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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 632 Father's instinct
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Chapter 632  Father's instinct

Another two days had gone by in a blink of an eye. Claude didn't visit the guild anymore, but he kept tabs on their recovery. Everyone was just waiting for the execution tomorrow as if it was a mere show, but who was he to question that?

"Claude, are you really alright?" Lilou brought him back to reality, lifting his head to see her looking at him worriedly. "You seem a bit distracted lately."

"Auntie Lilove, I am. Just a bit tired, that's all." He sported a reassuring smile, darting his eyes between Samael and Lilou. The two were already setting off to the Capital to fetch the troublesome Fabian, standing in front of the carriage Claude offered for them to use. Samael tilted his head to the side, eyebrow raised. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Uncle." "Don't worry about him. He's just a bit sulky since he can't play with his playmates anymore," Klaus chimed in, standing at arm's length from the earl, arms crossed. "He's fine overall since he nearly beat that Rowan to death during his interrogation."

"That is not something to be proud about." Samael scrunched his nose up, inciting a dismal glare from Klaus. "Coming from you?"

"I'm a changed man, brother."

"Changed — ughh... can't you be a little less shameless?"

While Samael and Klaus bantered, Lilou focused her attention on Claude. She held his hands gently, eyes on the young man. "Claude, I know everything will be fine." She smiled, squeezing his hand lightly. "Penny and everyone were good people. You're smart and I know you already know what to do."

Claude lowered his eyes as he sighed. "Auntie, can you stay in Monarey and just marry me?"

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"Claude..." Lilou chuckled, knowing he was simply avoiding the topic. And Claude was successful because Samael and Klaus, who were arguing, looked at him in disgust.

"Did I hear someone proposing to my wife right in front of my face?" Samael inquired in disbelief.

"Hey, Lilou had already taken too many roles in my life and I really wish being my sister-in-law is the last. I don't want her to be my niece, alright?" Klaus gasped in horror.

Claude shrugged. "I'm just trying my luck. Try and try until I succeed. Haven't you heard that?"

Lilou chuckled as Claude argued with the two of them like usual. This somehow extinguished the lingering worry in her heart. It seemed Claude was truly alright, and she was worrying about nothing, she thought. Their argument didn't last that long because Lilou and Samael had to leave. So, after insulting each other, they had to bid farewell. "I'm glad that you visited us. Let us know once you want to come to Monarey again." Klaus held Lilou's hand and planted a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Thank you for taking care of us even when you are busy, Klaus." A subtle smile dominated her lips as she withdrew her hand from him. She then faced Claude, but instead of letting him kiss her hand, Lilou stepped forward and embraced her nephew. "You will be fine, Claude," she affirmed while patting his back. "I will keep in touch, like always."

"Yes." His eyes softened as he smiled gently, keeping his hands to himself. He was already happy that Lilou and Samael visited Monarey. It was such a shame it was brief, but he appreciated their presence nonetheless.

When Lilou released him from her embrace, she held his biceps and smiled. "I'm so proud of you."

Claude only smiled while staring at her auntie's face. He stared at her as if it was the last, etching how dazzling she was deep in his head so he could think of her smiling face clearly once she left.

"Then we'll see you if fate allows it." Lilou took a step back and glanced at her husband.

Samael slapped Klaus' shoulder. "Thanks."

"Hey, you can express your gratitude without hurting me?"

"Don't be so dramatic." Samael rolled his eyes before he approach Claude. Without a moment's notice, Samael raised his hand and ruffled his nephew's perfectly neat hair. He didn't speak and just ruined Claude's hairstyle with a grim expression. "Uncle."

"You worry me for reason unknown," he expressed under his breath. "I want to kidnap you just in case."

"I won't make any trouble." Claude frowned, looking up at his uncle until their eyes met. "I know," Samael replied in the same tone. "Just treat it as your uncle being genuinely concerned about his nephew. No matter how capable you are, I will always worry about you. If you need anything, just tell me. I might come late, but I will rush to you if you truly need help."



"Wow... brother...?"

The three were a bit surprised at the sincerity in Samael's voice. They knew Samael meant that, and even if he didn't say that, they already knew he would. But it was surprising that he still mentioned it.

Unfazed by their reaction, Samael held Claude's gaze. "You make me proud, Claude. Stay true to yourself and your friends. It's hard, but I hope you will also learn to open up your heart to others."

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"So stop fantasizing about my wife and get yourself a woman." "..."

That instant, the warm atmosphere disappeared without a trace. But Samael meant what he said. He was proud of his nephew and was worried about him for an unknown reason. If he could, he would've insisted on staying longer until the lingering worry he couldn't explain in words receded.

Shortly after, Samael and Lilou hitched in the carriage. She waved at them as the carriage moved farther away from the estate. As soon as they exited the gates, Lilou leaned back and set her eyes at Samael, across from her. "Sam?" she called with raised brows, watching her husband peel his eyes away from the window.

"Hmm?" "You looked bothered." She pointed out. "Is there something wrong?"

"No." He shook his head. "I just feel like we should've taken Claude on a trip."

Taking his words as an uncle worried about his nephew, she chuckled. "Sam, Claude is already an adult. You don't have to worry about him." She shook her head, thinking that Samael had become a worrywart; probably, a father's instinct he picked up.

There was a moment of silence in the carriage. Samael just glanced at Lilou before setting his eyes on the window. "Lilou, do you know the reason Stefan sheltered Claude? In the blood hierarchy, Claude has the right for the throne." Her brows furrowed at the sudden topic he brought up.

Now that he mentioned it, Lilou also wondered. Stefan killed Lucia and Dyrroth, Claude's biological parents, and Samael's siblings from the same mother. They said Stefan adopted him to have an heir. Some said it was because of Claude's ability and his divine weapon. But no one actually confirmed that — they didn't have time in the past.

"Do you know the reason?" she probed.

"No. Maybe it was out of the goodness of his heart? Or maybe, because of another reason. Either way, it suddenly came to me now." Samael cast Lilou a quick gaze. "There is this huge question mark in my head, but it doesn't really matter now. I just missed our children."

"Oh, Sam..." Lilou smiled warmly, gazing at the window. "Me too. I miss them so much."