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The Legacy System

Chapter 133 - 133: Ginka, Shopping, & Engagement
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At first, he was planning to use his side business with Ginka to slowly develop a source of income, and also some kind of intelligence department.

But with how the things had gone he had totally forgotten about that side business and he didn't count on it that much.


Who would have expected that Ginka would not only expand the business in such a short time, but it was also creating a big network for himself slowly.

After their bumpy start, he had found out that a lot of girls at the school were having financial problems, and some poverty crisis, and he had used this as a chance to recruit them.

With this movement, he had increased the capacity of his business by at least 10 to 15 times, and the whole network or system was completely safe.

The reserving of the girls was made through different platforms, and nobody could find a problem or a dark spot in the system.

The department of the University officials wasn't able to denounce such a thing because they had already fallen for the honey trap.

Ginka had offered them girls and then taken pictures or videos of them with the said girls he had sent, and was now simply blackmailing them.

But he had decided that this side hustle was too dangerous, and he couldn't only depend on that, as he wanted to spread his wings, and invest their wining into different companies.

They already had the workers, as his network inside the department worked really well, and he had already found the best students.

In order to convince them to sign and work for him, he had sent them almost daily some warming gift, but that was until they signed, after that they would be rewarded only if they worked really hard.

He had already planned the forming of a construction and engineering firm, and also an accountability office.

He had also secured the first clients, as the girls had truly worked hard for him to achieve his goals and purpose.

One had to accept that this fatso had a really sensitive nose when it came to business. What he had achieved in such a short time clearly demonstrated his abilities.

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In fact, Eric felt that his abilities were wasted in such a place, and such a business but the fact that he didn't trust him, or that he was a swinging person didn't allow him to give him a better position.

Right now he didn't have time to meet that fatso though, as later in the evening he was going to the engagement part of Takeshiba Yuto and Yoshida Gina.

He still hadn't understood what was going through Yoshida Gina's mind at the moment, or in what kind of situation she was, but he had already prepared a huge surprise for the party tonight.

But first things first, he needed a good suit for the party tonight, he couldn't go in his usual clothes, could he? For that reason, he quickly called Takeshiba Aika who was really pleased to help him pick his suit.

They decided to meet in one of the biggest malls where they could find even some of the best worldwide known brands.

It was time for Eric to totally change his look, and style of dressing, as he no longer would be just a poor guy, but a rich Young Master type of guy.

With these thoughts in mind, Eric started to make his way towards the mall, as on the way he thought about how to act from now on.

It took him around 40 minutes to reach the mall, and notice Aika who was waiting for him at the entrance, with the bodyguards that never left her side.

When those guys saw Eric they all had a weird look on their faces, as they remembered their last meeting with him, and how it had gone.

While they didn't like the fact that they had been beaten to a pulp, they still respected him for being such a strong fighter at such a young age.

Eric just gave them a perfunctory nod with his head, as he looked at Takeshiba Aika in front of him, and said in a sorry voice,

"Have you been waiting for long here? Sorry, it took me some time to walk here!"

In fact, Takeshiba Aika had been waiting in there for more than 15 minutes, as she had almost flown to this place when she heard Eric's invitation.

From the way she saw it, this was just a date with a purpose for the two of them. This was valuable time with Eric, and she would never want to miss that.

With these thoughts in mind, she said in an energetic, and cheerful voice,

"No, no! Don't worry I just arrived here myself! Now let us go inside we have a lot to look at, and buy, especially to prepare for tonight's party.

With these purposes in their heads, they entered inside the mall, as the marathon shopping started for Eric.

That day was destined to be a long one, as they were able to get out of the last shop only after more than 5 straight hours of trying and buying.

Eric couldn't understand how it was possible that ladies had such energy when they went shopping. This energy clearly surpassed even his, most probably.

If he had counted mistakenly, they had entered more than 16 different shops and brands, as they had spent a total of 200+ thousands $, buying around 50-60 different articles, where 9 were just different suits.

All this time Takeshiba Aika had been cheerful, as she picked almost everything for him, but what Eric could understand from her, was the fact that she truly had a good eye for fashion, and dressing.

At the end of the day, he could let her return empty-handed, as he bought a beautiful dress for her that cost more than 20.000 $.

Everything he had just bought with the exception of one suit had been sent to Akira's apartment, as he hoped in Akira's personal car, as they reached the Takeshiba Mansion.

Earlier in the day Master Takeshiba had personally called him and set a meeting for the both of them before he prepared for the party.

Even though he seemed calm, and indifferent Eric knew that this man was dying to have a meeting with him.

This was for the simple and sole cause of what Eric had gifted them before he went missing, and all that happened.

Each and every one of those potions was a priceless treasure in and of itself, and yet Eric had three of them in his own hands.

Of course, this wasn't everything as he had heard a few rumors indicating that Eric had signed a deal with the government.

He would give them manuals, and these potions in return for something big that no one was able to find out or know at this moment.

He didn't really care what kind of a deal Eric had with the Japanese government, what he cared about was the fact that he also wanted such a deal signed.

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Those potions had left a deep impression on him, as this was the first time he had seen something like this happen right in front of his eyes.

Especially, the body tempering liquid, and the health potion. The first was able to cleanse one's body from the impurities and help the cultivator reach his maximal potential.

This was enough to create experts but the most important part was that those experts would become the cream of the crops on their level of strength.

As for the health potion, words weren't needed in there as it was an important last grace saving card. It was a lifesaver for any cultivator or expert.

That Soul Power potion was good for him, but he didn't plan to distribute it much to his soldiers, less they get too smart and start thinking stupid ideas.

With these thoughts on his mind, he was waiting for Eric to come, as he had already prepared the best gift on his mind to start the negotiations.

He wasn't worried by the fact that Eric seemed to have a little disruption with the relationship with the government, in fact, he kind of wanted something like that to happen.

He wanted to have Eric in his camp, and not in the camp of his opponents. Master Takeshiba was a greedy man with a plan.

While everyone was calling this an important night for his son, he was valuing its importance on the fact of being able to reach an agreement with Eric on those potions.

Even in a time when the whole planet was in a tight spot he still held on to his plans, and he thought of this as an opportunity.

It didn't take long for Eric and Takeshiba Aika to arrive with their ride, as Eric was immediately sent towards the office room of Master Takeshiba, while Takeshiba Aika went on to prepare.

Entering the office room Eric could see that Master Takeshiba was on his desk while trying to sign some document, what he didn't expect was to see Young Master Takeshiba Yuto seating in front of him.

Still, he entered calmly and carefree as if he was walking inside his own house, as he approached the duo, and greeted them with perfunctory words,

"Greetings Gentlemen, I hope it's a good day for you!"

Both men in front of him returned the greetings, as Master Takeshiba observed him once from head to toe, and then after thinking for a while said in a serious voice,

"Eric kid, I can find a lot of beautiful words to say to you, but instead I am going to cut straight to the chase! Would you like to get engaged to my Aika today, alongside Yuto-Kun in here!?"