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The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 249 Dance Of Lightning
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Rex came out of the smoke slowly while feeling his current body.

Without a doubt Rex can feel the changes in his body, the lightning mana that he currently possesses got even thicker and certainly more powerful.

The system said that by assimilating with Devo the Gatekeeper, his lightning ability will be increased by three times.

So he already expects this,

Rex then looks in front of him and saw Adhara, Edward, and the four Awakened are looking at him with a shocked expression.

They seem to be dazed by Rex's current state,

Because Rex has just reached the sixth rank, the aura he emitted is still chaotic and messy making the four Awakened can feel it directly.

This state makes Rex unable to hide his current power which means this is his full extent.

The four Awakened gaze at Rex in disbelief as they felt Rex's oppressing and sharp aura prickling their skin, it's like needles that kept poking at their bodies.

"You four must be the one that created the barrier earlier", Rex said lightly.

Hearing this, the four Awakened snap out of their daze before they nodded their heads.

Rex then smile lightly before he said, "Thank you for making the process better than it should be, it certainly will be worst if you four hadn't come"

"No Problem!"

"You don't need to thank us"

"That's what we do with fellow Awakened"

"It's an honor to bear witness to the Rex Silverstar reaching the sixth rank"

All of them replied to Rex with a smile,

They seem to keep their cool but through their voice, Rex knows that they're happy.

The way they act and replied to him, the four Awakened seem to know Rex but at this point, Rex is not surprised anymore.

Especially after the demonic city incident, many people should know him by now.

Rex's eyes then landed on Edward and Adhara who are looking at him in awe, 'Thank god they're okay, it's a miracle that they didn't get hit by the lightning", Rex thought

He got carried away after getting taunted by Devo and forgot about both of them.

But thankfully, the four Awakened come at the end where the process is the most chaotic and shelters them from it.

"If you want to ask anything, I'll try to accommodate it as thanks", Rex said.

Hearing this, one of the four Awakened steps in front before he said, "If that's the case, can I get a picture with you?"

"Eh?", Rex was caught off guard by the sudden request.

He then smiles lightly and replied, "Of course you can, it's not a big deal"

After saying that, the other three also ask Rex the same thing which makes Rex very surprised.

"Can you put your arm on my neck so we look like buddies?", another Awakened said before Rex nodded his head.

While Rex is taking pictures, Adhara and Edward shake their head with a chuckle.

Rex takes a picture with the four of them acting like their buddies, he didn't mind it though because it's an easy request.

There are many things they can ask him for, just like what Evelyn did.

But thank god that they make the request easy, it would be a nightmare if they asks for him to search for an item or something around that.

After taking pictures, the four Awakened bid their goodbyes.

Rex then goes back to Edward and Adhara while scratching the back of his head.

"Are you Rex Silverstar?! Can I take a picture too?!", Edward suddenly said teasingly, he takes out his phone pretending to take a picture making Rex push him lightly.

Looking at this, Adhara chuckles sweetly.

She then looks at her phone happily making Rex suspicious.

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Rex approach Adhara before he look at her phone and widened his eyes in disbelief.

There's a photo of him with the four Awakened taking pictures of him in her phone,

The scene where Rex needs to wrap his arm around that one Awakened is really funny, he looks awkward as hell and Adhara caught him in a photo.

"Erase that!", Rex commanded while trying to take Adhara's phone.

But Adhara quickly dodge his hands and run away while laughing, "No way! I'm gonna print this and put it in our room"

"No you're not!", Rex replied before chasing after her.

The three of them exit the Crystalline of Mana and head towards their car.

Just like what Rex planned, after reaching the sixth rank they will start their journey to finish the pressing matters they need to attend to.

But when Rex enters the car, notifications from the system flood his vision.

<Congratulation on assimilating with Devo the Gatekeeper>

<The user's stats have been increased!>

<Congratulation on completing Sixth Rank Achievement!>

<Obtained 30,000,000 Exp, and Moon Box>

<Level Up!>

<Obtained 3 Attributable Stats>

<Congratulation on completing Have a Spirit Achievement!>

<Obtained Skygate Ether Fruit>

Rows of notifications from the system appeared in front of Rex's vision,

Because of assimilating with Devo the Gatekeeper, Rex manage to complete two achievements that raised his level and also gives him two unknown items.

It's been quite a while since Rex saw this many notifications from the system.

He then opened his stats tab,

<Rex Silverstar>

Pack: Silverstar (2/2)

Level: 33 (13,800,000/80,000,000)

Race: Royal Black Werewolf

Full-Moon: 12 Days - Lunar Eclipse

Berserk: 51%

Sanity: 44%

Mental: 134 (+30)

Strength: 301 (+93)

Agility: 222 (+21)

Endurance: 198 (+67)

Intelligence: 513 (+20)

Looking at his stats, Rex notices the immense changes in his intelligence stats.

The intelligence stat almost doubled than the last time he saw his stats, this immense increase must be because he assimilated with Devo the Gatekeeper.

From the expedition of power before, Devo is certainly a very strong spirit.

In fact maybe Devo the Gatekeeper is the strongest spirit humanity currently possesses, even the ninth rank Awakened's spirit only has 7 media.

Devo on the other hand has 14! Double than the ninth rank Awakened!

This shows just how powerful Devo really is, and his raise in stats show that clearly through his intelligence stat that got raised by more than 200.

After checking his stats, Rex then takes out the fruit that he got.

"Where did you get that?", Edward asks when he suddenly saw a white fruit on Rex's hand.

Hearing this, Adhara poked her head from the back curiously and saw the same white fruit on Rex's hand that emits mysterious energy.

Rex then said, "I got it after assimilating with my spirit, I don't know what it is"

In a blink of an eye, Rex came up with an excuse as to where he got this white fruit from.

