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The Duke's Eldest Son Escaped to the Military

Chapter 177 - Reshuffling Of The Forces In The Southeast (2)
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The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military (177)

Translator: ChubbyCheeks

57 Reshuffling of the Forces in the Southeast (2)

At Iron’s orders, most of the troops of the Mobile Field Army headed eastward. 

Once the Southern Command’s Frontlines could be pushed back to occupy a fortress slightly closer to the Mobile Field Army Command, both sides would be given more room to breathe. After all, both of their forces would be linked together and help each other out.

However, the Southern Command’s Frontlines still remained tangled with their own wars while the Mobile Field Army Command was brought in a precarious situation with almost all of its troops headed eastwards.

Seeing that this could be their last chance, the shrewd and clever monsters moved. It seemed like they did not want to miss this opportunity.

The unidentified yet powerful existence had already shown its presence off in the southern end of the region while the giant armored worm, which evolved into an imoogi, planted itself deeply with the giant worm corps in the northern end of the region. With those two ends taken, the monsters only had one choice. And that was to hit the weak-looking Mobile Field Army. If they could successfully occupy the area where the Command was, then they would be able to gain a place where all of the mutants could live and survive. So, they flocked to this place like crazy dogs out of the leash.

“Co… Commander.”

“It’s fine.”

The operations officer was flustered at the huge number of mutants running from afar. It was a coalition of monsters, something that they hadn’t seen in the Southeast so far. It seemed like they had all gathered together in order to survive. 

“Is this a monster wave?”

This was their first time seeing a monster wave in the Southeast.

All of the monsters joined forces to start a great movement that would help them avoid the strong enemies.

All of the people trembled in fear at the sight of their mad dash towards the walls that surrounded the Mobile Field Army Command.

“What about the troops under our direct control?”

“They’re coming as fast as they can. Everyone will be back in 1 hour at the latest!”

The communications officer hurriedly reported what he heard after hearing Iron’s question. Then, Iron turned to look at the communications officer in charge of the corps.

“What about the corps?”

“The 23rd Corps is an hour away from us.”

“The 22nd Corps will also be returning as soon as possible. But it might take three hours for them to arrive.”

“The 21st Corps will probably take at least half-a-day.”

“Then, let’s say that we’re excluding the 21st Corps…”

Iron nodded lightly after hearing the corps situation from the communications officer as he turned to look at the intelligence officer. 

“Did you request support from Southern Command?”

“Yes, sir. They said that two of their divisions are moving right away. And if they can still spare the manpower, they said that they would still send one more division.”

“Good. Then, all that’s left for us to do is buy some time. Right?”

Iron looked satisfied at the intelligence officer’s report. But the expressions of the other officers weren’t that good. 

Even if Iron was present, the number of the troops present at Command was still small. All three of the corps were outside and most of the units under the direct orders of Command were also deployed outside. 

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With the storm troops, knight order, magic unit, spirit unit, drake unit, airship unit and artillery unit dispatched outside, only some of the guards and troops from the defense units were left to protect Command. 

“I’ll block them upfront so you just have to make sure that you don’t let them come inside.”

“Ye… Yes, sir!”

The operations officer answered quickly but the other officers still looked worried. 

“No matter how much the Commander takes on most of them by himself…”

“At this point in time, we should just urge the support troops to come faster.”

The intelligence officer spoke mindlessly but had no choice but to quickly go outside after receiving Iron’s fierce glare. 

“If all of you don’t panic, you can do well and stop them with your power.”

Iron slowly left the Commander’s office after the officers scrambled outside to follow his orders. 

He did not lose his composure despite the dark clouds brought about by the incoming monster wave. If he, the center of Command, looked like he was in a hurry then everyone would become anxious. So, Iron had no choice but to pretend like he was relaxed as he stared straight ahead. 


“This is going to be a bit hard.” 

Iron grew tremendously during his fight against the giant armored worm but he was losing his confidence as he watched the black sea of mutant monsters flocking straight to Command. He had fought and blocked the giant worm corps in the north alone and calmed down the Southeast but he still thought that this would be a tough fight. 

