one day, I'll definitely slap her in the face.

As I slowly make my way along the hallway. I scroll through my messages and there's plenty of them from my father, Dominic's siblings and his parents.

Despite how I felt alone in the dining room not too long ago, all these beautiful messages warm my heart and remindthat I'm not alone. I know they're all far away right now but for ine, it's the thought that counts.

I don't want to waste this beautiful morning, so 1 head to my room to find something I can wear before stepping outside As soon as I close my bedroom door, my phone rings and just by looking at the caller ID, my lips curve into a smile. It's my loving father-in-law.

I pick up and sound cheerful because despite what happened, I'm not faking my mood right now.

"Good morning." I say to him, walking to the large window and gently running my hands on the blinds that frthe view of the beautiful sea outside.

"Good morning, my daughter. I'm assuming it's definitely a good morning for you." "It is. The weather here's amazing. The morning sun is so beautiful" "Of course it is. You're on a beautiful island!" "Exactly." I chuckle.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you." "Not at all" "Is my son with you?" "He's in the living room." "I see. I know I should wait because you only began enjoying your honeymoon, but I couldn't keep this to myself." "What is it?" He sounds so enthusiastic that my heart races a little "I'm yet to give you your wedding gift" I place a hand on my chest. "You don't have to." WOLL [DO.

"Don't be silly. Of course I do. You'll get it once you return. My wife has one for you, ||| Chapter 6 He's so soft spoken and kind, just like my father and his affection forright now warms my heart even more. "Hello? Are you there?" he asks "Yes, I'm right here." I blink a few times to cback to reality. I didn't realize I just zoned out for a few seconds.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" His tone is now laced with worry.

"Everything's fine." I assure him. Though I've already mentioned that to him, something else comes to mind. "On second thought, something's wrong." I sound troubled.

"What is it? Tell me, my dear." Dominic It's been close to five minutes now and Carmella won't stop pacing right in front ofand screaming: Sometimes, I don't know what to do with her.

"Who the hell does that bitch think she is?" she yells, ruffling her hair with narrowed eyes directed at the dining table..

I'm so tired and unamused that I just watch her.

When she finally stops in her tracks and pushes her hair back with a sigh, I assthat's the end.

"Are you done!" I ask.

"No! I'm so mad right now! I just want to slap her in the face! Why didn't you do anything about it?" I sigh. getting annoyed by her attitude. "You wanted her breakfar and I gave that to you." "But...but they were leftovers.

They weren't before she said it. What else do you want? Stop acting like a child." "But babe-" "Enough, I say to her as I leave the dining room.

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I don't want to deal with this anymore. Maybe it's because despite the misery I set up for Vanessa by taking away her breakfast, she managed to flip the situation.

I scoff as I think about her calling it leftovers before she left.

As I slowly walk up the grand stairs, I around 3 remember what haedroom door.

ther am when I was at her She can act tough all she wants, I know she cried overlast night.

I even expected to see her eyes withdark circles this morning. However, it didn't seem to be the case when i stood that close to her face. She must've decided to cover it up so no one would know she cried a lot. The only thing I noticed at the dining table was her hair. It was darker. It's probably because it was wet. It was also my first tseeing her hair in its wet state.

Despite that specific detail coming to mind, I drift back to her misery last night. She might try to act like M nothing happened but unfortunately for her, I know the truth and plan to use it to my advantage. I'll definitely crush her when I feel the need. Chapter 6 As I think of when I'll do it, receive a good morning text from my father-in-law. As I read it, I imagine the tone of his voice. He's such a soft spoken man.

Just when I'm about to reply, my phone suddenly rings and this time, it's my father. He's obviously not calling to talk about business.

Tto sound enthusiastic, like I'm having the best tof my life with my fucking wife. I clear my throat as I lean against the wall in the hallway.

"Good morning, father. It's obviously such a good morning for me." “I can tell.” He chuckles. “Good morning, son. I hope I didn't call you while you were in the middle of something on your computer." "Not at all.” "Good, because that would be absolutely wrong. You're on your honeymoon." Work can wait. I'm just here to spend twith my wife!" "That's what I want to hear. I just spoke to her and though she assuredeverything was alright, I couldn't help but worry." Before I can respond, I fear that Vanessa's exposed the reality of our relationship to my father. However, I shouldn't admit to anything until I find out the truth.

"What did she say?" I feel my heart racing hard as I anticipate my father's response.

"She said you have a rat problem over there" I furrow my eyebrows. "What? A rat problem?" "Yes, she even mentioned that the rat ate the leftovers" SEND GIFT X