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The Extra of The Lunerra

Chapter 105 Volume III - 26: The Responsibility
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Chapter 105 Volume III - Chapter 26: The Responsibility

I waited.

For a long time, all I did was wait without moving a muscle, without making a sound. Still... I couldn't say I cared much.

I couldn't think about anything after what Celine had said to me. I knew she was probably directing her anger at me, I knew that. That's why I had let her, but that didn't change the fact that there was some truth in what she had said.

She was there because of me, she had suffered because of me, she was like this because of me. I was to blame for everything, even if indirectly.


I waited for a while, but there was no response.

"If you're awake, can you respond even a little?"

Again, there was no response, and finally, I let out a deep sigh.

I stood up slowly, opening the door just enough to leave a slight gap. Through that gap, I saw Celine leaning against the door, just like me, and I realized she was asleep.

I couldn't walk properly without my cane, but her bed was only a few steps away. So I leaned the cane against the wall and caught Celine without opening the door any further and letting her fall.

Her hair, which used to fall down to her shoulders, was now so long that it would have touched the floor even if she stood up. Through her closed eyes, it was easy to see how much sleep she had lost and how much she had cried. She used to have a fit body but now she was emaciated. She was wearing that blue cloth that every patient wears.

I picked her up, and although the medical wristband on my left arm and my body gave me a hard time, I ignored it and went to her bed. I'm not sure if it was a reflex or not, she tugged at my clothes with her weak hands and tried clumsily to rest her head on my chest, but she failed.

It was as if she was trying to stay close to me, and the more she tried, the more peaceful her face became in a strange way.

I squinted, I felt something stirring inside me, the fact that she was unconsciously making this gesture was a sign of how helpless she was.

I hated myself even more, but I didn't stop. I put her to bed, careful not to wake her, pulled the covers over her, and looked at her face one last time.

She was at peace. At least... for now it seemed that way.

"I'm sorry."

I didn't care that she didn't hear me, I slowly turned around and headed toward the exit of the room.

"I will make it up to you."

I finally exited the room and entered the control room, the same place I had entered here. As I did so, I saw Ronald Potenbea watching his daughter with widened eyes. One of the doctors started to circle me and ask me how I had managed to talk to Celine, but I didn't pay much attention to him.

The only reason he was excited was because Ronald had offered him to cure Celine. He was after the money, nothing else. I could tell by his eyes and demeanor that he wasn't trying to hide it.

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Ronald, like me, ignored the doctor and turned his eyes toward me. For a moment, just a brief moment, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. His stiff features relaxed, and his lips curled slightly upward.

I could deduce two simple things from his expression.

The first was impotence. The helplessness he felt because he could not help his daughter himself, because he was dependent on someone else. And yet he was full of joy, and that was the second thing. The joy of a father seeing his daughter sleeping peacefully, the gratitude of seeing her a little bit better.

"Thank you..."

He didn't say much, didn't play with words. He simply said thank you, briefly. And yet, just those two words alone had dozens of others behind them. He couldn't put into words what he was feeling, he wasn't sure what to say.

In the end, he told me not to hesitate to come to him if I needed help, that he would do his best to support me. Then he apologized and turned back to the image of his daughter sleeping peacefully.

I decided to leave him as he was, that it might be better for him to be alone for a while. Then I took a deep breath and let it out.

In this way, I also consulted with the doctor and got his permission to come here every day that I could. The doctor himself seemed to want to present the idea to me in the first place. They couldn't communicate with Celine in any way, and I could help her get better by talking to her while I could provide that communication. After all, people need socialization, but she couldn't talk to anyone but me because of her broken psychology.

Although... why can she talk to me?

Questions suddenly popped into my head, but I decided not to think too much about it.

Before leaving the room, I took one last look at Celine's sleeping figure on the screens.

It was satisfying to be able to help a friend a little. But it was just as painful, no, far more painful, to be the one who had caused her to be the way she was.

I narrowed my eyes as I left the room, mentally reminding myself over and over again.

Remember, you are the cause of everything. The responsibility is on you. You are the one who will make up for your mistake. No one else, only you.

So I finally went outside, clenching my fist as I breathed in the fresh air, swearing to myself once again that I would find that man.

'What do we do now?'

When Sith appeared in front of me, he had his usual expression on his face. He had overheard my conversation with Celine, but he was trying to keep his thoughts out of his face as much as possible.

I can understand him, he doesn't want to emphasize the problems I have when I already have enough on my mind.

'I'll get in touch with Alexander, he gave his approval for the dungeon thing, but after what happened we'll have to postpone it.'

'You're sure he didn't die in the attack? And why didn't you call him earlier?'

'He is not someone who dies easily. The reason I waited before I called him was because I wanted some time to pass. And I was resting.'

Sith didn't say anything else and that's how I calmed myself down again. I've dealt with Celine 'for now', I can't dwell on her forever. I have other things to do.

I tried to focus, but when I realized that I couldn't, I transferred some mana to the Absolute Mind and cleared my mind in particular. After a while, I put a smile on my face, even if it was fake, and opened my watch to call Alexander.

It took only two seconds for the call to go through.


His voice came through uninterrupted. So he's fine, how nice.

"You sound good, I'm glad you're alive."

"Unlike you, I didn't fight someone many times stronger than myself, I must say I think what you did was stupid, I wouldn't have cared about those guys if it had been me."

"Your words give me great confidence that you won't backstab me in the dungeon."

Alexander said nothing and I gave a short laugh.

"Just kidding, now... let's get to the point. As you know, my body is not in the best shape. I can't even walk properly without a cane, so I'd like to move our departure date to three weeks later. Is that okay?"

"No, no. It's more convenient for me too."


I hesitated for a moment.

"Is there a problem with your mother's condition?"

Alexander was silent for a while.

"Since when did we get close enough for you to ask that?"

"We haven't, but that doesn't mean we can't get closer. Besides, your mother's illness is the main basis for the deal we made, and I think I might want to know how she's doing."

Alexander took a deep breath.

"She's fine. For now."

"For now?"

"Her illness is in its final stages. She may not look sick at all and then suddenly have an unexpected seizure."

His voice seemed to tremble for a moment, but he continued without hesitation.

"That's why 'for now'."

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"I understand... I'm sorry."

"You have to be sorry."

"Then how about moving the date up to two weeks instead of three?"

"Sounds good to me."

He was quite serious.

"Okay, then. If you have nothing to say, see you later."

Alexander didn't answer, and the call hung up on me. Then Sith appeared in front of me again.

'He's more... 'aggressive' than I thought.'

'It can't be helped, I'll try to make things a little better between us in the dungeon. He's loyal to his people and really useful. If I can get him on my side, it'll help.'

The Sith raised his eyebrows.

'I wonder how you know that.'

I glanced sideways in his direction and smiled.

'Trade secret.'

Sith puffed out his cheeks and I couldn't help laughing.

'You really get on my nerves sometimes. Anyway, are we going to rest now?'

I raised my arm and looked at the clock.

It was approaching seven o'clock, so we still had time.

'No, we're going to Ulka.'

'You mean that crazy scientist?'


'The guy whose family you're planning to destroy?'


'What are you going to do going to him?'

I turned in the direction of the research building and started walking.

'Simple, I'm going to hire him.'