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The Legacy System

Chapter 210 - 210: Disguise
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Eric was able to reach his home only around 2 o'clock in the morning, as he had wasted a bit too much time dealing with the flies on the way.

They weren't especially strong, as clearly those guys had underestimated him, but their numbers were a bit troublesome.


Not that Eric had any complaint against their numbers, as not only did they provide him with easy and quick Experience points, but they also accumulated him a fair wealth of SP points.

Only this night he had killed more than 64 people who had gone for a total of around 6800 SP points. Unfortunately, now that he was stronger their worth to him had fallen quite a bit.

If earlier he would take 100 more SP points for every 10 levels, now he would only get 10 points extra for every 10 levels, the experience points were the same.

The previous rule still applied to people stronger than him though, or at least this was his conclusion upon this matter.

But this didn't matter right now, as he was still on his guard until he entered the complex where his house was located.

The guards didn't really know him, but he could easily pass the checkpoint using his ID card, and key, as the security was high-tech and tight at this place.

All the households inside the complex and the people living in there had their own security credentials. 

If one wanted to enter without them, as a guest, the receiving part should inform the security checkpoint, and they would be given special credentials.

These were the security rules that all the inhabitants of this place had agreed upon, and no one rejected them. After all, their status and social standing were special.

Right now, Eric was walking towards the checkpoint and passed through it on foot which surprised the guards a bit, as even the poorest guy living in here had a really luxurious car.

Eric could understand their thoughts, and while he was almost certain that no one would follow him in here, he still decided to give them a heads up, as he said,

"Careful tonight boys, there have been too flies disturbing me on the way, and there might be some blind ones who don't understand the value of living!"

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As he said that, he handed over the guys, a few one-hundred-dollar bills, and he walked inside with Inuhara Muto, towards his home.

He really liked this complex as it was really secure, and quiet. There were no loud parties, and no problematic people until now making it a perfect place to live.

Just like he had thought the night was peaceful and there were no more troubles for him, so the only other peak of the night was the moment he told about what happened to the ladies.

Mina and Akira were rather calm about this, as one of them had seen him deal with a much more dangerous, and troublesome situation, while the other had heard about it.

The ones who reacted the most were Tatsuya Minami, and Inuhara Hina. Due to the special orders, they had taken from Headquarters, and their feelings for him it was rather expected.

They didn't have much idea about him, and his prowess, after all, they only knew bits of information they had concluded from the orders they had received.

They knew that Eric was fairly skilled and powerful, but just how powerful could someone his age be after all? Not to mention that he seemed to have lived a simple life earlier.

Still, Eric was able to pass that situation rather easily, as the one who suffered the most in this was Inuhara Muto, who hadn't called for reinforcements after falling in such perils.

The poor guy didn't know what to do, it wasn't that he hadn't wanted to do it, it was just that Eric had ordered him not to.

But how would two irrational women, agree with his rationality at that moment. As that only served to set ablaze the fire more than it already was.

That was the end of the night though, as Inuhara Muto was able to escape their relentless, and irrational assaults only due to the fact that he was really tired, and was sleeping on his feet.

Eric on the other hand, just got to his room, where he started a calm battle with Akira and Mina. Nowadays these two had become like his servants.

They would do the housework for him during the day, train, and during the night they would warm his bed.

The next morning, Eric woke up early, as he had a lot of work to deal with at the Takeshiba Company.

No matter how much he would have liked for his role to be just a phony one, it wasn't! He had real responsibilities in the company.

This was probably part of Master Takeshiba's plans, to make him feel like everything was okay, so he could lower his guard.

It wasn't a bad thing though, but it wouldn't work like this just made him even more attentive to everything, and he also had a rightful reason to make an audit of the Takeshiba Group of companies.

Now wasn't the time to think about that though, as he wore some normal clothes, sunglasses, a hat, and a leather jacket, and he got downstairs.

Only to find Tatsuya Minami, and Inuhara Hina dressed in their formal guards' outfits waiting ready for him.

Seeing the two of them like that Eric had the corner of his mouth twitch, as he said,

"I already have a slight idea about this, but what do you two think you are doing!?"

The two of them were startled by his outfit as well, he looked really handsome and charming as he was dressed, but wasn't he going to the office!? So, they only answered in confusion,

"We are coming with you! You are in great danger, and we can't let you die!"

Eric could only release a sigh as he saw them like that, and he had a feeling that there was no way he could convince them otherwise, so he just went for the next thing and said,

"Sigh~! I had a feeling about that, but don't you think you will just add to the troubles if you come like that?"

Even more confused than possible, the two ladies, asked at almost the same time,

"What do you mean?" "Why!?"

Eric could only give up and explain as he said,

"There are a lot of people after my head for different reasons, so it's clear that I can't go around without taking precautions.

Even if I am able to deal with all of them, I cant at the moment, as I have to be in my office to work there.

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It would be too much of a waste of time for me to deal with them on the way. So clearly going like usual would just be a big stupidity.

With those clothes, the two of you are nothing more than attention seekers beside me. So if you want to come, go and dress something simple, and casual, we are going to blend with the masses."

His explanation was long but simple, even a third-grade student would understand his logic, not to mention the two intelligent, and smart ladies.

Still, he couldn't pretend that he was going to camp inside his house all the time either, so he sent Master Miura inside the car, in his place.

Furthermore, he would be a good bait for the people wanting his head to come out, as he instructed Kirigaya Kaito to take care of the trash.

In the meantime, Eric and the two ladies left the complex as some kind of lovers or friends on foot, and then made way towards the public transportation busses.

Who would ever think that the new son-in-law of the Takeshiba family would ever take the bus to go to work, so his journey was rather peaceful and quiet!

The only worth mentioning moments were when he was able to take cheap advantage of his two bodyguards, which didn't seem to oppose him.

One stop before the last though, he saw some old freak trying to molest some high-school girl, who seemed to detest the man but unable to do anything about it.

The girl seemed to be around 16 or 17 years old, with green hair, and olive-brown eyes, as her body was developed more than enough for her age.

When Eric noticed the happening the middle-aged man was trying to cup her butt cheeks, and pressing his little brother against her rear.

Normally he would just let it happen as it had nothing to do with him, while it was pitiful, and that guy seemed like a piece of rotten shit, it didn't truly involve him or affect his interests.

But he wasn't alone, and in fact, the other two ladies had seen the guy do it too, and if he didn't resolve the situation quickly, the whole purpose of his disguise would go down the drain.

For that reason, with a quick hand he took out his Smartphone, and quickly took two pictures of the situation, and then benefiting from a curve of the tracks threw himself on the guy.

His sudden action took the molester by surprise, and he didn't have even a stable stance, as he was sent flying towards the crowd on his side.

This clearly made a lot of people mad, as they started hurling curses, and insults at the people responsible for this, while Eric showed his quick hands, and stole the guy's wallet.

Immediately after he sent an anonymous message to the police about him, as the girl was still there looking at him with a weird look…