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The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 288: Star, a Futile Dream (2)
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Chapter 288: Star, a Futile Dream (2)

As Chang-Sun and the Undead Army walked across the vast wasteland, some of the cavalry scouting ahead returned and yelled,「We found something in that direction!」

Beyond the heat haze where the scouts pointed was a giant, tall castle with extremely thick walls. Menacingly tall spires towered behind the walls, seemingly about to stab the sky.

Since it was the only building in this barren land, it wouldn’t have been wrong to think that Chang-Sun’s past reincarnations were inside it. However, Chang-Sun firmly shook his head. “That’s a mirage.”

Sinmara tilted her head in confusion. 「How do you know it’s a mirage?」

Chang-Sun tapped his right eye with his index finger. His [Gnostic Eye] was wide open.

「… You’re using that again. Isn’t it dangerous?」 Sinmara asked, worry evident in her eyes.

Sinmara always had a strange feeling toward Chang-Sun’s [Gnostic Eye]. Her prophetic eyes let her see people’s past, present, and future, but it also taught her that getting the right answer always came with a price. Hence, she couldn’t help but be wary of the [Gnostic Eye], which showed Chang-Sun the ‘path.’

Agreeing with Sinmara, Chang-Sun had refrained from using the [Gnostic Eye] for a while. After some time, they discovered that Odin and his other past reincarnations rebuilt their identities through it, proving Sinmara right. Despite her opposition to using it, though, Chang-Sun didn’t seem to care about the risks.

“We’re in my subconscious realm, so I doubt using the [Gnostic Eye] to see inside it will make much of a difference,” Chang-Sun said.

「Hmm! You do have a point.」 Sinmara nodded in agreement.

The [Gnostic Eye] shone the brightest when he tried to figure out the gnosis in the outside world. Hence, there should be no problem in using it to observe his subconsciousness.

“There are many mirages here, and the castle over there is one of them. They’re all bullshit attempts to tire me out.” Chang-Sun was well aware that the castle mirage was created using Odin’s rune magic.

「I see. Their goal would definitely be to exhaust you… Can you see which way we should go to get to the real one?」 Sinmara squinted, looking around the wasteland.

Chang-Sun nodded, then pointed forward. They were on the right path, but the region ahead looked more desolate than the nearby areas. Anyone would feel scared and worried that they would get lost and stranded if they headed to the region.

However, Chang-Sun was certain. “It’s that way.”

* * *

Chang-Sun was right. After a day of travel, he and his army found a castle that looked exactly the same as the mirage.

「It’s freaking big.」 Jin Prezia clicked his tongue, having realized that he could only see the top of the castle wall if he leaned ninety degrees backward. 「Well, it only makes me want to conquer it more.」

The sight didn’t dispirit him at all, however. He was the type to feel even more motivated to overcome challenges when they were seemingly impossible.

Holding up the [Frost King’s Greatsword] high, Jin yelled, 「Everyone, prepare for—!」



However, Before Jin could finish speaking, the sound of a pulley turning suddenly echoed. At the same time, the castle’s drawbridge was lowered over the enormous moat around the castle.


The ground shook, and clouds of dust rose.

The front gate was so big that Chang-Sun and the Undead Army, which was made up of about a hundred soldiers, could enter at the same time. The wide-open gate seemed to be encouraging them to come inside, evidencing that his past reincarnations were confident that their castle would be impregnable even in siege warfare.

「Ha! Those bastards!」 Jin’s eyes turned cold, thinking that Chang-Sun’s past reincarnations were mocking them. He was so angry that he began to bear his fangs through his crooked smile. 「They think we’re suckers, master. What should we do?」

Jin looked back at Chang-Sun, his eyes filled with determination to defy Chang-Sun if he stopped Jin from fighting them.

“They sent us an invitation. It is only proper that we accept it,” Chang-Sun answered calmly.

「I know, right?」 Jin grinned.

Sinmara held out her hand to stop Chang-Sun. 「There is no knowing what kind of traps they set up, yet you’re still going? This is as dangerous as invading a divine ground, so please reconsider, master.」

「What are you saying, Sinmara?! You aren’t seriously suggesting that we tuck our tails between our legs, are you?」 Jin growled.

Sinmara’s eyes were still fixed on Chang-Sun as she repeated, 「Please reconsider, master.」

「Hey! Sinmara!」 Jin strode toward Sinmara. He seemed about to pounce at her.

No longer able to ignore Jin at this point, she turned toward him. 「Go on.」

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「Why in the world would you even propose that? Our enemies are right over there, so why should we waste any more time? You’re the one who said that staying here for too long is dangerous!」

「That’s right.」

「If so—!」 Jin frowned.

