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The Heiress’ Return & Revenge

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72 You're Ruthless! Leon experienced being hit for the first time, and it was by his own sister.

Naturally, he was initially shocked.

However, once he regained his composure, he immediately grabbed her wrist and exclaimed, “Gwen, have you lost your mind?” Gwen couldn't continue hitting him after being caught, so she pouted with regret and said.

| wanted to hit you some more.” Leon furrowed his brows and said, “Gwen, that's enough. And don't forget, she’s also our mother.” With so many people present, if this incident became known, their parents would surely have something to say about it.

Gwen rolled her eyes and retorted. That's Skyler’s biological mother, so what does it have to do with me? Only you would foolishly butter up to her.

The more she spoke, the darker Leon's expression became. “Shut up”

He pulled Gwen closer and whispered in her ear. “Be careful about what you say about her in public.” Gwen pursed her lips and declared. | don’t care. What's there to be afraid of? If you want to continue seeking her love, don't involve me. | won't accompany you.” Leon felt completely helpless with his sister. “Come home with me later.

Gwen vigorously shook her head. “No. I'm going to Simone’s house.” Leon asserted, “No, you can’t He then firmly held onto her wrist and refused to let go. “You have to come home with me.” His sister had been abroad for so long and hadn't returned even once.

During the Latewinter Festival, the elders in the family had mentioned it, their words filled with reproach.

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He had made excuses on her behalf.

But now, if it was revealed that his sister had come back but didn’t go horre; those people ‘would have something to say again.

Gwen struggled to free herself from his grasp and said, “If | say I'm not going back, then I'm not going back.” She couldn't shake him off, so she glared at Leon and threatened, “Let go of me, or else I'll scream.” Leon sneered, “Go ahead.” 1/4 Chapter 72 You're Ruthless! The next second, his face first showed surprise, then it became even darker.

Because Gwen suddenly shouted, “You perv! Help! The award-winning actor is touching me inappropriately!” At that moment, Leon not only felt embarrassed but also wished he could silence his sister.

Gwen didn’t care about her brother's angry expression. She proudly raised her head and said, “If you don't let go, I'll keep screaming.”

Leon had no choice but to release her, gritting his teeth and saying. “You're ruthless!” “Dealing with scum like you who bullies my Simone, | can’t use conventional methods.” After Gwen finished speaking, she took advantage of her brother's distraction and quickly ran toward Simone.

Leon's face took on a dark": shade as his feet throbbed in pain.

Watching his sister run away, Leon felt both angry and deeply helpless.

His sister had always been rebellious and uncontrollable by anyone.

Sometimes, she even influenced Simone to do unexpected things.

Enduring the pain, Leon shouted after her. “Gwen, you may be able to escape now, but you'll have to come back home eventually” Gwen held Simones wrist and didn't turn around but raised her hand and waved, “Goodbye to you!"// This made Leon even more furious.

Simone wasn't surprised by Gwen's actions; her best friend had always been fiery and had clear likes and dislikes, She said, “Don’t pay attention to him, let's go,” Gwen pulled her own suitcase back and said, “Alright, let's go home! The two of them walked ahead. chatting and laughing.

It was evident that they had a strong bond.

Leon stood still for a moment before reluctantly walking forward despite the pain in his feet.

However, the scene just now was not only recorded by passersby on video.

It was also captured by a paparazzo.

After leaving the airport, Simone, Zac, and Gwen bid farewell and got into the car arranged by the production team.

The four of them added each other as friends and could contact each other anytime.

When they arrived at the apartment, Simone checked her phone.

‘Leon’s Sister Accuses Him of Cheating and Beats Him Up‘ and ‘Leon’s Loving Act’ occupied the top two 2/4 Chapter 72 You're Ruthless! spots on the trending list.

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She clicked on the first one to read.

The video showed Gwen scolding Leon and the entire process of her beating him up, including the things she said about their mother.

Countless people in the comments were cheering for the beating, praising the young lady for her coolness.

Then came the accusations against Leon as a se mbag. After all, if his own sister treated him like that. how could it be fake? She brought her phone closer to Gwen's face. “You're trending. The people from your family might come and take you back after hearing what you said.” Simone was familiar with the situation in Gwen's family, as she was in a relationship with Leon and had a good relationship with Gwen Currently. Leon's father was the head of the Foster Family, ranking third among the same generation in the Foster Family as the youngest son Gwen's father also had two older brothers He took over the Fosters by ousting his two older brothers.

So, even though the relationships between the various branches seemed good on the surface, there was resentment among the other two branches.

Unable to defeat Gwen's father and having no way to deal with him, those people would use Gwen as a point of attack to provoke Leon's father’s family branch.

Gwen had once taken a grup of rich kids to a street race, and it made the trending list.

After the people from the Foster Family found out they intentionally made snide remarks in front of Gwen's father and mother.

Gwen's mother asked Gwen's father to send someone to bring Gwen back and confine her in her room. for several days as punishment.

This time, Gwen talked smack about Leon's father’s wife in public, and there was no way around it.

Gwen took the phone and glanced at it, lying on the couch. “Let them be.” She pouted, “At most, they'll catch me and make me starve a little while keeping me in a confined space. Every time it's like this, and there's never any new ideas” Simone said. “It's okay; from now on, you'll be with me, and | won't let them take you away again.” Gwen smiled and said, “Okay, from now on, I'll rely on you.” Then she looked serious and asked Simone, “Simone, did you really break up with Leon? Is what they say online true?”

Simone replied, “Yes, | did break up with him and cut ties. Most of the things online are accurate. Leon