But this was just an hour. It would hurt his pride as a master if he couldn’t block a wave like this for days let alone an hour. 

“Guys, let’s try and block it for just an hour.” 

Gigantic birds appeared in the sky at the end of Iron’s words. 

The divine beasts, which made him into the master that he was now, showed off their presence by releasing their overwhelming power towards the flock of monsters. 

A huge storm suddenly appeared which created a tornado that spinned in the middle of the enemies. Then, flames suddenly poured down and wound around the whirling tornado, effectively sweeping everything in its path.

All of the people present in the castle stared blankly at Thunderbird and Phoenix’s cooperation.

The phantom species under Iron were all powerful in their own rights. However, they had always fought on their own. But after blocking and fighting against the giant worms for months, they finally opened their hearts to each other. That was why the two divine beasts could assimilate each other’s power and show off an incredible attack like this.

“Fire Storm…” 

This was the first skill that the divine beasts had come up with. 

The divine beasts had created some skills which led to their strength catapulting to new heights over the past few months. And right now, one of them was being used. 

Unable to pierce through the ravaging Fire Storm, a gigantic water buffalo appeared among the countless monsters. 

The water buffalo stood on its two feet and resembled a minotaurus. It was only for a moment but it looked like it was bigger in physique compared to an ogre. But even if it was just for a short moment, it’s huge physique allowed them to break through the fire storm. 


― Hoot!

This time, Two Moons came out. 

Two Moons’ eyes shone brightly as it targeted the giant water buffalo taking the lead. 

As soon as a ray of light flashed from its two huge eyes, Thunderbird’s lightning wrapped around the light and gave the ray of light an additional boost of power. 

The places where Two Moons’ rays of light passed through were burned and turned into lava. The giant water buffalo did not even have the time to show off its formidable strength before it disappeared into nothingness. The rays of light with lightning wound around it were so powerful that it melted everything that it passed by.

This was the fusion of Two Moons and Thunderbird’s power and was named by Iron as…

“The Two Judges.” 

Everyone present felt fear as everything disappeared without a trace under those two rays of light. They were all surprised and shocked by the overwhelming power and majesty that they were showing. 

But this was not the end of Iron’s divine beasts’ power. 

They finally showed what hell was like to the monsters that broke through the Fire Storm. 

This time, it was Phoenix and Two Moons who assimilated their powers. 

Intense fire spread in all directions as Two Moons amplified the mana and increased its intensity even further turning tha land in the surrounding area into lava. 

The scenery looked like hell had descended as flames soared and lava devoured the lands. The monsters, which had been strengthened by the contaminated mana and void energy, melted and turned into ashes one after the other. 


The name of this third fusion skill was none other than ‘Hellfire River Rim’. Just like what its name suggested, it showed an incredible sight as if hellfire descended on earth and burned the whole land. 

The scene in front of Command was complete chaos. The Fire Storm was raging wildly while the land was still being ravaged by the aftermath of the Two Judges’ ray of lights while hell continued to wreak havoc with the Hellfire River Rim.

Fusion Skill – Fire Storm

Fusion Skill – Two Judges

Fusion Skill – Hellfire River Rim

The three fusion skills made the power of the three divine beasts stronger. 

However, the truth was that all of the divine beasts that recognized Iron as their masters had distinct personalities and pride that almost reached the skies. Not to mention the two phantom species Phoenix and Thunderbird, even Two Moons, who was able to create an entirely inaccessible area in the Northeast, was prideful. 

It was only because of Iron that they came together like this. Since they couldn’t exert their original power yet, they made this decision to become helpful to Iron. 

The number of giant worms evolving to great worms was increasing. Even the unevolved giant worms were getting stronger. But the rate of growth of Iron’s divine power was slow. If one compared it with other humans, then the growth of Iron’s divine power could be considered astonishingly fast. However, if you compare it to the growth of the giant armored worm and its subordinates then the growth of Iron’s divine power was extremely slow. 

So, the divine beasts made the decision to open their hearts and minds to each other. 

If Iron did not have any choice other than to lose to those worms, then it would hurt their pride even more. 

