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The Legacy System

Chapter 164 - 164: Stingy Owner Makes A Move!
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Immediately as they felt this, a sense of urgency passed through their bodies, as they trembled at the thought of leaving that to these guys, as they said almost in the same voice,

"We will do it, we will do it ourselves!"


But still, they were a bit reserved as they were still indecisive, as they heard Eric say,

"I don't have that much time to lose, you either do it or don't! You are the ones playing for 2 million $ in here, I am just losing money and time!"

The two ladies seemed even more pressured as the eyes on them became even colder, as they could feel that their men would surely do it without a second thought if they hesitated a bit longer.

With no other choice left, and thinking that this was for 2 million $ they clenched their teeth as they each gave their selves a slap. But still, their defensive mechanisms didn't allow them to hit hard.

In fact, it couldn't even be called a slap, as it was more like a hard caress of their face, as Eric said in a gloomy voice,

"Are you trying to play me for a fool? Or do you want to get punished?"

The two ladies felt a bit wronged, as it had already taken a tough toll on them just to do something like this, and yet it counted for nothing.

Even the two men at the table weren't backing them up, as their looks seemed even colder, and malicious, it was like they didn't even recognize them anymore.

With these feelings and thoughts, the tyrannical b*tch couldn't bear it anymore, as she said in a soft, and guilt-inducing voice,

"Esteemed Master, please show mercy upon us. If we do what you asked then we will ruin ourselves, and our beauty. Please be merciful with us, and let us off the hook this one time!"

At the end of her words, she even tried to act like a maiden in trouble, and gain his sympathy, which would clearly not work, but there was no way she knew that, as Eric seemed unmoved as he said,

"I told you once to not seduce me girl, but you don't seem to understand the gravity of the situation, and you will have to suffer to understand it!"

His first line made the tyrannical bi*ch feel a chill pass through her body, but then her hopes were raised a bit when she heard him continue,

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"Still as you said, I can't bring myself to damage your beauty, and your lives by asking you something like this!

For that reason, I have thought of a more than satisfying punishment for the two of you. Show us your beauty in its total splendidness, totally naked!?"

His words stunned not only the two ladies, but even the two men by their side, and his entourage, were they lucky enough to have a feast with their eyes!?

The tyrannical b*tch and her mother were left at a loss for words, as the slap didn't seem that hideous of an idea right now.

Finally, the mother couldn't bear it anymore as she said,

"Esteemed Master, this…"

Eric seemed to have truly become angry at the way his little game was going, as he said with a harsh, and a loud voice,

"What you won't do this either!? Do you even want to play this game? Do you even want to win the 2 million $? Or are you just trying to increase the price!?

Well if you just want the last one, then let me take a step back, and increase the price! 4 Million $! What about now!?"

It looked like each time that Eric spoke the crowd of people around him would become more and more shocked.

They didn't know what to think anymore. Just what was that satisfying about this game, what was he trying to get out of this?

But still, 2 million $ were already a huge incentive, 4 million $ were a driving force, as even the two men by their side seemed to have forgotten about their reservations, and were just waiting for them to do it.

Noticing this situation, the two ladies didn't know what to do as they looked into each other's eyes. And then finally decided, they both slapped their faces hard.

With this, they thought that they had been able to cross over the river in front of them, but they found out that they had only drowned on it, as they heard Eric say in a surprised voice,

"What did you do that for? Do you think that you can escape the punishment just by doing that? That was before you wasted my time, and increased the prize money!

Now you will have to face the consequences if you want to win that money that is already into your bank accounts.

You will have to strip naked here in front of us if you want the game to continue. The choice is yours, but do remember if one backs out, the game is over!"

While at first Eric's tone was rather surprised, and natural, during the end it became a bit dominant and forceful. He was making all 4 of them to come to a decision.

But to someone like the stingy owner, to whom money was like oxygen, his daughters, and wife's honor was nothing more than a profitable business at this moment as he said in ordering voice,

"If you still want to come back to my house, then do it without tardiness!"

It gave one a weird feeling hearing some guy ask his daughter and wife to strip naked in front of other men, just for the sake of money.

But nobody cared for that, as they were more concerned with the prospect of the situation, and were looking forwards to what was coming.

The tyrannical b*tch sent a pleading look, and expression to Katsuto Daichi, and ask for his help, but he didn't seem to care about it. Quite on the contrary, he seemed to be asking her to hurry up and do it.

Faced with this situation, both ladies felt wronged, really wronged. They were being sold, and treated like cheap women, but they could do nothing but succumb to their fates.

Even their men were sending them off with a stern face towards their doom, without batting even an eyelid.

As if this wasn't enough they heard Eric's stern voice,

"What are you waiting for!? Do you need help, or have you decided to give up? I don't have time to lose with this crap, and I don't want to be the bad guy either.

You entered the game with your own consent and will, I didn't force you to take part!"

While his words seemed righteous, they were partially true, as he didn't force them to participate, he just didn't give them an option to refuse.

Seeing that there was no response coming from them, Eric just stood up, and said in a clearly dissatisfied voice,

"This is such a waste of time, it's clear that you have given up!"

But before he could even fully get up, and make way towards the entrance, he heard the stingy owner, panickily say,

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"Esteemed Master, please don't go, we haven't given up! They will abide by your rules I assure you of that!

Just give me a moment to convince them!"

Eric's attitude clearly showed his dissatisfaction and displeasure at the moment, but he still said in a monotone, and determined voice,

"You have 1 minute only!"

Hearing that the stingy owner seemed to have been bestowed with a reborn order from the Heavenly Emperor, as the next moment his face contorted into an extremely angry and vile one.

He turned towards his daughter, and wife, as he gave them a slap each, and then said in an angry and loud voice,

"You ungrateful bi*ches I have paid so much money to raise you, and make you what you are, and now that you have a chance to help me get some of that back you don't obey!?

Are you trying to make me bloody my hands!? Immediately get up, and start stripping, otherwise, I assure you that I will throw you to the streets!"

His face, his slaps, his words were all like bullets that kept hitting the ladies nonstop. They had probably never expected something like this to happen, as they were sent falling to the floor.

They were so stunned as even tears were unable to come out at that moment. They felt so wronged, but there was nothing they could do.

The tyrannical b*tch sought her only refugee as he looked at Katsuto Daichi with a really painful, and wronged look, but all she got in return was another angry shout,

"The fu*k you are watching me like that bi*tch, hurry up and strip!"

The two ladies were feeling really wronged, and hurt, but they didn't dare to not do it, because the stingy owner was already looking at them with clear killing intent.

They were so ungrateful, he had such a good opportunity in front of him to land his hands on so many greens, and yet they were acting like this.

If they didn't abide, he would surely beat them to their deaths, and then throw them away to the streets, he was tired of paying so much money to keep them alive, and well.

Left with no other choice, the two ladies got up from their fall and started taking off their clothes, as finally tears started appearing on their eyes, as they trailed their way down their cheeks.

Life was so unfair, especially to women when they lost their dock. With their fragile and delicate composition, it was almost impossible to face the typhoons, and blizzards that life brought their way.

On the other hand, Eric was so amused, and satisfied inside him, as he would have never expected the situation to evolve like this, so soon. Truly birds die for food, as man dies for wealth…