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The Legacy System

Chapter 195 - 195: Capturing The Two Young Misses
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Until now the bay had been under the control of the organization of the burly man, and whoever the buyer was, but with the escape of the merchandise the situation became disturbing.

The people coming outside of the bay area had either been found by the police, or were seen leaving the area, and there were people calling on the police.


The police and all the federal agencies had been taken their share to stay away from this place, and they were more than happy to do so.

But now with the number of phone calls heading, and the probability of this matter exploding, they had to intervene.

For that reason, in a short time, the whole bay area was covered in the noise of the police sirens, and the shouts of all kinds of people.

What was supposed to be just a normal black deal, had turned into a big concert where everyone had to participate, things had truly gotten too much out of hand.

The person who was the unhappiest with this new development though was precisely the captain.

They had yet to complete the search of the whole area by far, and with the newcomers not only wouldn't they be able to continue their search, but these guys might even destroy any clues left behind.

The police, and whoever was coming might destroy any hopes that they would have on finding their Young Miss and bringing her back.

With all this on his plate, how could he not be unhappy, and enraged? Tonight was supposed to be a walk in the park, but now, they were looking at completely the opposite.

But there was something weighing really hard on his mind at the moment, who was that masked man, and what was his goal in doing what he did?

After all, they had a general view of the whole country with their network and there was no news about his appearance yet.

Furthermore, he had come here to deal with a human trafficking deal, how come it had ended up kidnaping their Young Miss!?

Unless his messing with the deal had been just a show, and his real goal had been the Young Miss all this time.

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How could that be true though, they had only learned one day prior to the transportation that their Young Miss would use to enter the country.

Furthermore, she had no reason to make up her own kidnap, as she didn't have any reason to do it. She was one of the pillars of the family and the next supposed Head of the Family.

As he was thinking like that, one of his subordinates approached him, and said with a respectful tone,

"Captain, we have found new dead bodies in the area! Some of them were in boxes and seemed to be covert guards, but the rest are the people we let go earlier.

They had all been killed swiftly and without noise, as all of them only had one slit to the throat, and a pierce to the heart.

Whoever did it, has done a really good job without leaving any tracks behind! Another weird thing is that there is no trace of their Young Miss leaving the area."

Hearing that the captain became even angrier, as he couldn't understand how everything had happened without him noticing in the least.

Just how did that masked guy do so much without leaving even one single clue of his doing behind. Not to mention that everything had happened in their proximity.

The new information just widened his area of thoughts, completely straying him from any possible conclusion he could have reached.

To make matters even worse, there were steps and voices approaching their current position and they would have to move, otherwise, they would just make the situation even more complicated.

With those thoughts in mind, the captain was left with no other choice but to give the order of regrouping and retreat, as there were other people that would take over for them.

Hopefully, they would be able to find some clue as to where their Young Miss had been taken to before it was too late.

On the other hand, the person who was responsible for the creation of such a big mess was at the moment appeared suddenly in front of two women, while he was carrying another two on his shoulders.

The two ladies in front of him were terribly startled at first, especially seeing his appearance and what he was carrying.

One of them even tried to punch him in the head, but he masterfully dodged it, as he said,

"It's me, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

The two ladies acknowledged his identity hearing his voice and relaxed quite a bit, but still, they didn't totally lower their guards.

This was only the second time they were looking at something like this happened, and the first time they thought it was just a dream.

Who would blame the two though, they had lived normal lives for as long as they could remember, and suddenly they were shown to a completely magical and new world?

Seeing this Eric, just let them be and recollect their selves totally as he made his way towards the big room in the establishment.

While this place was normally a safe house and had all the technology and security to be one, at the same time it could be a High-Security jail for the two ladies he had put asleep.

After taking over the place, Eric had changed all the possible passwords and identification credentials, and now everything could only be opened by him.

There was a three-layer security system in all the important areas, if one wanted to use the internet, for example, had to have his fingerprint, eye-print, and a 26 letters long password.

For that reason, he didn't mind leaving these two here and keeping them under the radar. For sure the city would get restless after tonight, so this was the safest place he could think of at the moment.

He released the two of them over the bed to continue sleeping, as most probably they would sleep for more than one or two days since the drug he used was a bit too powerful.

Then looking at their faces he was trying to remember if he had left any clues that could make those guys fall on his tracks, but there was nothing he could think of.

Now that he was rethinking about it, everything had gone so smoothly for him tonight, even though he hadn't managed to get everything he wanted, he was still the winner of the matter tonight.

As to understand what had really happened, we have to return a bit in time…

After killing the two guards, and escaping the chase of the burly man, and the Young Miss, Eric entered stealth mode once again and entered his deep-thinking moment.

Everything had happened in such a way that left him puzzled, and especially with the new variables added to the mix.

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When he had finally made up his mind, and decided on his line of action, he was finally ready to deal with the situation around him.

Things hadn't changed much, and only a new stalemate was produced, and he didn't want to be the one who broke it because it would gather him the attention of all the present people in there.

That guy who seemed to be the captain of those newcomers had already repaid his debt, if there was any, and had thrown him a warning shuriken, he would certainly not give way a second time.

But the time was passing by slowly, and it seemed like the two sides were already too much aware of his existence and didn't seem to want to act.

It was a truly fragile and delicate situation, as everyone was trying their best to come up with a way to escape with what they wanted.

This situation was clearly against Eric, as the more it continued the more possible it was for the other two to come up with some deal, and solve the mess that had been created.

So, he was in a really tense moment, thinking about a way to break the stalemate, when he heard that Young Miss trying to get away from all this, and go her way.

He had been worrying so much that these guys would cooperate that he had forgotten that there were three sides in this fight, and not just two.

That Young Miss had truly given him a great help with what she did. But the problem was still with the stalemate.

While it wasn't the same as before, it was still really difficult to act right now. This whole situation was starting to piss him off when he saw that one of the guards beside Yoshida Gina said something to the Captain.

He didn't care what she said, what mattered to him it was the fact, that the moment the Captain heard it, he immediately acted, and broke the stalemate.

This was all he needed at the moment, and even more seeing that the Captain was trying to play with the burly man, trying to make him act.

Well, these guys could go on and play for a bit, as he had more important things to take care of at the moment, as he went after the group that was trying to leave.

Those guys were walking ahead with their nerves taut as bowstrings, looking back all the time, but these guys were no match for him.

In order to not attract much attention from the two groups he left behind, he only attacked when they did, and while it took a while he managed to kill all of them in silence.

As for the Young Miss, the solution was way simple, he just gave her a strong sleeping drug, and she had no choice but to fall unconscious.

Then grabbing her to his shoulder, Eric walked towards the other battlefield. He wanted to silence them all, but seeing the disparity between the Captain and the burly man, he changed his mind.

So, he only stealthily made way towards Yoshida Gina, and only placed his hand on her, and activated an 'Escape Talisman' and left the place, while giving her the same drug once they reappeared far away…