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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 744  She doesn't hate you.
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Chapter 744  She doesn't hate you.

Back on the mainland, the Grimsbanne clan — and everyone who lived in the forbidden forest — were indebted to the king of the mainland. Samael's entry on the said isolated island was first refused, but because of Tilly, he was able to live in the land with his family under the condition of not making any trouble. His life at first on the mainland was tough. Not just for Samael, but for all of them, since the valuables they carried had no value in the said land. Lilou had witnessed how her husband grind to give their children a better life. Using his skills and talent, Samael sold portraits and books, ignoring the disdain in those watchful eyes. The person who recognized Samael's talent was the king, and because of him, everyone in the forbidden forest lived a better life. A normal life where there was peace and no fear of what tomorrow holds. But now, that peace was gone and their family — Sunny, their daughter, in particular — was forced to stay in another land. The mainland was no longer safe. "Sunny…" Lilou held her trembling hands together in front of her, sitting across from Tilly. They were still in the dining hall as Lilou couldn't stand, feeling weak at what Tilly had just said. Her eyes had grown watery, barely keeping it together. Any mother would lose their mind in worry, knowing their child was somewhere far away from their reach. If not for Lilou's strong will to survive through this, she would've snapped.

"If I took Sunny with me, she would've disappeared right before your eyes," Tilly continued after a prolonged silence, breaking the news to them once and for all. "I don't recall telling Samael regarding this, but I was certain he had already guessed this much."

"Tilly." Law chimed in, looking at Tilly blankly. He didn't hear anything about this until now. All this time, Law and Rufus believed Tilly simply left Sunny to keep an eye on the mainland. But they didn't expect Tilly had another reason.

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Rufus opened and closed his mouth, but his voice was stuck in his throat. He glanced in Fabian's direction, and even though his brother kept his usual smile, it barely reached his squinting eyes. 'So, he also knew?' Rufus wondered, and then realized it wasn't the case. 'He probably already guessed it.' — after all, Fabian was quick in reading people's actions and situations. "If the mainland had fallen…" Claude trailed off, mustering every energy of his body to raise the question no one didn't have the heart to ask. "Are you sure Sunny was safe?"

"She's still alive." Tilly cast her eyes at Claude. "For sure."

"What about the king?"

"He's alive… barely." Tilly then set her eyes back to Lilou and then sighed faintly. "I sent Leon to seek my brother. Once he meets with Sunny, he will send a word."

Silence descended in the dining hall with no one attempting to break the silence. They couldn't. They didn't know what to say. All they could do was stare at Tilly's unchanging front and then the distressed Lilou. "My baby." Lilou drew a deep breath, resting her forehead against her linked hands. "She didn't do anything wrong."

Her voice cracked, thinking about her youngest's safety. There were many things Lilou felt ashamed of for having the leisure to do other things instead of saving her daughter. Meanwhile, Law lowered his eyes, but the worry in his eyes was deep. There were no words that could console Lilou, nor there were any words needed to reassure her. They were all aware that the situation was worse than they expected. Especially after knowing the royal family on the mainland had fallen. ******

Klaus assisted Lilou to her chambers with Law so the two of them could rest for a while. Lilou was in a state of shock, and despite the sense of urgency she felt, her mind and body weren't just functioning well. The rest remained in the dining hall. Rufus remained silent, watching Fabian clean the table wordlessly. Tilly and Claude stayed seated in their original spot. Rufus's lips parted, but no words came out.

"Ugh… my entire body hurts." Suddenly, Samael's groggy voice pierced the thick silence in the dining hall. As soon as he stepped inside, he paused, looking at the four people in the dining hall. His brow arched, resuming in his steps until he dragged the chair across from Tilly. "Did someone die?" Samael asked out of plain curiosity, ignoring Fabian, who was now serving him a clean plate and arranging the cutleries on either side of the plate. "Why do you look so depressed?"

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"My lord, the madam had already known about Sunny," explained Rufus, keeping it short and simple.

latter's lack of reaction, Rufus was now certain Samael had known it all along. "It's all my fault, isn't it?" Claude, who was in the farthest seat, murmured to himself. "Ah… I know. She nearly killed me last night, remember?" Samael rocked his head in understanding, and then his eyes fell on Tilly. "Did she lash out at you?"

Tilly didn't answer as usual, keeping her eyes on the table. "My lord, did you know that the young miss might disappear if she tagged along with us?" Rufus asked since Tilly was keeping her silence. He observed Samael, and by the latter's lack of reaction, Rufus was now certain Samael had known it all along. "It's all my fault, isn't it?" Claude, who was in the farthest seat, murmured to himself. "Why your family isn't complete now... it's because of me."

Samael let out a shallow breath as he darted his eyes between Rufus' solemn countenance and Claude's regretful facade. He ran his tongue across his inner cheek, casting Tilly another quick look. "She won't hate you for that," he reassured, but Tilly didn't raise her eyes at Samael. He didn't mind as he picked up the cutleries to fill his stomach to have the energy to go on. "And it's not your fault, Claude. Even if you insist it is, blaming yourself won't help. What we need right now is for us to stay strong and overcome this quandary." Samael shrugged while slicing the meat on the plate. "Lilou will be fine. I'm sure… my wife can take anything. Give her just a bit of time and she'll return fiercer."

Samael paused and raised his eyes at Tilly, instantly catching the latter's somber gaze. His lips stretched reassuringly. "She doesn't hate you, Tilly. You know Lilou, so you shouldn't be sad."

