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The Legacy System

Chapter 155 - 155: Apology
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Inside the office, room entered Young Master Takeshiba's personal secretary, by what Eric heard earlier her name was Nina, and she was a true beauty he had to accept it.

Young Master Takeshiba truly had some taste in the ladies he selected, as she was one fine beauty, that would make a lot of men drool for her.


But that didn't matter right now, as the important thing, were her words,

"Boss, Master Shiba has arrived and is waiting outside, should I let him get in?"

Takeshiba took a look at Eric, and seeing him nod his head in confirmation, said in a clear voice,

"Let him in!"

Taking her orders, the secretary once again went outside, as she announced Master Shiba, and his son to enter inside.

Until now, Young Master Shiba had been left outside from Takeshiba Yuto with the pretext of reflecting on his actions, but in truth, it was to let him meet first with his father when he came.

As they entered inside, one could clearly see that there were two big red handprints on Young Master Shiba's face, one for each cheek.

He was walking behind a fairly healthy man, who had the face of a righteous and hardworking man, but nobody knew if this was just a mask or his true face.

Still, he was entering inside with a serious, and angry face as his good-for-nothing son had caused him such trouble.

As soon as he entered inside and saw the people present, he made a light bow in sign of respect, as he greeted,

"Young Master Takeshiba, Young Master Eric!"

He didn't know how he should address this young man in front of him, and he didn't dare to make him angrier, and even more agitated, as his stupid son had already done his part.

Young Master Takeshiba, and Eric, on the other hand, got up from their seats, as they returned his perfunctory greetings to the man.

Without losing much time, Master Shiba gave a fear-inducing look to his useless son, as he immediately bowed in front of Eric saying,

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"Young Master Eric, I am truly sorry about my behavior, and my offense! I had eyes but failed to recognize you, and it's totally my fault and responsibility for everything that happened.

I sincerely ask for your apology, through this meaningless gift!"

As he said that, he handed Eric a check where was written a summand of 2 million dollars. It was a pretty nice sum.

Eric didn't seem fazed by the amount written over it, as he just took it without much ceremony, and said,

"Since you have understood your mistake then I have nothing I can add, just don't do this ever again. Remember that there is always a higher mountain and a deeper sea!"

As he gave that advice he looked like some kind of old man who had lived for a long time, and he truly was, even though his appearance and actions didn't make him look like that sometimes.

Nobody knew what Young Master Shiba was thinking about at that moment, as his already red, and bruised face and head didn't show his emotions and expressions.

But thinking that he had finished what he was forced to do, he turned around and was going to return by his father's side, as he heard Eric speak once again with a clear voice,

"Young Master Shiba you just said this was your mistake and you will never make it again, but don't you think that you are already lacking in your apology?

There are much more important people than me that you should ask for your apology don't you think!?"

Of course, he meant about Tatsuya Minami and Inuhara Hina. At the end of the day those two were offended the most in this situation, he was just an additional character.

Hearing those words, even his frozen and unable to express emotions face failed him, as his face and eyes darkened.

He knew what Eric was asking but how could he lower himself in front of those two b*tches, and even more so when one of them had stepped over his head all those times.

Wasn't that the same as eating his own shit!? He couldn't do something like that! But just as he was about to refuse, he felt a clear cold gaze over him.

It was his own father, he was looking at him like he would hang him by the legs if he didn't go there and ask a proper apology to the two ladies.

All this time he had just been standing there and looking coldly at him, but this time he could feel the chills down to his bones.

No matter how unresigned and unwilling he was, he knew he had no other choice but to turn back and apologize to the two ladies.

Taking a deep breath to calm down a bit his fast throbbing heart, which seemed ready to explode from the rage he had, he once again placed that emotionless mask and turned around.

He approached the two ladies slowly, with dubious steps, but still managed to get past Eric, and then bowing lightly he said,

"I am really sorry about my offense to you ladies. I was clearly blind and stupid! My actions were unforgivable but I hope in your magnanimity to forgive me!"

The two ladies weren't really impressed with his apology, as it was way below the right standards, but still said in a cold and emotionless voice,

"Since Young Master Eric has decided to not follow this issue further, we don't have any objections. This matter is already closed!"

They didn't really care about the apology from this guy but were surprised a bit since Eric asked him to do it, this clearly showed that Eric cared about them, which was a good start to their mission.

Seeing that this nightmare was finally over, Young Master Shiba turned around and left without even greeting and saying his goodbyes.

Looking at the conduct of his son, Master Shiba had a really bad taste in his mouth, but he couldn't do anything about it, as even he thought that this was a bit extra.

Looking at Eric, he said in a weak voice,

"Young Master Eric, I am really sorry about my son's conduct, and his faulty apology, but don't you think you went a bit too far!?"

Eric just looked at him with a calm expression, as he said in a calm voice,

"Master Shiba I don't think you would be saying the same knowing the special identity of the two ladies. As I think that your son has forgotten to mention it to you.

The two ladies are agents of that Special Unit!"

Master Shiba was left startled hearing those words, as he didn't expect something like this. It was true that his son had not mentioned that, and it was one of the critical details.

It seemed like his son truly was an idiot, and didn't know who to bully, and who to not. If that was true, then Eric was truly making him a favor.

In fact, he looked towards the two ladies, as he said,

"I am truly sorry ladies, I had eyes but failed to see! It's my mistake as his father for failing to educate him properly.

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I assure you it's not going to happen again!"

The two ladies were a bit startled at his actions since he was the Master of a 2nd rate family, and they were just simple agents of the Unit.

Even so, they quickly recollected their selves, as Tatsuya Minami said hastily,

"Like we said Master Shiba, this matter is closed from the moment that Young Master Eric said it was closed!"

Master Shiba said nothing more, as he gave his perfunctory goodbyes and left the place with an emotionless face.

All this time he seemed like some kind of cool, calm, collected, and righteous man, but Eric had some other feeling about him. Everything he showed felt just too right.

There was nothing, and no one perfect in this world. And even less this Master Shiba, who seemed to be here just because his son had offended someone he shouldn't.

He had a feeling that there was much more to this than what he could see on the surface but that was something for the future.

Right now, he had more important things to take care of, as he turned towards Young Master Takeshiba and said,

"Brother-in-law how about you give me the keys to the place so I can go and have a look. I want to have a real look at what I will have to work with."

Young Master Takeshiba wasn't surprised by his request, as he immediately pressed a button beside his table, as a new lady entered inside the office.

It was a brown-haired beauty, with really dangerous curves, and a natural seductive stand and look, that could make any man lose his soul.

Young Master Takeshiba knew about her, and her arrival, as he was concentrated only on Eric and his face, he wanted to test his brother-in-law.

He was just kind of disappointed to see that despite the beauty's entrance Eric seemed normal and like he didn't care at all about this woman.

On the other hand, Eric didn't need to look at this lady with his eyes, and drool over her, as he could 'look' at her with his senses just as good.

Not to mention that he already had two ladies by his side that he was trying to vow, so doing that right now, would be adding fuel to the fire, and it would be too much for him to control.

Disappointed that his little trick hadn't worked out, Young Master Takeshiba said in a clear voice,

"Take the papers, and the keys of the 4th house, and accompany my brother-in-law to have a look at his new home!"