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The Heiress’ Return & Revenge

Chapter 156
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Chapter 155 What Would You Think?


It took Reuben a long while to snap out of his thoughts. He hadn’t expected his fiancée to break off

their engagement just because of something she saw online.

Seeing his expression, Salma couldn’t help but question him.

“Who called?” Reuben didn’t bother to hide anything from Salma.

“It was Valerie. She wants to break up with me,” he replied.

Salma was stunned for a moment. “Why would she do that?” she asked. “Are there intimate photos of

you and Jodie circulating online?” That was the first thing that came to her mind.

“There weren’t any,” he uttered while shaking his head.

She was confused. “Then, why does she want to break up with you? It was Valerie who first showed

interest in you, and her family was the one who proposed the marriage.” The two of them had been

together for over two years, and both families had planned for them to get married next year.

Why would they break up all of a sudden? Reuben couldn’t understand either. “She scolded. me

because of the online incident, and then she told me that she wanted to break up. But the online

incident has nothing to do with me!”

The photos that went viral were of his second and third brothers, not him. The key point was that he

and Jodie had never been as intimate as his brothers were with her.

Salma thought about the matter for a while. ‘No, I’m going to ask her about this,” she decided. The two

families had always had a good relationship, and their companies had a partnership. as well. If her

husband found out that their eldest son was being dumped, he would definitely be furious.

So, she called Valerie. Soon, someone picked up on the other end.

“Mrs. Gray!” Valerie tried to make her voice sound gentle and affectionate.

“Valerie, I just heard from Reuben that you want to break up with him,” Salma uttered. “Did you two

have a fight? If he made you unhappy, you can just tell me about it. I’ll deal with. him.”

“We didn’t fight. I just don’t want to be with him anymore,’ Valerie replied.

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Salma furrowed her brows, “Can you tell me the reason? Regarding the online incident, Titus, Luca,

and Jodie did cross the line. But Reuben has never been as intimate with Jodie as Titus and Luca

were,” he explained.


Chapter 155 What Would You Think?

There was a moment of silence on Valerie’s end before she finally spoke.

“Since you insist on asking, then I’ll be straightforward with you, Mrs. Gray. I do like Reuben, but we’ve

been together for over two years, and he has always been distant. Every time I carne to visit the Grays

in the past, there was never any intimacy between him and Jodie like there was between Titus and

Luca. But they were also very close, and it didn’t look like the typical relationship between siblings.

“Every time I sat down to talk with Reuben, Jodie would always find a way to interrupt us. And then,

right in front of me, Reuben would show how much he adored her and how important she was to him,”

she said with some anger in her tone. There were two occasions where I almost broke up with Reuben

because of Jodie. One time, Lasked Reuben to accompany me to meet a close girlfriend. He agreed,

and I made plans with my friend to meet at the Gray Family’s place and leave together with him. But

Jodie deliberately fell down and pretended to be in pain right in front of Reuben Reuben immediately

carried her to the hospital, leaving me alone to meet my friend. And in front of my friend, I had to come

up with an excuse for Reuben’s sudden work emergency that caused him to cancel our plans”

Valerie sneered. “And then, on my birthday this year, I invited many friends to celebrate with me.

Reuben brought Jodie to celebrate with me. During the party, my friends teased us, asking when we

were getting married and urging Reuben to kiss me. Suddenly, Jodie complained to Reuben about her

severe stomach pam. Again, without any hesitation, Reuben took care of Jodie and rushed to the

hospital. I felt so embarrassed in front of my friends.

“Mrs. Gray, what would you think if you were in my shoes? Can there really be so many coincidences

Every time something intimate happens between Reuben and me. Jodie seems to insist on taking my

hance away,” she complained. People who didn’t know about their sibling relationship would think they

are lovers. Furthermore, why doesn’t Simone behave the same way as Jodie When my stomach was

hurting. Simone even made some herbal pills for me. I have a good relationship with Simone, but I

can’t get along with Jodie.

“Why can’t we get along? Isn’t it because Jodie has no shame? Isn’t it because she treats my fiance

like he belongs to her?”

This made Valerie angry. She had endured the previous two incidents because she genuinely liked

Reuben and had high hopes for their relationship. After Simone was forced to leave the Gray Family,

Valerie felt like Reuben and his siblings favored Jodie too much.

Previously, Valerie even tried to remind Reuben of who his real, biological sister was Simone’s

personality was much more likable than Jodie’s. Valerie and Simone got along well in private. But with

Jodie, there was just no chemistry. Initially, because Reuben doted on Jodie. Valerie tried to get along

with her, but she soon realized that Jodie was just a pretentious woman who acted innocent all the


Every time Jodie was around. Jodie would show off how good her relationship with Reuben was. She

would flaunt how much Reuben doted on and accommodated her needs. It was clear that Jodie wanted

to emphasize the fact that Valerie, Reuben’s fiancee, wasn’t that




Chapter 155 What Would You Think?

important to him.

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No woman could tolerate such a thing. Being from a wealthy family herself, Valerie naturally couldn’t

bring herself to accommodate Jodie. So, both Jodie and Valerie obviously couldn’t get along with one


On top of that, Salma and Reuben were also unhappy about their strained relationship. Previously,

Reuben and Valerie had countless arguments over Jodie. It made Valerie seem. petty as if she couldn’t

show any compassion for her sister–in–law, but there was such a huge difference between the two


If Jodie were more like Simone, Valerie wouldn’t have an issue with her! Valerie was truly disgusted by

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what she saw online this time around.

When she paid visits to the Gray Family, she had witnessed Jodie’s intimate actions with a few people,

but she hadn’t seen anything that extreme. However, it wasn’t hard for her to imagine how intimate they

could get behind closed doors.

If Titus, Luca, and Aaron were exposed, wouldn’t Reuben and Andrew have something to hide as well?

One way or another, she couldn’t believe Reuben anymore. Her best friend advised her that a man like

Reuben simply wasn’t worth it. In the future, if they were to get married, would he drop everything and

leave with just one phone call from his adopted sister? If even a biological sister could be driven away

by them, then as a woman who was merely a marriage partner to him, wouldn’t her life be even more


The more she pondered, the more it made sense. She came from a good family background, and she

had good looks. Couldn’t she find someone better? Simone and Leon were childhood sweethearts. It

was all because of Jodie that she decisively broke up with Leon and discarded him like garbage. Why

should I stay engaged to a fiancé who has such a murky relationship with his adopted sister? He only

makes me feel disgusted!

She could discard Reuben like garbage, too. Therefore, after discussing it with her parents, she called

Reuben to break up and call off the engagement. Initially, she didn’t want to say much, but Salma kept

pushing for an explanation. So, she decided to lay it all out. After all, the ones who would be

embarrassed were Salma’s children.

Sure enough, Salma’s face turned sour after listening to Valerie’s words. She truly didn’t know that

there were so many issues between her eldest son and Valerie, as well as Jodie.

“I can assure you that there is no murky relationship between my eldest son and Jodie.” Salma tried to

persuade Valerie. “Valerie, I understand that you’re angry because of what happened online, but can’t

you think about it calmly? Have you discussed this with your parents?”

“I have already discussed this matter with my parents, and they agreed,” Valerie replied firmly. “So, I’m

sorry, Mrs. Gray.”