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The Legacy System

Chapter 108 - 108: ‘Accident’
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Turning his head, and directing his eyes towards a particular spot in the ceiling as he said in a playful voice,

"Young Lady you shouldn't attack people stealthily like this! How would you take responsibility if you damage my beautiful face? ​​

Or do you think that you can scoot free just because you are Kirigaya's kid?"

Eric's words clearly surprised the old Na beside him, as he had been unable to see or pinpoint the location of the girl himself, and he was clearly stronger than Eric.

Yet Eric had managed to pinpoint her location so easily, this was truly something he didn't expect at all. He didn't know what to think.

The person who had just been found was in the same situation, she didn't expect someone weak like Eric to find out her so easily.

At first, she thought that Eric was bluffing, but he was smiling in her direction as if he knew what she was thinking. Not to mention that he already knew a part of her identity.

At this moment, his attitude, his cheeky words, and that playful smile really got on her nerves, as she wanted to send a second kunai in his direction, to truly damage his face.

This weak bastard had the galls to play with her! But there was also a dangerous feeling coming from this guy, the death aura around him was too thick.

Not even someone who had killing as a profession for millions could have that aura. The change wasn't quantitative, but qualitative.

The death aura around him seemed to be almost tangible like it had a life of its own or something. This clearly surprised and confused the young lady.

Seeing that she wasn't answering, and was just staying there unmoving, Eric bit his finger, and let a bit of blood out, as he attacked with that blood the place where she was.

It wasn't that Tianlong Yun could sense her presence through his spirit sense, no she was way over his level for him to be able to do something like that.

According to his estimations, she should be above level 50 at least, even stronger than Old Na beside him.

The reason why he could find her stealth place and her relative location was because of the death laws. After he started comprehending the death laws, he had a different look towards his surroundings.

In a sense, he could feel the living things around him, or he could feel their aura would be more precise to say, and this was how he knew where she was.

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It was only a few drops of blood, but they were enough to complete their duty, as they were pinpointed in her head.

This clearly showed that Eric knew her position, and wasn't just bluffing. Doing this, Eric turned around, and said in a bored voice,

"I am bored! You are no fun at all! I thought you had come here to test my skills yourself and ask for your father, but apparently, you just want to play hide and seek!

To think that your father asked me to court, you two sisters!"

The moment he was about to take the second step though, he was stopped by an angry and hateful voice,

"What do you mean? Where is my father? What has happened to him?"

Turning his head around, Eric had that playful and cheeky smile on his face, as he said,

"You finally decided to show up, I was thinking what else would I have to say before you did. You spoiled my fun you know!"

The girl who had decided to show herself was wearing a black camouflaging ninja suit, and a black mask covering her face.

Eric could tell that it wasn't the girl he had met the previous time though, due to their different measures and curves.

The girl in front of him was clearly less developed than her bigger sister, one could say that she was more on the flat side of the chart, but she wasn't that flat either.

That, or she was really good at wrapping her chest to make it look as small as possible. But Eric didn't have time to think much about these, as once again he heard that sweet angry voice,

"Tell me where my father is! Has something happened to him?"

Her voice was domineering, and she looked like she was ordering Eric, more than asking him. But Eric didn't mind it at all, as he said,

"Your father has some things to deal with at the moment! So if you have anything you want to pass to him, tell me and I will pass your words."

The girl was observing him carefully as she was also looking suspiciously at him. She looked like she was making a decision on whether she should kill him or not!

She truly didn't seem to like this guy, he seemed really hateful. All this time he had done nothing but play with her.

The truth was that she had important news for her father, but she wasn't able to sense him around here, and also couldn't find him at his place.

Just where had he disappeared to? This guy seemed to know where he was but had no intention of telling her.

And who was this guy in the first place, all the information they had over him was complicated at best, and totally senseless at its worse.

This guy was more of a mystery than their own clan. What was his relationship with her father? It was clear that her father respected him a lot, and treated him really well.

She had no time to think about this stuff at the moment, as she was in a hurry. Soon she would be found and sent back to the Clan, she had no time to lose.

For that reason, she suddenly disappeared from her place, and one moment later appeared in front of Eric, with a new kunai on his neck, as she threatened him in a dark voice,

"Tell me where my father is, or breathe your last."

Eric didn't seem to pay attention to her words, as he looked her directly in the eyes, and said,

"You have truly beautiful clear eyes, are these natural ones?"

The young lady was startled even in a situation like this Eric could say words like this, he didn't seem to care about his life, at all.

Startled as she was, she said in a confused voice,

"Aren't you afraid of dying!? Or are you that perverted, that you would die for it?"

Contrary to the solemn appearance that Old Na had by staying beside him, Eric started laughing out loud for a few moments, as he then stopped and said,

"Hahaha~! Little girl, shouldn't you be more real with your killing intent when you decide to threaten me?

You should know better than me, that placing a fake killing intent in front of me, is like a child playing tricks in front of their father, don't you think so?

But some accidents might happen, so take that kunai off of my neck, before some accident happens, and I will have to make you take responsibility for it."

The young lady in front of him seemed to have understood her mistake, she had totally forgotten about that death aura around him, as he had really angered, and pissed her off.

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Not to mention that her mental state was already not the best it could be at the moment, so she was easily flared.

But hearing his last words, she felt she was being looked down upon, she was an expert ninja, there was no way for an accident to happen.

Everything she did was planned, and carefully executed! There were no extra useless moves, nor accidents that could happen.

But just as she was about to oppose his words, she felt Eric step forward, so she clearly pulled her kunai back, as his face was approaching hers.

She was startled, she didn't understand what was going on! Did this guy have a death wish or something? Had he decided to die, and wanted to use her hand or something?

There was no killing intent, nor dying intent around him though, he looked confident and decided, he was a man with a plan.

But she didn't understand what his plan was, and what was he trying to do. In that confusion and surprise, she didn't know what to do, when Eric suddenly hugged her and kissed her over the mask.

Surprise, shock, stun, even though Eric couldn't see her face he could clearly understand her expressions, and feelings right now.

She had never expected something like this, it was completely out of her imagination that Eric would do something like this.

The same could be said for Old Na who was looking at this scene with a jaw-dropped expression. Just what the hell was going on in here?

It took a moment before the young lady could recompose herself, as she tried to push Eric away from her, forgetting that she still had the kunai in her hand, and she 'accidentally' cut his shoulder.

She didn't notice it at first, as she said with a startled voice,

"Wh-whaat aare you doing!?"

Looking at her as if he looking at an idiot, Eric said in a confused voice,

"Kissing you of course, what do you think I was doing? It's not my fault that you have attractive eyes!

Furthermore, it seems like the 'accident' did happen this time, you will have to take responsibility for it."

The young lady was clearly flustered by everything that happened just now. This guy was shameless, not only had he taken her first kiss, but he also claimed it was her fault.

The worst of this all was that small cut on his shoulder, she had done it unintentionally, but just like he said, it was an 'accident'.

She would have to take responsibility for this guy's blunder? Wasn't his fault for doing what he did? Uuggghhh~! He was so hateful!

She just wanted to really kill him right then and there, but then she felt some presence closing down on her location…