「Even so, there is nothing more foolish than entering the castle without any preparation even though we’re well aware that the enemies are lying in wait in there for us with traps.」 Sinmara pointed at the gate.

Jin and Sinmara were both warriors and fighters, so their personalities seemed similar. However, they were actually very different from each other.

Jin was so belligerent and daring that he seemed reckless. Moreover, his desire to win was strong enough for him to prefer taking the bull by the horns and volunteering to be a vanguard in battles. As Chang-Sun’s sword, he was supposed to destroy every obstacle in his master’s way. Jin was more of a fearless hero.

On the other hand, Sinmara was the best warrior in <Muspelheim>, but unlike Jin, she was also their chief priest, someone who predicted the future of their <Society>. She was a lot less daring than Jin and focused more on protecting people, which was why she served as Chang-Sun’s shield. Sinmara was more of a wise hero.

For those reasons, although they were usually great partners, their opinions often differed when it came to situations like this.

“Sinmara.” Chang-Sun looked at the Giant with emotionless eyes. “Protect me.”

「… Yes, master.」

“Jin, clear the path,” Chang-Sun commanded.

「Gladly! Everyone, follow me!」 Brightening up, Jin signaled his horse to go forward with his heel.

Sinmara no longer objected. No matter what she thought, the great king of <Muspelheim> had the final say. Hence, she stayed close to Chang-Sun instead to prepare for ambushes and arrows flying out of nowhere.

Jin and his cavalry corps crossed the drawbridge first to clear the path. Chang-Sun, Sinmara, and her warrior corps followed behind them.

The castle consisted of three layers of outer bailey and four layers of inner bailey. It was cramped with buildings and narrow streets inside, making pedestrians feel as if they were wandering in a tight labyrinth. Due to the possibility of an ambush coming from the top of the high castle walls, the Undead Army was filled with tension and put under suffocating pressure. On the other hand, Chang-Sun was quite impressed with the castle’s structural design because it was very effective in psychologically pressuring invaders.

When they reached the innermost area of the inner bailey, they were met with a wide, open space, which was the complete opposite of the labyrinth they just got out of. In the center of the huge yard was an impressive golden tree that was so big that it cast a shadow over the entire yard.


The moment Chang-Sun wandered when his past reincarnations would show up, the inner bailey’s main gate, which Chang-Sun and his army just passed through, was shut close


The left gate of the inner bailey opened wide, and a loud war cry echoed from within it.


A knight wearing blue armor that seemed to be made from the best-quality sapphires rode his horse into the courtyard and shouted, “I, Amida, fourth great-grandson of the great Tigris’ sixth daughter, stand here today with my brave army!”

A unit of a hundred cavalry appeared behind Amida, chanting his name.


“Amida! Amida!”


All of them were chanting their leader’s name.

[The Blue Battalion has appeared!]

「It’s finally starting. They’ll fight and trap us here!」

「Everyone, stand by!」

Jin immediately mobilized his subordinates. At the same time, Sinmara stayed close to Chang-Sun, thinking he would be their main target.

However, Chang-Suns didn’t allow them to respond. “All of you, hold your positions!”

Jin and Sinmara looked at Chang-Sun, wondering why he would issue such a command.

Gesturing at the Blue Battalion with his chin, Chang-Sun explained, “Check where they’re looking at. We’re not their target.”



Jin and Sinmara followed the Blue Battalion’s gaze. As they did, they heard a battle cry from the opposite side.


“ I, Tracillin, spearman and paladin of the Morte Family and the lord’s second knight, have come! Who dares taste my axe? Is it you?”

[The Red Battalion has appeared!]

“Tracillin! Tracillin!”

The Red Battalion looked like the polar opposite of the Blue Battalion. Wearing ruby-red leather armor, the Red Battalion seemed more agile and sharper than their opponent. They had helmets with pointed deer-like horns and large and lethal weapons like halberds and maces.

Woosh, woosh, woosh…!

The two battalion’s fighting spirits collided in the air, causing the ground to quake. All the soldiers were so fierce that it would not be an exaggeration to call them divine warriors.

「Who are they? Wait, are they all your past reincarnations or something?」 Jin looked back at Chang-Sun for answers.

Chang-Sun shook his head, having not even the slightest idea about who they were either. However, he was certain that the two forces weren’t interested in Chang-Sun and his army!


At that moment, a rooster with a golden comb and feathers climbed on top of the golden tree, tilted its head toward the sky, and crowed.

[‘Gullinkambi’ has signaled the start of the battle!]

As soon as the two armies were given the go signal…

[The Blue and Red Battalions are clashing!]