So, for Iron to not be beaten by those worms, the divine beasts decided to join forces together. And as a result of months of continuous attempts, they were finally able to reach the assimilation stage. 

“Only up to this point, huh?” 

The divine beasts’ fusion skills showed tremendous power but their power and Iron’s divine power was not infinite. As their strength gradually faded, the flames that burned like hell and the fire storms that soared up in the sky gradually subsided and disappeared. 

Even if the divine power was taken out of the picture, the aftermath of the Hellfire River Rim and the Fire Storm still remained. However, their opponents were mutated monsters. Their bodies had been strengthened by the void energy and were able to trample on the burning ground as they rushed towards Command.

― Ppiii!

Iron smiled slightly after hearing Phoenix say that it could do more.

“I know. But I have been resting all this time. It’s been a while since I warmed my body up.” 

The three divine beasts looked at Iron in disappointment. 

They were able to fight fierce battles continuously when they were still fighting against the giant worm corps but after they had returned to Command, there were not many battles that they had fought. Even if they fought battles, they were those bland and boring battles especially after they had compared it with the battles against the giant worms. That was why all of the divine beasts were excited to fight this battle. They felt like they finally had the opportunity to stretch their wings a bit and use their powers after a long time. 

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But Iron did not allow them to do so telling them that it was now his time to fight.

― Hoot~ Hoot, hoot, hoot!

Two Moons flew up in the sky again and ignored his words. Phoenix and Thunderbird immediately followed suit before releasing their powers again. 

“Hey! You guys…!” 

Iron tried to jump off of the wall when he saw his divine beasts ignore his words and fly away. But a small bird suddenly landed on Iron’s head and stopped him from doing so.

― Tweet!

“Ah… It’s also been a while since I warmed up…” 

― Tweet, tweet! Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet! ( You’re fatigue still hasn’t worn off, you know? Are you out of your mind? )

Iron bowed his head with a slight disappointment as he listened calmly to Baepsae’s words.

“B… But once the monsters arrive at the castle then…” 

― Tweet! Tweet, tweet, tweet! ( Are your subordinates just there for decoration? )

Iron sighed at Baepsae’s nagging. He had no other choice but to sit on the Commander’s seat and watch his divine beasts fight after being told to calm down and take a rest. 

However, despite the onslaught of lightning, flames and rays of light, many monsters were still able to reach the castle due to their sheer number that flocked to Command. 

They immediately fired artillery from the castle walls as a small number of airships flew up and poured down bombs on them. 

Iron still continued to watch them calculating the time when he would step up. Waiting, just in case the monster wave broke through the divine beasts’ attacks and completely arrived at the castle. 

But the one thing that drained his steam was the appearance of more than dozens of airships and hundreds of drake units in the sky.

Upon hearing the news that Command was in crisis, the 22nd and 23rd Corps immediately sent over support troops using their fastest drakes and airships with less luggage. 

― Tweet, tweet! ( I don’t think our master needs to do anything, right? )

Iron sighed softly at Baepsae’s words. 

He thought that he could try and warm his body up after a long time but there was nothing left for him to do the moment the support troops arrived faster than he expected. 

The drake units dropped bombs as they escorted the 23rd Corps airships. Then, once the 23rd Corps’ airships arrived in the middle of the monster wave, they began to mercilessly drop rains of bombs on their enemies. 

Bang, bang, bang!

The heated rush of the monster wave died down as the bombs fell. 

With the drake units and airships wreaking havoc in the rear and the divine beasts blocking them upfront, the monsters were left in chaos. However, with their sheer number, waves of monsters continued to flock towards Command. 

The black sea of monsters continued to flock. But the Mobile Field Army Command still held out and fought smoothly. Over time, with the arrival of the two divisions from Southern Command and their seamless convergence with 22nd and 23rd Corps, an impregnable defense was created at the castle. 

As a result, there was no chance for Iron to come out. 

― Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!

Iron became sullen as Baepsae chirped loudly around him. It looked like the bird was gloating at his sulking appearance. 

“Ha… I want to fight too.” 


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