The chamber right after he assimilates with Devo is filled with black smoke, so Adhara and Edward can't see what's happening inside.

Rex then scans the fruit before a notification appears,

<Skygate Ether Fruit>

An ancient seventh rank fruit that has the remnant of ancient information from the Skygate City above the sky, it is the city where Devo the Gatekeeper is born from. This remnant will benefit those who eat it with insight from an ancient civilization.

Reading this, Rex gazes at the fruit intently.

The Skygate Ether Fruit is a circle-shaped fruit that is similar to an orange in terms of shape and size, it has a stalk and a black leaf with a touch of purple on the leaves' tip. The body of the fruit is completely white, and when Rex squeezed it lightly it almost felt like a sponge.

There's no scent coming from the fruit, the soft and smooth skin of the fruit is the only thing that makes the fruit looks appetizing.

After inspecting the fruit for a moment, Rex then throws it inside his mouth and bites it.

Upon biting it, the fruit breaks down easily as the juice of the fruit burst out of the fruit.

The juice infiltrates Rex's taste buds making Rex widen his eyes in surprise, it tastes sweet with a mix of sourness on it that creates an amazing spark in Rex's mouth.

Looking at this, "What are you doing?! You didn't even know what that fruit is for!"

Adhara shouted in panic as she saw Rex munch on the fruit carelessly, for her, the fruit might just be toxic especially with the enticing black and purple leave on it.

Edward also glance at Rex in disbelief while driving,

No matter how they look at it, the fruit came out of nowhere and is suspicious as heck.

"Relax, I won't die with just this", Rex replied casually.

Adhara slouches her shoulders in helplessness seeing Rex's careless behavior, she leans back on the seat before closing her eyes fearing that she might just hear Rex choking.

But that expectation didn't come,

After Rex gulped the juices that overflowed in his mouth, his consciousness suddenly got pulled away by something as his eyes glows white.

The scenery in front of Rex suddenly blur and turns into another.

He can see that he's now standing on a flatland, thundering sounds can be heard from the sky as rains pour down heavily followed by lightning cracking the sky.

Rex looks around in confusion,

Many weird-looking animals that emit a horrifying aura can be seen around the place.

These animals are similar to mutated animals that Rex saw in the present time, but they are way bigger and stronger than any mutated animals Rex has ever seen.

They differ from huge reptiles that look like dinosaurs, to huge insects.

It's clear that they're not the same animal from his current time, their size is just too massive.

Aside from the scary mutated animals around here, Rex can also feel the mana in the air is 100 times or even a thousand times more abundant than the present time.

No sign of modern technology can be seen around here, it's as if Rex is in ancient times.

'Where am I? Is this the remnant of the fruit?', Rex thought in confusion, but when he was about to start looking around,


A huge lightning bolt suddenly flashes on the sky creating a very loud thundering sound that frightens the scary mutated animals, they started to find shelter hurriedly.

Rex jumped in surprise hearing the thunderous sound.

While the mutated animals are scattering away to find shelter, Rex was left alone in the middle of the flatlands as the rain pours down on him.

But then suddenly, something catches Rex's attention.

Right in front of him, he can vaguely see a figure standing in the middle of the rain just like him.

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It's hard to see what the figure really is with all of the droplets of water blurring his vision, but one thing is for certain, the figure looks humanoid.

Rex tried to approach the figure slowly but then suddenly,


Another lightning bolt spat from the sky but this one doesn't just decorate the sky, but it also hit the figure who is standing in the middle of the rain directly.

Rex fall backward because of the powerful lightning, it was very devastating.

After recovering from his fall, Rex then looks in the figure's direction again but to his surprise, the figure is gone making Rex frown, 'Did that thing get reduced to ash?', he thought.

Rex walks towards the spot where the figure stood,

Upon arriving at the spot, Rex can only see the black charcoal ground leftovers from the huge lighting strike before.

But then suddenly,


Another lightning strike hit the ground 10 meters beside Rex.

Rex covers his face with his arm before peeking to the ground where the lightning strike landed, but his eyes widen when he finds the figure appeared there.

Now that they're so close, Rex can see what the figure looks like.

The figure has features exactly like a human but instead has white skin, its body is muscular that shows the figure is a man, and it only wears weird-looking white pants with its top exposed.

White long hair sways by the wind with no sign of being wet even though the rain is pouring heavily, its eyes are glowing with blue electricity, and there are blue markings all over the figure's body that are also glowing.

Rex squint his eyes while facing towards the figure,

When suddenly,


Another thunderbolt strikes the figure as the figure disappear from Rex's vision,

Rex looks around the place trying to search for the figure to no avail, the figure comes and go with the lightning just like a ghost.

Then suddenly,




Multiple thunderbolts strike the ground around Rex as the figure appears and disappear the same rhythm as the lightning, the figure has a smirk on his face while looking at Rex.

The figure kept doing this as if it's showing off to Rex.

But then suddenly,


Another thunderbolt hit the ground right in front of Rex making Rex stumble, the figure stands in front of Rex still with a smirk.

The figure then grabs Rex's arm as intense lightning got transferred from the figure's arm to Rex.

"ARGHH!!", Rex shouted in pain as the lightning infiltrates his body.

This kept going until suddenly,

"Rex!! Wake up!!"


A female voice called out to him as Rex blinks his eyes a couple of times,

He then saw Edward and Adhara are looking at him worriedly, "Adhara? Edward? What's wrong?", Rex asks in confusion.

"You passed out!", Adhara shouted in concern before hugging Rex.

Hearing this, Rex realizes that he passed out the duration he's in that rainy and thundering flatlands with the figure.

'Ether Blink', the words rang on Rex's head.

Rex then frowns remembering the figure, 'What was he trying to show me?'