Clang, clang, clang―

Like archnemeses, The Blue Battalion from the west and the Red Battalion from the east fiercely swung their weapons at each other.

Using their high mobility, the Blue Battalion surrounded the Red Battalion and thrust their spears downward. They then trampled over them to break their formation.

Meanwhile, the Red Battalion moved in groups of two and three to drag down the Blue Battalion warriors from their horses. They didn’t hesitate to kick and smash their enemies’ heads once taken off their horses.


“Kill them all!”

“Spare no one!”

“Do whatever it takes to win this time!”

“The losers will do push-ups all night!”

Blood splattered all over the clearing as limbs fell to the ground. Heads also dropped to the ground and rolled around until a foot smashed them. Madness was the only thing that could be sensed from their battle. Although someone should stand down for their own sake, no one did. It was as if they wouldn’t really die even if they got killed here.

‘They won’t die…?’ Chang-Sun instinctively realized where he was. ‘Valhalla!’

To prepare for the inevitable coming of Ragnarok, Odin gathered the souls of heroes and warriors to Valhalla and called them Einherjar.

In Valhalla, the Einherjar fought until they died during the day and feasted on meat and alcohol during the evening. By the next morning, the wounded would be fully healed and those killed would rise again. That was how they spent their days in this madhouse.

As an Einheri, Chang-Sun instinctively realized that this was Valhalla, Odin’s palace and land.

“Did he think showing this to me would intimidate me?” Chang-Sun dumbfoundedly chuckled, noticing Odin’s plan was to show Chang-Sun his power.

All the Einherjar fighting around them were probably Chang-Sun’s past reincarnations.

‘These people still can’t let go of their weapons even in the afterlife... Yeah, it would be odd for them to not be like that considering we all share a soul.’

Chang-Sun smirked. “Jin, Sinmara! Kill them all. I forbid you to lose.”

「Of course! Hahaha! I’ll finally be in a real fight. It has been too long!」

「I’ll make you proud, master. Warriors, follow me!」

Jin and his cavalry unit made their horses gallop toward the Blue Battalion while Sinmara and her warriors charged toward the Red Battalion.

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[Your Undead Army is heading into the battlefield!]

“What is this?!”

“Who are you?! You dare interfere in our holy fight?!”

The leaders of the Blue and Red Battalions were naturally furious.

「Holy fight, my ass. A fight is a fight. Why does anything else matter?」

「Everyone, kneel―!」

Jin and Sinmara paid no attention to the leaders’ complaints.

Clang, clang, clang!


“How dare you!”

[All the warriors in ‘Valhalla’ have recognized your Undead Army soldiers as their enemies!]

[You have become their enemy.]

Boom, boom, boom―!

Woosh, woosh, woosh!

Amid the chaotic battle, Chang-Sun examined the golden tree. Beyond it were people watching him.

[The ‘Magical One-Eyed Giant’ is observing you with his only eye!]

[The ‘Small Elemental and Magical Spirit’ is watching you with interest!]

[The ‘Primordial Lightning Deity’ is devising a way to kill you!]

[The ‘Cane-Holding Father of Warriors’ looks at you!]

Those four beings—which included Balor, Tomte, and Perwuknos—had the highest Classes among Chang-Sun’s past reincarnations. He was also awfully familiar with one of them. After all, they both had a [Gnostic Eye].

‘Odin,’ Chang-Sun thought.

[The four false deities of magic and lightning wish to know your answer!]

Magic and lightning were the Divine Ranks that Chang-Sun and these four beings had in common. The four were silently asking Chang-Sun a question.

—Would you rather stay locked up in this world? We can help you get out of here, so let’s make a deal.

They were essentially blackmailing Chang-Sun to give up his gnosis. In this subconscious realm, which had no rules and restrictions, they could freely use their appearance before their deaths.

[The four false deities’ fighting spirits are filling up ‘Valhalla’!]

Woosh, woosh, woosh…!

A heavy pressure pushed down on Chang-Sun’s shoulders, making him feel as if four giant shadows were standing in front of him and watching him with one eye. It got on Chang-Sun’s nerves.

“How dare you look down on me despite knowing who I am?” Chang-Sun said quietly.

However, there was one thing Odin and the others weren’t aware of.

Pzzz, pzzz!

In this subconscious realm, Chang-Sun could freely use the full power he had before he plummeted.

“It doesn’t look like any of you are putting your eyes to good use.”



“So let me pull them out for you.”

Clank, clank, clank!

Unable to hold him down, the restriction devices on Chang-Sun’s soul were blasted away.

[The ‘■■ne ■■’ is unleashing the full potential of his Class!]