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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 545 - I Miss You, Father.
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Chapter 545 - I Miss You, Father.

"Greetings, my nephew."

Stefan smiled but didn't reach his eyes. Even though his voice was low, it was enough to send a shiver down everyone's spine. Out of instinct, Bey embraced Law protectively as her gut feeling told her she should hold on to the little master. This man just appeared out of nowhere, so he could abduct Law if left unguarded.

"Who are you?!" she asked with a shaking voice, alarmed that this man obviously came for the madam's son. "What do you want with the young master?"

"What else do I want with my son?" he asked, tilting his head to the side while staring at Bey. "If I were you, let him go before you put yourself in danger."

"No!" Bey's refusal came quickly, despite her fear creeping into her heart. "Please, go away... sir."

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Stefan snapped his eyes ever so tenderly as he tilted his head to the side. "I'm not going to hurt him."

Everyone held their breath as they looked at Stefan, but no one stepped in because of fear. Still, deep down, they knew if Stefan moved the slightest, they would protect Law for sure. Lilou had put herself in danger for everyone — fighting in the front line for them. How could they face Madam Roux if they couldn't protect her child?

"Why would I hurt my son?" he asked, batting his eyes leisurely. "Come on, Law. We will fetch your mother and leave here."

His brows rose when another child, Adam, stood in front of Law protectively. The little earl's eyes brimmed with determination, staring at him straight in the eye.

"You will not take my brother anywhere!" Adam asserted as he clasped his hands into a fist. Law had always protected him to the point he was also ostracized with other children. So, the little earl wanted to protect him this time.

"Please sir, leave us alone."

"Did you just call him your brother...?" The side of Stefan's lips curled up into a smirk, sizing up this little lord. "Well, why am I surprised? Lilou is that type of person. She takes everyone as her family... and then turns her back on them."

Adam pressed his lips into a thin line as he took a deep breath. His instinct told him they all must run away from this man. How he got in here was not important, but getting away from here was what they should do. He didn't have a good feeling about this.

"Young Lord, don't be too attached to Lilou. You will be heartbroken once she turns your back on you as well." Stefan advised calmly, shifting his eyes on Bey, who was embracing Law. "I am speaking by experience, for she also sees me as her world at one point, but now I mean nothing. Hearts are fickle and ever so changing. Sadly, the person whose heart doesn't change will always lose. Law, son, let's go."

Bey's shoulder stiffened as her embrace tightened, watching Stefan crook a finger. She snapped her eyes when Law held her shoulder, making her turn her head to him. Her eyes instantly dilated as soon as she saw Law's lifeless eyes.

"Young Master..." she whispered as Law turned his head to face her. As soon as their eyes locked, she unconsciously loosened her grip. The little master wasn't speaking, but she knew that Law was asking her to let him go or he would hurt her against his will. Maybe because Bey had been serving the family that she got these unspoken words on instinct.

Law's eyes peeped with life for a second, and he smiled tenderly. He said nothing as he sauntered in Stefan's direction. Some butler and maids yelled for his name, but to no avail. Even Adam attempted to stop him, but Law ignored him. He stopped in front of Stefan, looking up at him fearlessly.

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"Stop calling me son. You're not my father," the young master finally spoke, trying to keep the little consciousness he secured during his birthday. He was Lilou and Samael's child. Hence, it was by instinct that he knew at some point, something like this — this dangerous — would happen.

"I am not, indeed." Stefan nodded calmly, staring at this small child that looked like Samael. "I hate your eyes."

Although Law looked like a small version of Samael, he got his mother's eyes. The way this child looked at him lifelessly reminded Stefan how Lilou looked at him. It somehow irked him in a way.

"Either way, come." He offered his hands for the little master to take. "I am not as heartless as to let you die without letting you see my bride for the last time."

Law raised his trembling hands. He couldn't control his body anymore, but he was still managing to keep his consciousness. During this moment, the little boy could not help but remember his father. Samael used to tell him to always have control of his consciousness and never lose sight of what he was fighting for. Law often wondered why his father advised such vague words in the past, but he was still unconsciously doing that.

"Father," he whispered as he held Stefan's cold hands. Unlike his father's rough and clumsy grip, this man barely held him. The difference was too distinct. Samael had always held Law's hand as if it was the most fragile thing in the world that the latter often wondered if his father feared him or if he was disgusted with him.

But only now did Law realize Samael held him like that because... he treasured him. It was a hold of someone who didn't want to break something precious: careful and tender. This realization suddenly brought melancholy to the child instead of fear of the situation.

'I didn't want to admit it, but... I miss you, Father. I still think you shouldn't have left.' Law looked up at this man that had the same hair and eye color as his father. The only difference was Samael's eyes weren't as dead as this. His father's eyes were always arrogant.

'I'm sorry I cannot protect Mother.'

Stefan gazed down at him coldly. "Don't be sad, child.. I will make sure your father joined you in Hell soon."