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The Fox Goddess

Chapter 11 Battle With The Bear Army/First Nightmare Quest PT 1
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"Oh f*ck


When Yuki heard the Bear's roar, the cave shook like a massive earthquake. Yuki then ran towards the entrance of the cave without looking back. After hearing such a roar she felt a cold sweat on her back which caused her body to shiver.

"F*ck! How is my luck so bad? When I entered the cave I just thought that there is a treasure that I didn't expect there would be a demonic beast in there."

Yuki finally managed to leave the cave after a few minutes of full sprinting without stopping. She was now out of breath and gasping for air.

"Haaa… Haaa. F*ck! Now I remember why people say that curiosity kills a cat, turns out it was true." After catching her breath a bit, Yuki went up to a nearby tree and looked at the entrance of the cave to see if the Bears had followed her or not. After confirming that the bear did not chase her, Yuki sighed in relief.

Whenever Yuki remembered the Bear's King's cold gaze and scream she shivered at how lucky she was to get out of there in one piece.

Yuki then got up and dusted her fur, and was about to leave, she got a notification from Fubuki


Quest: Kill the Bear King and all of its underlings. (NIGHTMARE)

Reward: 10,000 EXP, 15 Skill Points, 20,000 coins, Ice Manual Skills (The host will get to choose 2 Ice Skills for free), and Unlock New Item In The Shop (The host can think of any item and it will show up in the store)

Remaining Time: 3hr

"Why now Fubuki, sighs. So I can't run away now." Yuki sighed at the timing of the quest." It even has a f*cking time limit can't get any better than that, sh*t." After cursing for a few minutes she calmed down a bit then she asked Fubuki for something that she was confused about in her quest.

"Fubuki what is the punishment If I don't complete my quest in time?"


[The host will lose -10 stat in the host stat permanently]

"Wh... WHAT! What do you mean I will lose my stat permanently that is bull sh*t. This is so unfair ugh." Yuki was so angry that she used her claws on the nearby trees, so as a result, her surroundings were now a mess. Many trees are scattered around, and there are also a lot of holes in the ground.

Yuki looked at her surroundings and frowned after seeing all the mess she had made. Yuki then calmed her mind and rubbed her little head with her paws. If someone saw this scene where a cute little fox was rubbing her head, they would scream at how cute Yuki is right now.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Yuki then quickly calmed herself, and went back to the cave and used her absolute Stealth to sneak around.

10 minutes have passed since Yuki sneaked around into the deeper part of the cave, Yuki then looked at her remaining time.

Remaining Time: 2hr 50m

"So I spend 10 minutes sneaking around in the cave sigh. Why do I feel like I'm not gonna win." Yuki felt down at how hard the quest and Yuki might also be down. When Yuki was feeling down she suddenly remembered her mother's words when she was still a child. " Yuki remember when you feel down just don't think about it and fight, that's what life is all about fighting till the end,

Yuki was now pumped up when she remembered her mother's word

"Huff. Ok, I can do this. Let's go!" Shouted Yuki shouted in her mind.

Moments later Yuki was now facing the Bear's army, Yuki was secretly worried because she doesn't know how many Bears are there. But what she estimated is around 100 bears.

"That's a lot of enemies! So unfair."

After throwing a tantrum, Yuki steeled herself and brace herself for a new experience of battle.

When Yuki was about to attack, she suddenly felt her power surge. Yuki was confused at first and was about to ask Fubuki why something like that happened when she suddenly got a notification.


[The host's Passive is now active. The host will now receive some bonus stats.]

Yuki was stunned at the notification, and she finally remembered that it was already nighttime when she got out of the cave. Because of how mad she was she forgot to look at her surroundings properly.

"YES! Perfect timing, I didn't even realize that it was already nighttime. Well time to do this now since I just have limited time till my passive runs out, but first I need to see my stats now I wonder how high it is now hehehe." Yuki was secretly grinning and now has a lot of confidence when her passive activates, but she was still worried so she decided to play it safe.

"If necessary I'll use my Blood Manipulation Skill since no one is here right now." Yuki clicked at her status board and stared in disbelief at how much stat she got now.


Race - Fox (Child)

Evolution - Blood Moon Fox

Lvl - 3

Exp bar - 20/60

The requirement to evolve:[The host must be lvl 40 and in a place where there is blood and moon light]

HP - 4500/4500

Mana - 7750/7750

Magic - 5000

Rank - Savage Beast (Early)

Element - Ice 0%/100%

The requirement to evolve:[The host must have a complete 100% mastery, kill 100 types of ice type monster and kill one ice demonic beast to get their souls]

Cultivation - N/A

Martial Arts - N/A

Skills - Blood Manipulation, Moon Slash, Crunch (1), Razor Claw (1), Charm (1), Absolute Stealth (1), Absolute Speed (1)

Passive - Blood Rush, Moon Prowess

Status Point - 10

Skill Point - 1

Coin - 5000


Str - 183

Int - 213

Agi - 203

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Def - 163

Dex - 168


(World Map),(Letter),(Manual Guide),(x4 Potion),(Exp Boost x2),(1x free shop ticket)






Martial Arts:

Yuki rubbed her eyes and pinched herself in the check to see if she was dreaming or not. Yuki was now feeling her body is light and strong, she is also feeling as if her powers just exploded so she tried her new powers on some Bear that is alone in some corners.

After going to one of the corners, Yuki saw a red-skinned bear.

Race - Blood Bear

Rank - Savage Beast (Middle)

HP - 1000/1000

Mana - 3000/3000

Magic - 670

"You are pretty strong, but sorry buddy today you're going to be this lady's guinea pig to check her new powers." Yuki was extremely happy so she wasted no more time and used her claws without using her Razor Claw skill.

Yuki hit the bear and backed away. Yuki then jumped and tried to use her claws again, but she hit nothing so she was surprised and on instinct, she ducked to the side and looked at the scene.

Yuki narrowed her eyes to see past in the dust but it was no avail so she decided to wait for a bit. A few moments later the dust finally disappears and Yuki looks at the bloody scene that is in her sight.

The bear that was standing there a few minutes ago was now cut in half. Yuki was surprised at this because when she came into contact with the bear she almost did not feel anything at all, it was just like a brush in her paws.

"Woah... Ok, now that is OP! I only used my Razor Claw and not any other skills and he was just cut like that like nothing hehehe... Now I'm ready."